B. District Board of Administration Membership
B. Membership
1203. Composition. The district board of administration is composed of the district superintendent, the assistant district superintendent(s) (1320), the district secretary, the district treasurer, and members-at-large:
- (1) The district conference shall elect at least seven members-at-large to the district board of administration, making a total of not fewer than ten members elected so that at least four are lay members (1203:2).
- (2) Whenever a district conference chooses to elect more than the minimum number of members-at-large to its district board of administration, due regard shall be given to elect a proportionate number of lay members.
1206. Regulations for a Member-at-Large. Each member-at-large of a district board of administration shall be a member who meets the leadership qualifications (260-268; 558) of a local Wesleyan church within the district of service, both at the time of election and throughout the tenure of membership. A ministerial member-at-large shall be chosen from among the ordained ministers of the district. The term of office shall be for one, two, or three years (1282), and the member-at-large shall serve until a successor is elected and qualified. Regulations governing the amenability of a member-at-large of the district board of administration and the declaring and filling of a vacancy in such office are the same as those for district officials set forth in 1265 and 1272 (1233:24a).