Examination of Candidates
5825. (Then the presiding minister (3091; 5805) shall administer the examination to the candidates:)
Is it your sincere conviction that you have been called of God to serve as a commissioned minister in The Wesleyan Church?
Answer: That is my sincere conviction.
Question: Do you believe the Holy Scriptures are the fully inspired and inerrant written Word of God, containing sufficiently all doctrine necessary for eternal salvation through faith in Christ Jesus? Are you determined to instruct people from the Scriptures in order that they may be born again in Christ, become committed to holy living and be prepared to serve for the upbuilding of the Christian community in this present age?
Answer: All of this I believe, and accept as my duty.
Question: Do you cordially accept our Articles of Religion and Membership Commitments, and agree to declare and defend them? And do you recognize your responsibility and cheerfully accept your obligation to promote and support The Wesleyan Church and all institutions and ministries approved by The Wesleyan Church?
Answer: Yes, I do.
Question: Will you with diligence minister the doctrines, sacraments, and disciplines of Christ, being always ready to challenge strange doctrine which is contrary to God’s Word wherever it may arise?
Answer: I will, as God enables me.
Question: Do you intend to make reading of the Word and effectual prayer your earnest pursuit, and will you seek to make your lifestyle and family government exemplary so far as is possible for you?
Answer: Yes, the Lord being my helper.
Question: Believing that accountability and acceptance of authority is God’s design for His Church, will you cheerfully accept the direction of those whom the church may place over you in the doing of your work?
Answer: I will cheerfully do so.