2016 Wesleyan Discipline:Pastoral vote, voting: Initial call

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705. Procedure of Initial Call of Pastor. Whenever it is necessary for a pastoral charge to secure a new pastor, the following regulations shall be observed:

(1) The vote shall be for a two-year call, subject to such adjustment as the district superintendent shall approve, so that the term shall expire at the uniform time set by the General Conference (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:700).
(2) The initial call may be for four years or an extended call if such is recommended by the local board of administration and approved by the district superintendent. In case of an extended call the rules governing an extended call shall apply (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:720).
(3) The local board of administration, under the leadership of its vice- chair, shall counsel with the district superintendent concerning possible candidates. If the church desires to call a minister from another district or from outside the denomination, the local board of administration shall first secure from its own district superintendent assurance that the transfer of the minister would be approved (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:313:6).
(4) When a candidate has been approved by a majority vote of the local board of administration (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:782:14), the candidate’s name shall be presented as a nomination to the local church conference, and the vote shall be taken in keeping with the regulations governing all pastoral voting (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:692).

708. Waiver of Local Church Rights. If a pastoral charge has been unable to secure a pastor prior to thirty days before the annual session of the district conference, the local church conference may, at any time thereafter, by majority vote delegate full authority for the employment of a pastor to the local board of administration, or it may waive its rights and leave the selection of a pastor to the nomination of the district board of administration and appointment by the district conference. If a pastoral charge waives its rights, or if neither local church conference nor local board of administration shall have secured a pastor by the time the annual session of the district conference convenes, the district board of administration shall nominate a pastor for appointment by the district conference. A pastor so appointed shall be received and supported by the pastoral charge the same as if the pastor had been employed in the usual manner. 710. Initial Call Resignation. If a pastor resigns during the initial call term of service to a church, the pastor must notify the local board of administration and the district superintendent sixty days in advance. If the district superintendent and the local board of administration deem it wise, the pastor may be released sooner. 712. Initial Call Removal. During the initial call term of a pastor’s service, the district board of administration may remove the pastor by a two-thirds majority vote of all members, provided such has been requested by the local board of administration by a two-thirds majority vote in a meeting presided over by the district superintendent, or such has been recommended by the district superintendent (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1233:39). 715. Ad Interim Procedures. If a pastoral charge is left without a pastor between sessions of the district conference due to death, resignation or removal, the local board of administration and the local church conference shall follow the regular procedures for securing a new pastor with all arrangements subject to the approval of the district board of administration (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1233:39).