2016 Wesleyan Discipline:District: Rights

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323. The constitutional rights of each district shall include the following:

(1) The right to take charge of all the ministers and churches within its bounds, as modified by 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:360:3e and 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:365 (except those serving the General Church as the General Conference shall define who shall be amenable to the General Board of Administration, and except the district superintendent who shall be amenable to the General Board of Administration), and subject to the right of the ministers and churches to enter into pastoral engagements.
(2) To alter the agreement entered into by any pastor and charge, or veto the action of the church and appoint another pastor on said charge when it deems this to be for the best interest of the charge or pastor involved or when the general interest of the work of the district would be better served by such change; and the said church or charge shall receive the pastor appointed by the district conference, provided that any such alteration of a previous arrangement between a pastor and church shall be separately reported and passed by vote of the district conference to be effective.
(3) To elect and ordain ministers, and to receive ordained ministers from other denominations subject to the restrictions of The Discipline.
(4) To receive or decline persons recommended to it for various ministries by the pastoral charges within its bounds.
(5) To organize and receive local churches within the boundaries of the territory assigned to it by the General Conference, and to fix the boundaries of its circuits and stations.
(6) To take such actions and adopt such rules as it shall judge necessary to promote the interest and prosperity of the Church and to amend or rescind the same, provided it shall not add to or take from any provision of the Constitution or of The Discipline, and provided further that if three members of a district shall take exception to its action on the ground that it violates this restriction, they may make an appeal therefrom through the channels prescribed by The Discipline.
(7) To elect its own officers as outlined in The Discipline and to dismiss them for cause.
(8) To elect in the manner prescribed by The Discipline its own board of trustees and through them to receive, hold, encumber, and dispose of all district property within the bounds of the district, including local property held by the district, according to the provisions of The Discipline and the laws of the state. All properties held by the district shall be held in trust for the use and benefit of the ministry and members of The Wesleyan Church and subject to its regulations and appointments as from time to time legislated and declared.
(9) To be represented in the lay and ministerial voting membership of the General Conference, if not under discipline.
(10) To have recourse to a proper court of jurisdiction in any matters of controversy between itself and other district, local or general units or agencies of the denomination.