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Line 315: Line 315:
|[[College: Trustees]]||[[2362]]
|[[College: Trustees]]||[[2362]]
|[[College:]]||SEE ALSO [[Educational institutions, general]]
|[[College]]:||SEE ALSO [[Educational institutions, general]]
|[[Colombia]]||[[18]]; [[80]]
|[[Colombia]]||[[18]]; [[80]]
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|[[Conscientious objector]]||[[410:3]]
|[[Conscientious objector]]||[[410:3]]
|[[Constitution of the North American General Conference, The:]]||[[200–385]]
|[[Constitution of the North American General Conference, The]]:||[[200–385]]
|[[Constitution of the North American General Conference, The: Adoption of]]||[[50]]
|[[Constitution of the North American General Conference, The: Adoption of]]||[[50]]

Revision as of 21:38, 2 April 2021


Calendar of events, local 782:7
California SEE Pacific Southwest district and Southwest Hispanic district
Calling a pastor 690-718
Camp meeting board 1180:20
Camps, summer 1455:4
Campus ministries SEE Student Ministries
Canada: Area boundaries 2435; 2460
Canada: District boundaries 2400; 2403:1-2
Canada: The Wesleyan Church of 70
Canada SEE ALSO Alliance of the Reformed Baptist Church of Canada, The; Kingswood University
Candidates for license, commission, and ordination, examination of 1390:1, 3–4; 3033:6; 3070:4; 3104:3; 3460; 3470
Canon, the  218
Caribbean 35; 65; 80; 2565; 6750:2
Central America 27
Central Canada district 2403:2; 2435; 2460
Central New York district 2403:3; 2435; 2460
Ceremonies of churches 420
Certificate: Commission 6280
Certificate: Membership 6052
Certificate: General evangelists 3285:1; 6340
Certificate: Interim pastor’s authorization 6250
Certificate: Ordination 3070:7; 6300
Certificate: Pocket, of standing 6430
Certificate: Student membership 6070
Certificate: Study course 3033:3; 3059:1g; 3070:3; 6410
Certificate: Supply pastor’s authorization 3260:4; 6240
Certificate: Validating ordination, commission, or license 3104:5; 6320
Chaplains: Committee on 2395
Chaplains: Institutional chaplains 3330
Chaplains: Military chaplains 3330
Charge, pastoral 315; 503
Charity, Christian 220; 265:3
Charter, International Conference 125; 1590:4; 2640; 2680; Appendix A, 6500-6770
Chesapeake district 2403:4; 2435; 2460
Chief Financial Officer/General Treasurer 1970-1976
Child Care SEE Day Care
Children, responsibility to 265:7
Children’s camps 1455:4
Children’s church 880:2
Children’s committee, local spiritual formation 878
Children’s ministry division of spiritual formation 800:3; 1250:5
Children’s ministries, district director of 1489
Children’s worker 3210:5; 3450–3480; 6360–6380
Chile 80
Choir director 870
Christ: Atonement of 226
Christ: Body of 240
Christ: Member of Trinity 210
Christ: Merits for justification 23
Christ: Resurrection of 214
Christ: Sacraments commanded by 242
Christ: Second coming of 214; 244; 246
Christ: Son of God 214
Christian day school SEE Day care and/or day schools
Christian education SEE Church Multiplication and Discipleship
Christian fellowship 420
Christian liberty, special direction concerning 440
Christian perfection 236. SEE Entire Sanctification
Christian social concern 410; 1655:45
Christian unity: Interdenominational relationships 450; 1935:24
Christian unity: Special direction concerning 450
Christian worship 420
Church: Article of Religion 240
Church: Christ the only head of 270
Church: Membership Commitments for 265
Church SEE ALSO local church; Wesleyan Church
Church board 750–795
Church Builders’ Club 1426:6
Church buildings: Dedication, ritual 5950
Church buildings: Use of 313:4]]
Church, developing 510
Church, developing: Categories of 510:6
Church, developing: Definition 510
Church, developing: Delegate to district conference 510:5
Church, developing: Government of 510:3
Church, developing: In developing district 542
Church, developing: Local advisory council of 510:2–3
Church, developing: Membership in 510:2
Church, developing: Minimum organization 807
Church, developing: Pastoral appointment for 510:1
Church, developing: Property of 510:4. SEE ALSO Property, local church
Church discipline: For members 260, 268
Church discipline: Judicial 5000–5008
Church discipline: Local committee 837:1
Church discipline: Meaning and purpose of 5000
Church discipline: Principles of administering 5002
Church growth SEE Church Multiplication and Discipleship
Church law: Classification of 125–190
Church law: Elementary principles governing 270–286
Church law: Interpretation of 2060–2068
Church law: Judiciary 5000–5004; SEE ALSO Rules on church law
Church letters 6000–6070
Church member, membership 550–610
Church member, membership: Associate/Assistant pastor’s 578:2
Church member, membership: Categories of 295
Church member, membership: Classes for 568; 725:11; 782:8; 880:11
Church member, membership: Developing church 510
Church member, membership: Elementary principle governing 272
Church member, membership: Essence and meaning of 260; 550
Church member, membership: Letters and certificates 6000–6070
Church member, membership: Minister’s 310; 578:2; 3097–3100
Church member, membership: Pastor’s 578:2
Church member, membership: Reception of 566–570
Church member, membership: Records 610
Church member, membership: Ritual 295; 5550–5595
Church member, membership: Roll for developing church 510:2
Church member, membership: Termination of SEE Termination of membership
Church member, membership: Transfer of 575–582
Church member, membership: Conditions of 295; 297; 553
Church member, membership: Constitutionally established 295
Church member, membership: Judicial procedure against 555
Church member, membership: Reception of 553; 566–570
Church member, membership: Restoration of 268
Church member, membership: Rights of 302, 555
Church member, membership: Transfer of 302:6; 575; 578:2; 580
Church member, membership, student 552, 564–565, 610
Church member, membership, student: Certificate of membership 6070
Church members, relations with one another 265:8–13
Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division: Executive Director 2307
Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division: General Duties 2310
Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division: Purpose 2306
Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division: Vision 2305
Church officers; officials: District 1250–1292
Church officers; officials: General 1800–1880
Church officers; officials: Local 815; 800
Church plant 510:6
Church property SEE abandoned church property, Property, General; Property, General Church; property, local church
Church secretary 775; 830
Church treasurer 752:1; 842
Church hearings: Elementary principle governing 276
Cincinnati, OH 24
Circuit 525–535
Circuit: Advisory council 530–535
Circuit: Boundaries set by district 323:5
Circuit: Committees 535
Circuit: Conferences 528
Circuit: Definition 525
Circuit: Developing district 542
Circuit: License lay ministers 528:2
Circuit: Nominating committee 535
Circuit: Organization of 525–535
Circuit:Parsonage 528:5; 532
Circuit: Pastoral charge, a type of 315
Circuit: Pastor’s membership 578:2
Circuit: Powers of 525
Circuit: Property 528:5; 532
Circuit: Relationship to its constituent churches 525
Circuit: Secretary 528:4; 530
Circuit: Trustees 530; 532
Circuit: Vice-chair 530
Civil rights 220; 265:12; 360:3d SEE ALSO Rights
Classification of church law 125–190
Clergy Development SEE Education and Clergy Development Division
College: By local churches 1180:27
College: President, ritual for installation 5945
College: Program of study for ministry 3170:2
College: Trustees 2362
College: SEE ALSO Educational institutions, general
Colombia 18; 80
Colorado SEE Mountain Plains District
Colorado-Nebraska district SEE Mountain Plains District
Comity committees: District 1060
Commissioned lay missionary: Commission form 6400
Commissioned lay missionary: Listing of 1240:V:D
Commissioned lay missionary: Regulations governing 3490
Commissioned minister: Certificate for commission 6280
Commissioned minister: Course of study 3210:3
Commissioned minister: District listing of 1240
Commissioned minister: Duties of 3059:3
Commissioned minister: Qualifications for 3059:1
Commissioned minister: Regulations for 3059:4
Commissioned minister: Rights of 3059:2
Commissioned special worker: In process of transfer 1240:V:B; 3470
Commissioned special worker: Listing of 1240:V:A
Commissioned special worker: Regulations governing 3470–3480
Commissioning: Of lay missionaries 3490, 5850
Commissioning: Of lay workers 3470, 5850
Commissioning: Of ministers 5800
Commissioning: Of special workers 5850
Commitments, membership 260–268
Committees: Chaplains 2395; 3330
Committees: District 1250
Committees: Editing 1585
Committees: General Conference 1565
Committees: General Conference Planning 1570
Committees: Local Church 800
Committees: Special Nominations 1580
Communications, department of SEE Communication and Administration Division
Communication and Administration Division: Executive Director 2110
Communication and Administration Division: General Duties 2115
Communication and Administration Division: Purpose 2105
Communication and Administration Division: Vision 2100
Communion 242; 293
Communion committee, local 873
Compensation of ministers 286; 782:15
Complaints: Against course of study books 375:5
Complaints: Against ministers 313:7
Conditions of membership 297
Conference SEE Circuit: Conference; District conference; General Conference; local church conference
Conference action committee, district 1165–1168
Conference minutes, district 1178
Confession of faith as basis for reception of members 565–570
Conflict of laws 1796–1799
Conflict Resolution 5004
Connecticut SEE Eastern NY-New England district
Conscientious objector 410:3
Constitution of the North American General Conference, The: 200–385
Constitution of the North American General Conference, The: Adoption of 50
Constitution of the North American General Conference, The: Amendments 385
Constitution of the North American General Conference, The: Current authority for 185
Constitution of the North American General Conference, The: Function 145
Constitution of the North American General Conference, The: Identification of 135
Constitution of the North American General Conference, The: Summary of contents 135–145; 200
Constitution of the North American General Conference, The: Text of 200–385
Constitution of the North American General Conference, The: Unique type of church law 135–145
Constitutional law 125–145
Constitutionality: Of district conference acts 375:2
Constitutionality: Of General Conference acts 375:1
Continuing education 3240
Contract, pastoral 697; 702
Conversion 228; 230; 297:1; 553:1
Corporate offense 5010
Corporation, The Wesleyan Church: 4200–4270
Corporation, The Wesleyan Church: Amendments 4270
Corporation, The Wesleyan Church: Bequests 4240
Corporation, The Wesleyan Church: Devises 4240
Corporation, The Wesleyan Church: Directors 4210
Corporation, The Wesleyan Church: Donations 4240
Corporation, The Wesleyan Church: Name 4200
Corporation, The Wesleyan Church: Officers 4220
Corporation, The Wesleyan Church: Precedent corporations 4230
Corporation, The Wesleyan Church: Purpose 4200
Corporations, affiliate: 4300–4425
Corporations, affiliate: Basic Provisions 4350
Corporations, affiliate: Definition 4340
Corporations, district: 4100–4150
Corporations, district: Authorization 4100–4110
Corporations, district: Directors 4120:6–7
Corporations, district: Members 4120:8
Corporations, district: Provisional district 4105
Corporations, district: Ownership 4120:9; 4140; 4150
Corporations, district: Standard provisions 4120
Corporations, local church: 4000–4070
Corporations, local church: Authorization 4000–4005
Corporations, local church: Directors 4010:7
Corporations, local church: Members 4010:8
Corporations, local church: Ownership 4010:6; 4030; cf. 4060–4070
Corporations, local church: Property transactions 4030
Corporations, subsidiary: 4300–4425
Corporations, subsidiary: Authorization 4300
Corporations, subsidiary: Basic provisions 4320
Corporations, subsidiary: Directors 4320:3–6, 8–9
Corporations, subsidiary: Educational institutions 2362; 4310:2
Corporations, subsidiary: Hephzibah Ministries Inc. 4310:4
Corporations, subsidiary: Wesleyan Investment Foundation, Inc. 4310:5
Corporations, subsidiary: Wesleyan Pension Fund, Inc., The 4310:3; 4400–4425
Correspondence study courses 2385–2388; 3170:3
Costa Rica 80
Council, advisory: Circuit 530
Council, advisory: Developing church 510:3
Council, advisory: Pastor’s 795
Council of ordination 1405
Council, Wesleyan educational 2355
Counseling: Concerning divorce 265:6
Counseling: Concerning Membership Commitments 837:1
Counseling: Minister as counselor 725:9
Courses of study: 2385–2388; 3170–3240
Courses of study: Certificate of completion 6410
Courses of study: Commissioned minister’s 3210:3
Courses of study: Development of 3200
Courses of study: Lay minister’s 3210:4
Courses of study: Pre-ordination 3210:1
Courses of study: Special workers’ 3210:5
Courses of study: Specialized ministries 3210:2
Credentials: Forwarded to Executive Director of Communication and Administration 1310:32; 5230; 5212:2
Credentials: Of commissioned minister 3059:4b
Credentials: Of ordained minister 3089:2
Credentials: Of licensed minister 3055:2
Credentials: Of ministerial student 3015:5b
Crime 5004:5; 5120:5; 5212:3
Crossroads district 2403:5; 2430; 2455
Curacao 35
Current authority for church law 185
Custodians, local church: Employed by local board 782:17
Custodians, local church: Nominated by trustees 856:5
Custodians, local church: Supervised by pastor and local board of administration 725:29; 782:17