2016 Wesleyan Discipline:782

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782. The local board of administration shall administer the affairs of the church in keeping with The Discipline, other general and district regulations, and the directions of the local church conference, and shall be responsible:


(1) To direct all activities of the church toward the spiritual, moral, and social maturity of its people.
(2) To provide a place of worship.
(3) To counsel with the pastor, as the pastor may request, concerning all phases of the pastor’s work, and to coordinate the work of all the officers, boards, committees, and auxiliaries of the church.
(4) To cooperate with the pastor in evaluating the health of the local church; establishing policies, goals, and objectives for more effectively fulfilling the mission of the church; empowering the pastor to pursue the goals and objectives, within the established policies and through the staff and members; and periodically receiving performance reports from the pastor regarding progress.
(5) To receive monthly reports from the pastor (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:725:32), associate and assistant pastor(s), church treasurer (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:842:3), Sunday school treasurer (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:898); quarterly reports from the spiritual formation director; quarterly reports from the Sunday school superintendent (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:889:6); and reports as the local board of administration shall require from all officers, boards, committees, auxiliaries, and auxiliary officers.
(6) To direct the church in its evangelistic outreach, seeking to win its community to Christ; to establish an extension department of spiritual formation (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:880:15; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:913); to recommend to the local church conference the establishment and operation of a mission, a branch Sunday school, a branch small group Bible study, or a developing church, as it deems necessary and proper (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:537; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:655:16).
(7) To adopt an annual calendar of events.


(8) To provide for the examination of all candidates for church membership, which may be done by delegating the actual examination to a committee on witness and membership (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:835-837); and to assist the pastor in providing church membership classes (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:566-570; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:725:11; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:880:11).
(9) To make recommendations concerning the reception of members to the local church conference, unless full authority concerning such reception has been delegated by the local church conference to the local board of administration (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:567; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:655:1); and when such authority has been delegated, to authorize the reception of members by a majority vote, except that when an objection is raised against the reception of a member it shall require a two-thirds majority of those present and voting to receive (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:553:2; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:567; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:780).
(10) To approve the reception of student members (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:564); or to drop student members from the roll (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:564-565).
(11) To examine the church membership roll annually, and to provide for its revision according to the provisions of The Discipline (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:553–610; cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:655:1).
(12) To consider all accusations and charges against members of the local church, and to appoint a committee of investigation and a local judicial committee as provided for in the General Board Policy on Church Discipline (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:5012; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:5105:1, 4; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:5110; cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:5221).
(13) To instruct the local church secretary concerning the removal of the name of a member who has joined another religious body or secret society (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:595); to recommend to the local church conference that it remove from the roll by majority vote the name of a member who has moved away and neither transferred membership to the nearest Wesleyan church nor maintained contact with and support of the former church (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:600), and that it remove by a majority vote the name of a member who has failed to attend or support the church where membership is held for one year without proper reason (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:605), unless the local church conference shall have delegated full responsibilities in such matters to the local board of administration (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:655:1).

Pastors, Staff and Licensed Workers

(14) To nominate pastor and associate pastor to the local church conference (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:705:3-4; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:738:2); to assume full responsibility for securing a pastor when such is delegated by the local church conference (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:708); and to recommend to the district board of administration by a two-thirds majority vote the termination of a pastoral agreement if such becomes necessary during the initial call (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:712).
(15) To recommend to the local church conference after a favorable vote has been received for a four-year renewal of the call, the renewal of the pastor’s call for an extended period (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:718:1a); or to recommend prior to the vote on the renewal of call, and after consultation with the pastor, a specific call for four years or, an extended call (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:718:1b); to review at least quadrennially with the district superintendent an extended call and by majority vote to reaffirm the call or recommend for the local church conference to vote on renewing the call (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:720:2); to meet, at the request of one-third of its members and under the district superintendent or a representative appointed by the district superintendent as chair, to consider the possibility of ordering a pastoral vote before the expiration of a renewed call, and to call for such a vote by majority vote (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:722:2).
(16) To review annually the pastor’s support and related matters (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:723; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:724).
(17) To recommend to the local church conference the number of employed staff positions, including office secretary, custodian, and assistant pastor(s) (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:655:11); to employ persons for all such staff positions as have been authorized by the local church conference, subject to the pastor’s nominations for office employees and assistant pastors and the board of trustees’ nominations for custodians; to define the duties and working conditions of all such employees; and to assist the pastor in the supervision of all employed staff members.
(18) To employ evangelists, evangelistic singers, and other special workers as needed (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1310:24).
(19) To provide, in cooperation with the pastor, for the supply of the pulpit during the pastor’s absence; and to provide, in cooperation with the district superintendent, for the supply of the pulpit during temporary vacancies.
(20) To recommend to the local church conference the licensing and the renewing or revoking of licenses of lay ministers (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:315:3; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:655:7).
(21) To recommend ministerial students and special workers to the local church conference for their approval and recommendation to the district conference for district licenses (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:315:4; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:655:8).

Officers, Boards, Committees and Auxiliaries

(22) To elect, when so authorized by the local church conference (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:655:3), two members of a nominating committee from among the members of the local board of administration to serve as set forth in 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:820-823.
(23) To elect annually at such time as it shall determine, an auditing committee (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:863); all spiritual formation and Sunday school leaders except the director or superintendent, and all departmental supervisors and teachers (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:880:7; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:895-900; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:906); one or more offering tellers (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:845:3); and such of the following as are needed and can be supplied: financial or tithing secretary (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:845:2), children’s ministry director, local educational director (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:926), literature secretary (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:928), local missions director (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:930), local evangelism director (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:935), adult youth leader, and other special assignments.
(24) To approve two or more nominees submitted by the nominating committees, or to present other nominations as desired, for the director of women’s ministry, and to ratify the election of officers by this auxiliary; to ratify the election of Wesleyan Youth officers, and to review and approve the actions of all the auxiliaries.
(25) To organize and elect such boards and committees as it deems necessary to the proper organization of the church, such as the committee on witness and membership (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:835-837), committee on finance and stewardship (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:865-868), music committee (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:870-873), ushering committee (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:873), communion committee (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:873), committee on missions (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:955), and committee on evangelism (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:960); and to receive and evaluate their recommendations, including their appointment of subcommittees; to serve as or to establish a spiritual formation leadership team, to determine its membership and to elect such members and to delegate full authority of the duties listed in 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:880:1-21 as it deems wise (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:875; 880:1-22).
(26) To recommend to the local church conference the removal from office of any church officer, trustee or delegate (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:315:5; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:655:4, 6), and to remove by majority vote of the local board of administration all who fill other positions (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:825:4) and officers of auxiliaries.
(27) To fill all vacancies occurring in those offices elected by the local church conference, in the interim of its annual sessions, and all vacancies occurring in offices elected by the local board of administration; and to provide for the filling of vacancies in the auxiliaries in keeping with their respective constitutions.

Property and Finance

(28) To direct the local board of trustees in the maintenance of church property, the signing of notes and mortgages and the attending to all legal matters connected with the church, in keeping with the requirements of local laws (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:4510), and The Discipline (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:850-859; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:4500-4720; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:4760); or if trustee responsibility is delegated to the local board of administration by the local church conference, to care for such matters.
(29) To direct the local board of trustees to secure sufficient property and liability insurance to cover all buildings and vehicles owned and operated by the local church (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:856:8); or if trustee responsibility is delegated to the local board of administration by the local church conference, to care for such matters.
(30) To recommend to the local church conference financial policies, and to administer such as are adopted (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:655:10). The local board of administration shall review all plans of support annually, adjusting salaries as advisable, recommending changes in the financial policies as necessary (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:746).
(31) To recommend an annual budget to the local church conference, to assist the pastor in securing the money necessary to fund the adopted budget, and to authorize expenditures within the limits of the adopted budget (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:655:12; cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:865-868); or to assume, if such authority is delegated by the local church conference (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:655:12), authority to adopt the annual budget and authorize all expenditures within the limits of the budget and any expenditures not provided for in the annual budget; to provide for annual audits of all funds (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:863).
(32) To recommend to the local church conference: all major expenditures or investments; the purchase or sale of property, the erection or remodeling of buildings, all mortgages or other indebtedness which encumbers the property and major items of equipment (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:655:13; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:4700-4720); and other expenditures not provided for in the annual budget (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:655:12).
(33) To implement all General Church and district plans which apply to the local church, and to see that the local church raises its assigned portion of the United Stewardship Fund, supports all other General Church financial campaigns and offerings, and raises the amount assigned to it by the district conference for the support of the district work.
(34) To open the doors of the local church to properly authorized representatives of the General Church, the general educational institutions of the area and the district for the presentation of their interests, and for the receiving of offerings in keeping with the approved financial plan.
(35) To seek advice from the district board of administration or from an investment committee authorized by the district board of administration when making investment or distribution of funds received as an undesignated estate gift, property for sale or other out-of-pattern contribution with value equal to or exceeding the total contributions for all purposes of the preceding year (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1233:33).

Day Care and/or Day School

(36) To present to the district board of administration for approval a plan for a day care and/or day school following authorization by the local church conference (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:655:19-20) or any plans for a significant change in mission, facilities, or finances of an established day care and/or day school (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1233:35); to govern and direct a day care and/or day school when such has been properly approved (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1233:35), or to govern while delegating the operation to a separate school committee; to elect the separate school committee and name its chair when thus delegating said operation; to submit an annual report to the district board of administration including organization, administration, and fiscal operations (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:655:18), for its approval.
(37) To establish treasuries, distinct and separate from that of a local church, to provide for the financial administration of day care centers, day schools, retirement homes, nursing homes, and such enterprises (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:655:19-20; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1233:35) and to adopt financial policies to assure adequate supervision and accountability.