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| == A. District Spiritual Formation Leadership Team ==
| | {{:A. District Spiritual Formation Leadership Team}} |
| '''<span id="1440">1440.</span> Function.''' The district board of administration shall serve as or shall establish a district spiritual formation leadership team, which shall endeavor to develop, supervise, correlate, and promote a comprehensive district program of spiritual formation, viewing it as a total process, dealing with the whole person, aiming at a fully coordinated discipleship program in harmony with the objectives for spiritual formation as set forth in 2305 (cf. 1233:22).
| | {{:B. District Director of Spiritual Formation}} |
| | | {{:C. District Sunday School Committee}} |
| '''<span id="1443">1443.</span> Membership.'' If a separate district spiritual formation leadership team is established, it shall have as its chair a person elected by the district board of administration. General regulations governing other members of this board are set forth in 1275–1292. Additional members shall be chosen in one of the following ways:
| | {{:D. District Director of Sunday Schools}} |
| :'''<span id="1443.1">(1)</span> Supervision Option.''' The district board of administration shall elect two or more ordained ministers and an equal number of lay members to serve with the chair as the district spiritual formation leadership team.
| | {{:E. District Director of Leadership Training}} |
| :'''<span id="1443.2">(2)</span> Coordination Option.''' The district spiritual formation leadership team shall consist of the chair elected by the district board of administration (1233:22), the district director of spiritual formation (1460), the district director of adult ministries (1494), the district director of youth ministries (1492), the district director of children’s ministries (1489), the district director of Sunday schools (1483), the district director of leadership training (1486), the district president of Wesleyan Youth (1492), the district director of women’s ministries, the district coordinator of Wesleyan Kids for Missions, the district educational director (1496), and such members-at-large as the district board of administration shall elect. | | {{:F. District Director of Children's Ministries}} |
| | | {{:G. District Director/President of Wesleyan Youth}} |
| '''<span id="1446">1446.</span> Organization.''' The district board of administration shall elect a chair of the district spiritual formation leadership team. The board shall otherwise organize itself, elect its own officers, and may elect an executive committee for ad interim business (cf. 1440).
| | {{:H. District Director of Adult Ministries}} |
| | | {{:I. District Educational Director}} |
| '''<span id="1449">1449.</span> Sessions.''' The district spiritual formation leadership team shall meet soon after the close of the district conference to make plans for the year and shall meet for regular sessions as it shall determine, provided that not less than two sessions shall be held each year. Special sessions may be called by the chair as deemed necessary.
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| '''<span id="1452">1452.</span> Amenability.''' The district spiritual formation leadership team shall be an advisory and coordinating body, and shall be amenable to the district board of administration. All plans of the team shall be approved by the district board of administration (1233:22) or, in the interim of its sessions, by the district superintendent (1310:8), before their implementation.
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| '''<span id="1455">1455.</span> Duties.''' The duties and powers of the district spiritual formation leadership team are:
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| :'''<span id="1455.1">(1)</span>''' To develop, supervise, and coordinate the work of spiritual formation within the district; to review and coordinate plans of each director and agency, including the district director of spiritual formation, the district director of adult ministries, the district director of youth ministries, the district director of children’s ministries, the district Sunday school director, the district director of leadership training, the district educational director, and others that may be appointed for spiritual formation activities in the district, which shall subsequently be submitted to the district board of administration for approval (cf. 1452).
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| :'''<span id="1455.2">(2)</span>''' To receive reports from the various district directors and secretaries of the leadership team and to advise them concerning their work, assisting each district agency to maintain an effective program for its particular age division of spiritual formation.
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| :'''<span id="1455.3">(3)</span>''' To advise and assist the district directors in implementing the plans and programs of the general divisions which they represent within the district.
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| :'''<span id="1455.4">(4)</span>''' To be responsible for the planning and supervision of the summer camps for children and youth; to submit detailed plans for such camps to the district board of administration for their approval; and to carry out the approved plans.
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| :'''<span id="1455.5">(5)</span>''' To promote the interests of the educational institutions of The Wesleyan Church, particularly the general educational institutions in the area of which the district is a part, and to see that they are represented in the various youth camps and conventions as deemed appropriate.
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| :'''<span id="1455.6">(6)</span>''' To present recommendations to the district board of administration and to the district conference for the growth of the work through the various ministries of spiritual formation, and for the financial plans and other interests of the work under their care.
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| :'''<span id="1455.7">(7)</span>''' To define the duties of the district director of spiritual formation in addition to what is set forth in The Discipline and to supervise the activities of the district director of spiritual formation.
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| :'''<span id="1455.8">(8)</span>''' To perform such other duties related to spiritual formation as are assigned by the district conference or the district board of administration.
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| == B. District Director of Spiritual Formation ==
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| '''<span id="1460">1460.</span>''' The district conference may elect or employ or may authorize the district board of administration to elect or employ a district director of spiritual formation (1180:35e or see 1483 if a district Sunday school director is desired instead). The term of office, amenability, and other regulations as a district departmental officer are set forth in 1275–1292, except that when the district director of spiritual formation is elected or employed by the district board of administration that board shall have authority to determine the term of office.
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| '''<span id="1463">1463.</span>''' The duties of a district director of spiritual formation shall be (cf. 1460):
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| :'''<span id="1463.1">(1)</span>''' To promptly report the election or employment to the Executive Director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship, and the Executive Director of Education and Clergy Development, and to cooperate with them in implementing and promoting the policies and programs of the general divisions within the district.
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| :'''<span id="1463.2">(2)</span>''' To serve as the executive secretary of the district board of spiritual formation, if so appointed by the district board of administration (cf. 1440– 1443), helping to coordinate the total program of spiritual formation within the district, and serving as a resource person in advising and assisting the various discipleship leaders in their particular phase of the work.
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| :'''<span id="1463.3">(3)</span>''' To assume, as assigned by the district conference, the duties of the district director of adult ministries, the district director of youth ministries, the district director of children’s ministries, the district director of leadership training, the district educational director, and the promotional duties of the district WY director/president.
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| :'''<span id="1463.4">(4)</span>''' To visit the churches of the district in such order and manner as the district superintendent shall approve, assisting pastors, Sunday school superintendents, children’s ministries directors, WY presidents, adult ministry directors, and other discipleship leaders.
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| :'''<span id="1463.5">(5)</span>''' To serve as director of the summer camping program to the extent recommended by the district spiritual formation leadership team and approved by the district board of administration (cf. 1455:4).
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| :'''<span id="1463.6">(6</span>''') To promote the interests of the general educational institutions within the area, helping to recruit students and to promote the raising of funds.
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| :'''<span id="1463.7">(7)</span>''' To submit an annual report of official activities to the district conference (1180:13), including a financial report of expenses and a report of what has been accomplished by the district for spiritual formation, a copy of which shall be forwarded to the Executive Directors of Church Multiplication and Discipleship and Education and Clergy Development; and to submit other reports as may be requested (cf. 1288).
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| :'''<span id="1463.8">(8)</span>''' To keep a file of correspondence and other records, and to submit the same to the successor in office. | |
| :'''<span id="1463.9">(9)</span>''' To perform other duties in the interests of spiritual formation as may be assigned by the district conference, the district board of administration or the district spiritual formation leadership team.
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| == C. District Sunday School Committee ==
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| '''<span id="1468">1468.</span> Function.''' The district Sunday school committee is responsible for those phases of Christian education within the bounds of the district as assigned to the Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division in 2306, with particular emphasis on the Sunday school work and leadership training.
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| '''<span id="1471">1471.</span> Membership.''' Each district may have a district Sunday school committee which shall be composed of the district Sunday school director as chair (1483), the district director of leadership training (if any, 1486), and from one to three additional members-at-large as decided upon and elected by the district board of administration (1209:3; cf. 1233:20; 1455:8). Whenever the duties of either the district director of leadership training or the district Sunday school director are assigned to the district director of spiritual formation (1463:3), the district director of spiritual formation shall be an ex officio member of the Sunday school committee. General regulations for the members of the Sunday school committee are set forth in 1275–1292.
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| '''<span id="1474">1474.</span> Organization.''' The district Sunday school director shall be the chair, and the committee shall elect a recording secretary who shall record the proceedings of committee meetings (cf. 1332:7) and keep a permanent file of records and reports. The committee may also elect a vice-chair and a treasurer, if deemed necessary.
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| '''<span id="1477">1477.</span> Amenability.''' The district Sunday school committee shall be amenable to the district spiritual formation leadership team and through that board to the district board of administration, in all matters of district organization and program. All committee plans shall be submitted to the district spiritual formation leadership team for review and coordination, and subsequently to the district board of administration for approval (cf. 1452). In matters pertaining to Sunday school organization, philosophy, curriculum, and objectives the committee shall carry out their work in accord with The Discipline and the directives of the Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division.
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| '''<span id="1480">1480.</span> Duties.''' The duties of the district Sunday school committee are:
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| :'''<span id="1480.1">(1)</span>''' To promote and encourage the Sunday school work of the district, seeking to carry out the objectives of The Wesleyan Church for spiritual formation as set forth in 2305 (cf. 1468).
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| :'''<span id="1480.2">(2)</span>''' To emphasize evangelism and soul-winning in the Sunday schools, seeking the conversion of every scholar and their enrollment in the church and promoting outreach through the establishing of branch Sunday schools.
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| :'''<span id="1480.3">(3)</span>''' To implement the plans and policies of the Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division and to assist pastors and Sunday school superintendents in doing the same.
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| :'''<span id="1480.4">(4)</span>''' To make recommendations to the district spiritual formation leadership team for a more efficient administration, correlation, and advancement of Sunday school work (cf. 1468).
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| :'''<span id="1480.5">(5)</span>''' To see that a Sunday school has been organized in each church, and to assist each Sunday school to meet the approved standard of achievement.
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| :'''<span id="1480.6">(6)</span>''' To plan for Sunday school and leadership training rallies, conventions, institutes or workshops on a district, zone or local level; to arrange for special services or promotional displays at zone or district meetings; submitting all such plans to the district spiritual formation leadership team for review and coordination, and subsequently to the district board of administration for approval (cf. 1452).
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| :'''<span id="1480.7">(7)</span>''' To assist pastors and local Sunday school officers in the organization of leadership training classes and programs.
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| :'''<span id="1480.8">(8)</span>''' To submit recommendations for Sunday school work, including the financial plans for Sunday school promotion, to the district spiritual formation leadership team for review and coordination, and subsequently to the district board of administration for approval (cf. 1452).
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| :'''<span id="1480.9">(9)</span>''' To encourage the use of The Wesleyan Church curriculum materials.
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| :'''<span id="1480.10">(10)</span>''' To perform other duties in harmony with its responsibility as may be assigned to it by the district conference, the district board of administration or the district spiritual formation leadership team.
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| == D. District Director of Sunday Schools ==
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| '''<span id="1483">1483.</span>''' A district director of Sunday schools shall be elected by the district conference (1180:35e; cf. 1175:2), or these duties shall be assigned to the district director of spiritual formation (1180:37; 1463:3), unless the district conference by prior action has voted to authorize the district board of administration to appoint the district director of Sunday schools. The district director of Sunday schools shall serve on the district spiritual formation leadership team. The term of office, amenability, and other regulations as a district departmental officer are set forth in 1275–1292. The duties of the district director of Sunday schools are:
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| :'''<span id="1483.1">(1)</span>''' To promptly report the election or appointment to the Executive Director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship and to cooperate with the Executive Director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship in implementing and promoting the plans and policies of the Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division within the district.
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| :'''<span id="1483.2">(2)</span>''' Space reserved
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| :'''<span id="1483.3">(3)</span>''' To cooperate with and assist the pastors and local Sunday school superintendents in the organization and advancement of their Sunday schools according to the approved standard and in reaching the goals set by the Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division and the district conference.
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| :'''<span id="1483.4">(4)</span>''' To keep a file of correspondence and other records and to submit it to the successor in office. | |
| :'''<span id="1483.5">(5)</span>''' To submit an annual report to the district conference (1180:13) concerning official activities, and a complete statistical report for the Sunday schools; and to submit other reports as may be requested (cf. 1288).
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| :'''<span id="1483.6">(6)</span>''' To increase the personal qualifications and capacity for Sunday school and spiritual formation work by attending denominational and other approved spiritual formation conventions, conferences, and seminars, and through correspondence courses, and periodicals as time permits and opportunity affords.
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| :'''<span id="1483.7">(7)</span>''' To conduct any special Sunday school services or programs, or to arrange for promotional displays at the district conference, campmeeting, and other district gatherings.
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| :'''<span id="1483.8">(8)</span>''' To give leadership to the district program of family ministries and the coordination of local church family ministries in cooperation with the adult ministries program of the Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division and the district director of adult ministries.
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| :'''<span id="1483.9">(9)</span>''' To perform such other duties in harmony with the other responsibilities of this office, as may be assigned by the district conference, the district board of administration or the district spiritual formation leadership team (cf. 1486).
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| == E. District Director of Leadership Training ==
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| '''<span id="1486">1486.</span>''' A district conference may elect a district director of leadership training (1180:35f; cf. 1175:2), or the district conference may assign these duties to the district director of spiritual formation (1180:35e; 1463:3). If the district does not have a district director of spiritual formation and also chooses not to have a district director of leadership training, the duties of the district director of leadership training shall be assigned by the district conference to the district spiritual formation or Sunday school director (1483:9). The district director of leadership training shall be a member of the district adult ministries team. The term of office, amenability, and other regulations as a district departmental officer are set forth in 1275–1292. The duties of the district director of leadership training are:
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| :'''<span id="1486.1">(1)</span>''' To be responsible for the district program of leadership training under the Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division; to report at once after the election to the Executive Director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship and to cooperate with the same in the implementation and promotion of leadership training within the district.
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| :'''<span id="1486.2">(2)</span>''' To be certified as a director of leadership training.
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| :'''<span id="1486.3">(3)</span>''' To formulate plans with the district spiritual formation leadership team for leadership training rallies, institutes, conventions or seminars on a district, zone or local church level; and to submit such plans to the district spiritual formation leadership team for review and coordination (1455:1) and subsequently to the district board of administration for approval (cf. 1452).
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| :'''<span id="1486.4">(4)</span>''' To assist pastors and local church directors of Christian education in conducting classes or setting up effective programs of leadership training in the local church.
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| :'''<span id="1486.5">(5)</span>''' To keep a permanent record of correspondence and other plans and to submit them to the successor in office.
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| :'''<span id="1486.6">(6)</span>''' To conduct any special services or to arrange for promotional displays on leadership training at the district conference, campmeeting, and other district gatherings.
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| :'''<span id="1486.7">(7)</span>''' To submit an annual report to the district conference (1180:13) regarding all official activities and the progress of leadership training within the district, including a statistical report; and to submit other reports as may be requested (cf. 1288).
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| :'''<span id="1486.8">(8)</span>''' To perform such other duties, in harmony with the other responsibilities of this office, as may be assigned by the district conference, the district board of administration or the district spiritual formation leadership team.
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| == F. District Director of Children's Ministries ==
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| '''<span id="1489">1489.</span>''' There may be a district director of children’s ministries elected by the district board of administration. The district director of children’s ministries shall be a nonvoting member of the district conference (1090:9). The term of service, amenability, and other regulations as a district departmental officer are set forth in 1275–1292. The duties of the district director of children’s ministries are:
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| :'''<span id="1489.1">(1)</span>''' To promptly report the election to the Executive Director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship, and to cooperate with the same to promote, highlight and resource local churches within the district.
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| :'''<span id="1489.2">(2)</span>''' To serve as a member of the district spiritual formation leadership team and to work with that team for a coordinated program of all the various phases of spiritual formation throughout the district (cf.1452; 1455:1).
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| :'''<span id="1489.3">(3)</span>''' To work with pastors and local children’s ministries directors in establishing and maintaining effective children’s ministries.
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| :'''<span id="1489.4">(4)</span>''' To be responsible for district children’s ministries events or activities and to arrange for informational displays at the district conference, campmeeting, summer camps, and other district gatherings.
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| :'''<span id="1489.5">(5)</span>''' To submit an annual report to the district conference (1180:13) regarding official activities and progress of children’s ministries within the district and to submit other reports as may be requested (cf.1288).
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| :'''<span id="1489.6">(6)</span>''' To perform such other duties related to children’s ministries as may be assigned by the district conference, the district board of administration, or the district spiritual formation leadership team. | |
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| == G. District Director/President of Wesleyan Youth ==
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| '''<span id="1492">1492.</span>''' There may be a district director/president of Wesleyan Youth who shall be a nonvoting member of the district conference unless the district director/president of Wesleyan Youth is a voting member by some other right (1090:9). The district director/president of Wesleyan Youth shall coordinate all plans for WY with the district spiritual formation leadership team and submit them to the district board of administration for approval. In the interim of district board of administration sessions, such plans may be approved by the district superintendent. The district director/president of Wesleyan Youth shall endeavor to guide the district activities of WY in accord with the purpose and mission of WY, and in a coordinated effort to forward the district program of spiritual formation.
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| == H. District Director of Adult Ministries ==
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| '''<span id="1494">1494.</span>''' There may be a district director of adult ministries elected by the district conference or appointed by the district board of administration (1180:35f; cf. 1175:2). The district director of adult ministries shall be a nonvoting member of the district conference (1090:9). The term of service, amenability, and other regulations as a district departmental officer are set forth in 1275–1292. The duties of the district director of adult ministries are:
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| :'''<span id="1494.1">(1)</span>''' To promptly report the election to the Executive Director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship, and to cooperate with the same to promote, highlight and resource local churches within the district.
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| :'''<span id="1494.2">(2)</span>''' To serve as a member of the district spiritual formation leadership team and to work with that team for a coordinated program of all the various phases of spiritual formation throughout the district (cf. 1452; 1455:1).
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| :'''<span id="1494.3">(3)</span>''' To work with pastors and local adult ministries directors in establishing and maintaining effective adult ministries.
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| :'''<span id="1494.4">(4)</span>''' To be responsible for district adult ministries events or activities and to arrange for informational displays at the district conference, campmeeting, summer camps, and other district gatherings.
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| :'''<span id="1494.5">(5)</span>''' To submit an annual report to the district conference (1180:13) regarding official activities and progress of adult ministries within the district and to submit other reports as may be requested (cf.1288).
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| :'''<span id="1494.6">(6)</span>''' To perform such other duties related to adult ministries as may be assigned by the district conference, the district board of administration, or the district spiritual formation leadership team.
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| == I. District Educational Director ==
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| '''<span id="1496">1496.</span>''' The district educational director may be appointed by the district superintendent after discussing potential candidates with the president(s) of the educational institution(s) serving that district’s educational area, or the district board of administration may assign such duties to a district director of spiritual formation. The district educational director’s term of office, amenability, and other regulations as a district departmental officer are set forth in 1275–1292. The duties of the district educational director are:
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| :'''<span id="1496.1">(1)</span>''' To promptly report the election to the Executive Director of Education and Clergy Development and to cooperate with the same in promoting the interests of the educational institutions of The Wesleyan Church, and particularly the general educational institutions in the area of which the district is a part.
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| :'''<span id="1496.2">(2)</span>''' To assist the district superintendent and to cooperate with the general educational institutions within the area to which the district is assigned in formulating plans for school representation within the district (cf. 2050:3), submitting all plans to the district superintendent for approval.
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| :'''<span id="1496.3">(3)</span>''' To represent the educational institutions, or to arrange for such representation, at the summer camps, conventions, and other appropriate occasions, including promotional displays and the distribution of literature, as directed by the district board of Christian education and approved by the officers in charge of the meetings.
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| :'''<span id="1496.4">(4)</span>''' To assist the district superintendent in planning and conducting special services for promoting the interests of the general educational institutions during the district conference, campmeeting, and other district gatherings, arranging for promotional displays and the distribution of literature if desired, and cooperating with representatives of the educational institutions in such plans.
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| :'''<span id="1496.5">(5)</span>''' To encourage young people to attend the schools of The Wesleyan Church, notifying such institutions of any prospective students and encouraging all pastors to do the same.
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| :'''<span id="1496.6">(6)</span>''' To submit an annual report to the district conference (1180:13) concerning all official activities and the support given by the district for the general educational institutions, including the number of students enrolled in the educational institutions of The Wesleyan Church; and to submit other reports as may be requested (cf. 1288).
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| :'''<span id="1496.7">(7)</span>''' To perform such other duties in harmony with the other responsibilities of this office, as may be assigned by the district conference, the district board of administration or the district spiritual formation leadership team.
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A. District Spiritual Formation Leadership Team
1440. Function. The district board of administration shall serve as or shall establish a district spiritual formation leadership team, which shall endeavor to develop, supervise, correlate, and promote a comprehensive district program of spiritual formation, viewing it as a total process, dealing with the whole person, aiming at a fully coordinated discipleship program in harmony with the objectives for spiritual formation as set forth in 2305 (cf. 1233:22).
1443. Membership. If a separate district spiritual formation leadership team is established, it shall have as its chair a person elected by the district board of administration. General regulations governing other members of this board are set forth in 1275-1292. Additional members shall be chosen in one of the following ways:
- (1) Supervision Option. The district board of administration shall elect two or more ordained ministers and an equal number of lay members to serve with the chair as the district spiritual formation leadership team.
- (2) Coordination Option. The district spiritual formation leadership team shall consist of the chair elected by the district board of administration (1233:22), the district director of spiritual formation (1460), the district director of adult ministries (1494), the district director of youth ministries (1492), the district director of children’s ministries (1489), the district director of Sunday schools (1483), the district director of leadership training (1486), the district president of Wesleyan Youth (1492), the district director of women’s ministries, the district coordinator of Wesleyan Kids for Missions, the district educational director (1496), and such members-at-large as the district board of administration shall elect.
1446. Organization. The district board of administration shall elect a chair of the district spiritual formation leadership team. The board shall otherwise organize itself, elect its own officers, and may elect an executive committee for ad interim business (cf. 1440).
1449. Sessions. The district spiritual formation leadership team shall meet soon after the close of the district conference to make plans for the year and shall meet for regular sessions as it shall determine, provided that not less than two sessions shall be held each year. Special sessions may be called by the chair as deemed necessary.
1452. Amenability. The district spiritual formation leadership team shall be an advisory and coordinating body, and shall be amenable to the district board of administration. All plans of the team shall be approved by the district board of administration (1233:22) or, in the interim of its sessions, by the district superintendent (1310:8), before their implementation.
1455. Duties. The duties and powers of the district spiritual formation leadership team are:
- (1) To develop, supervise, and coordinate the work of spiritual formation within the district; to review and coordinate plans of each director and agency, including the district director of spiritual formation, the district director of adult ministries, the district director of youth ministries, the district director of children’s ministries, the district Sunday school director, the district director of leadership training, the district educational director, and others that may be appointed for spiritual formation activities in the district, which shall subsequently be submitted to the district board of administration for approval (cf. 1452).
- (2) To receive reports from the various district directors and secretaries of the leadership team and to advise them concerning their work, assisting each district agency to maintain an effective program for its particular age division of spiritual formation.
- (3) To advise and assist the district directors in implementing the plans and programs of the general divisions which they represent within the district.
- (4) To be responsible for the planning and supervision of the summer camps for children and youth; to submit detailed plans for such camps to the district board of administration for their approval; and to carry out the approved plans.
- (5) To promote the interests of the educational institutions of The Wesleyan Church, particularly the general educational institutions in the area of which the district is a part, and to see that they are represented in the various youth camps and conventions as deemed appropriate.
- (6) To present recommendations to the district board of administration and to the district conference for the growth of the work through the various ministries of spiritual formation, and for the financial plans and other interests of the work under their care.
- (7) To define the duties of the district director of spiritual formation in addition to what is set forth in The Discipline and to supervise the activities of the district director of spiritual formation.
- (8) To perform such other duties related to spiritual formation as are assigned by the district conference or the district board of administration.
B. District Director of Spiritual Formation
1460. The district conference may elect or employ or may authorize the district board of administration to elect or employ a district director of spiritual formation (1180:35e or see 1483 if a district Sunday school director is desired instead). The term of office, amenability, and other regulations as a district departmental officer are set forth in 1275-1292, except that when the district director of spiritual formation is elected or employed by the district board of administration that board shall have authority to determine the term of office.
1463. The duties of a district director of spiritual formation shall be (cf. 1460):
- (1) To promptly report the election or employment to the Executive Director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship, and the Executive Director of Education and Clergy Development, and to cooperate with them in implementing and promoting the policies and programs of the general divisions within the district.
- (2) To serve as the executive secretary of the district board of spiritual formation, if so appointed by the district board of administration (cf. 1440-1443), helping to coordinate the total program of spiritual formation within the district, and serving as a resource person in advising and assisting the various discipleship leaders in their particular phase of the work.
- (3) To assume, as assigned by the district conference, the duties of the district director of adult ministries, the district director of youth ministries, the district director of children’s ministries, the district director of leadership training, the district educational director, and the promotional duties of the district WY director/president.
- (4) To visit the churches of the district in such order and manner as the district superintendent shall approve, assisting pastors, Sunday school superintendents, children’s ministries directors, WY presidents, adult ministry directors, and other discipleship leaders.
- (5) To serve as director of the summer camping program to the extent recommended by the district spiritual formation leadership team and approved by the district board of administration (cf. 1455:4).
- (6) To promote the interests of the general educational institutions within the area, helping to recruit students and to promote the raising of funds.
- (7) To submit an annual report of official activities to the district conference (1180:13), including a financial report of expenses and a report of what has been accomplished by the district for spiritual formation, a copy of which shall be forwarded to the Executive Directors of Church Multiplication and Discipleship and Education and Clergy Development; and to submit other reports as may be requested (cf. 1288).
- (8) To keep a file of correspondence and other records, and to submit the same to the successor in office.
- (9) To perform other duties in the interests of spiritual formation as may be assigned by the district conference, the district board of administration or the district spiritual formation leadership team.
C. District Sunday School Committee
1468. Function. The district Sunday school committee is responsible for those phases of Christian education within the bounds of the district as assigned to the Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division in 2306, with particular emphasis on the Sunday school work and leadership training.
1471. Membership. Each district may have a district Sunday school committee which shall be composed of the district Sunday school director as chair (1483), the district director of leadership training (if any, 1486), and from one to three additional members-at-large as decided upon and elected by the district board of administration (1209:3; cf. 1233:20; 1455:8). Whenever the duties of either the district director of leadership training or the district Sunday school director are assigned to the district director of spiritual formation (1463:3), the district director of spiritual formation shall be an ex officio member of the Sunday school committee. General regulations for the members of the Sunday school committee are set forth in 1275-1292.
1474. Organization. The district Sunday school director shall be the chair, and the committee shall elect a recording secretary who shall record the proceedings of committee meetings (cf. 1332:7) and keep a permanent file of records and reports. The committee may also elect a vice-chair and a treasurer, if deemed necessary.
1477. Amenability. The district Sunday school committee shall be amenable to the district spiritual formation leadership team and through that board to the district board of administration, in all matters of district organization and program. All committee plans shall be submitted to the district spiritual formation leadership team for review and coordination, and subsequently to the district board of administration for approval (cf. 1452). In matters pertaining to Sunday school organization, philosophy, curriculum, and objectives the committee shall carry out their work in accord with The Discipline and the directives of the Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division.
1480. Duties. The duties of the district Sunday school committee are:
- (1) To promote and encourage the Sunday school work of the district, seeking to carry out the objectives of The Wesleyan Church for spiritual formation as set forth in 2305 (cf. 1468).
- (2) To emphasize evangelism and soul-winning in the Sunday schools, seeking the conversion of every scholar and their enrollment in the church and promoting outreach through the establishing of branch Sunday schools.
- (3) To implement the plans and policies of the Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division and to assist pastors and Sunday school superintendents in doing the same.
- (4) To make recommendations to the district spiritual formation leadership team for a more efficient administration, correlation, and advancement of Sunday school work (cf. 1468).
- (5) To see that a Sunday school has been organized in each church, and to assist each Sunday school to meet the approved standard of achievement.
- (6) To plan for Sunday school and leadership training rallies, conventions, institutes or workshops on a district, zone or local level; to arrange for special services or promotional displays at zone or district meetings; submitting all such plans to the district spiritual formation leadership team for review and coordination, and subsequently to the district board of administration for approval (cf. 1452).
- (7) To assist pastors and local Sunday school officers in the organization of leadership training classes and programs.
- (8) To submit recommendations for Sunday school work, including the financial plans for Sunday school promotion, to the district spiritual formation leadership team for review and coordination, and subsequently to the district board of administration for approval (cf. 1452).
- (9) To encourage the use of The Wesleyan Church curriculum materials.
- (10) To perform other duties in harmony with its responsibility as may be assigned to it by the district conference, the district board of administration or the district spiritual formation leadership team.
D. District Director of Sunday Schools
1483. A district director of Sunday schools shall be elected by the district conference (1180:35e; cf. 1175:2), or these duties shall be assigned to the district director of spiritual formation (1180:37; 1463:3), unless the district conference by prior action has voted to authorize the district board of administration to appoint the district director of Sunday schools. The district director of Sunday schools shall serve on the district spiritual formation leadership team. The term of office, amenability, and other regulations as a district departmental officer are set forth in 1275-1292. The duties of the district director of Sunday schools are:
- (1) To promptly report the election or appointment to the Executive Director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship and to cooperate with the Executive Director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship in implementing and promoting the plans and policies of the Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division within the district.
- (2) Space reserved
- (3) To cooperate with and assist the pastors and local Sunday school superintendents in the organization and advancement of their Sunday schools according to the approved standard and in reaching the goals set by the Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division and the district conference.
- (4) To keep a file of correspondence and other records and to submit it to the successor in office.
- (5) To submit an annual report to the district conference (1180:13) concerning official activities, and a complete statistical report for the Sunday schools; and to submit other reports as may be requested (cf. 1288).
- (6) To increase the personal qualifications and capacity for Sunday school and spiritual formation work by attending denominational and other approved spiritual formation conventions, conferences, and seminars, and through correspondence courses, and periodicals as time permits and opportunity affords.
- (7) To conduct any special Sunday school services or programs, or to arrange for promotional displays at the district conference, campmeeting, and other district gatherings.
- (8) To give leadership to the district program of family ministries and the coordination of local church family ministries in cooperation with the adult ministries program of the Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division and the district director of adult ministries.
- (9) To perform such other duties in harmony with the other responsibilities of this office, as may be assigned by the district conference, the district board of administration or the district spiritual formation leadership team (cf. 1486).
E. District Director of Leadership Training
1486. A district conference may elect a district director of leadership training (1180:35f; cf. 1175:2), or the district conference may assign these duties to the district director of spiritual formation (1180:35e; 1463:3). If the district does not have a district director of spiritual formation and also chooses not to have a district director of leadership training, the duties of the district director of leadership training shall be assigned by the district conference to the district spiritual formation or Sunday school director (1483:9). The district director of leadership training shall be a member of the district adult ministries team. The term of office, amenability, and other regulations as a district departmental officer are set forth in 1275-1292. The duties of the district director of leadership training are:
- (1) To be responsible for the district program of leadership training under the Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division; to report at once after the election to the Executive Director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship and to cooperate with the same in the implementation and promotion of leadership training within the district.
- (2) To be certified as a director of leadership training.
- (3) To formulate plans with the district spiritual formation leadership team for leadership training rallies, institutes, conventions or seminars on a district, zone or local church level; and to submit such plans to the district spiritual formation leadership team for review and coordination (1455:1) and subsequently to the district board of administration for approval (cf. 1452).
- (4) To assist pastors and local church directors of Christian education in conducting classes or setting up effective programs of leadership training in the local church.
- (5) To keep a permanent record of correspondence and other plans and to submit them to the successor in office.
- (6) To conduct any special services or to arrange for promotional displays on leadership training at the district conference, camp meeting, and other district gatherings.
- (7) To submit an annual report to the district conference (1180:13) regarding all official activities and the progress of leadership training within the district, including a statistical report; and to submit other reports as may be requested (cf. 1288).
- (8) To perform such other duties, in harmony with the other responsibilities of this office, as may be assigned by the district conference, the district board of administration or the district spiritual formation leadership team.
F. District Director of Children's Ministries
1489. There may be a district director of children’s ministries elected by the district board of administration. The district director of children’s ministries shall be a nonvoting member of the district conference (1090:9). The term of service, amenability, and other regulations as a district departmental officer are set forth in 1275-1292. The duties of the district director of children’s ministries are:
- (1) To promptly report the election to the Executive Director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship, and to cooperate with the same to promote, highlight and resource local churches within the district.
- (2) To serve as a member of the district spiritual formation leadership team and to work with that team for a coordinated program of all the various phases of spiritual formation throughout the district (cf.1452; 1455:1).
- (3) To work with pastors and local children’s ministries directors in establishing and maintaining effective children’s ministries.
- (4) To be responsible for district children’s ministries events or activities and to arrange for informational displays at the district conference, camp meeting, summer camps, and other district gatherings.
- (5) To submit an annual report to the district conference (1180:13) regarding official activities and progress of children’s ministries within the district and to submit other reports as may be requested (cf.1288).
- (6) To perform such other duties related to children’s ministries as may be assigned by the district conference, the district board of administration, or the district spiritual formation leadership team.
G. District Director/President of Wesleyan Youth
1492. There may be a district director/president of Wesleyan Youth who shall be a nonvoting member of the district conference unless the district director/president of Wesleyan Youth is a voting member by some other right (1090:9). The district director/president of Wesleyan Youth shall coordinate all plans for WY with the district spiritual formation leadership team and submit them to the district board of administration for approval. In the interim of district board of administration sessions, such plans may be approved by the district superintendent. The district director/president of Wesleyan Youth shall endeavor to guide the district activities of WY in accord with the purpose and mission of WY, and in a coordinated effort to forward the district program of spiritual formation.
H. District Director of Adult Ministries
1494. There may be a district director of adult ministries elected by the district conference or appointed by the district board of administration (1180:35f; cf. 1175:2). The district director of adult ministries shall be a nonvoting member of the district conference (1090:9). The term of service, amenability, and other regulations as a district departmental officer are set forth in 1275-1292. The duties of the district director of adult ministries are:
- (1) To promptly report the election to the Executive Director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship, and to cooperate with the same to promote, highlight and resource local churches within the district.
- (2) To serve as a member of the district spiritual formation leadership team and to work with that team for a coordinated program of all the various phases of spiritual formation throughout the district (cf. 1452; 1455:1).
- (3) To work with pastors and local adult ministries directors in establishing and maintaining effective adult ministries.
- (4) To be responsible for district adult ministries events or activities and to arrange for informational displays at the district conference, camp meeting, summer camps, and other district gatherings.
- (5) To submit an annual report to the district conference (1180:13) regarding official activities and progress of adult ministries within the district and to submit other reports as may be requested (cf.1288).
- (6) To perform such other duties related to adult ministries as may be assigned by the district conference, the district board of administration, or the district spiritual formation leadership team.
I. District Educational Director
1496. The district educational director may be appointed by the district superintendent after discussing potential candidates with the president(s) of the educational institution(s) serving that district’s educational area, or the district board of administration may assign such duties to a district director of spiritual formation. The district educational director’s term of office, amenability, and other regulations as a district departmental officer are set forth in 1275–1292. The duties of the district educational director are:
- (1) To promptly report the election to the Executive Director of Education and Clergy Development and to cooperate with the same in promoting the interests of the educational institutions of The Wesleyan Church, and particularly the general educational institutions in the area of which the district is a part.
- (2) To assist the district superintendent and to cooperate with the general educational institutions within the area to which the district is assigned in formulating plans for school representation within the district (cf. 2050:3), submitting all plans to the district superintendent for approval.
- (3) To represent the educational institutions, or to arrange for such representation, at the summer camps, conventions, and other appropriate occasions, including promotional displays and the distribution of literature, as directed by the district board of Christian education and approved by the officers in charge of the meetings.
- (4) To assist the district superintendent in planning and conducting special services for promoting the interests of the general educational institutions during the district conference, camp meeting, and other district gatherings, arranging for promotional displays and the distribution of literature if desired, and cooperating with representatives of the educational institutions in such plans.
- (5) To encourage young people to attend the schools of The Wesleyan Church, notifying such institutions of any prospective students and encouraging all pastors to do the same.
- (6) To submit an annual report to the district conference (1180:13) concerning all official activities and the support given by the district for the general educational institutions, including the number of students enrolled in the educational institutions of The Wesleyan Church; and to submit other reports as may be requested (cf. 1288).
- (7) To perform such other duties in harmony with the other responsibilities of this office, as may be assigned by the district conference, the district board of administration or the district spiritual formation leadership team.