2016 Wesleyan Discipline:Resolutions: District conference

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3. Resolutions

1150. Resolutions. Resolutions may be submitted to the district conference by a local church conference, a circuit conference, the district board of administration, the annual district convention of women’s ministry or Wesleyan Youth, a district board or committee concerning the work assigned to it, or any three voting members of the district conference with their signatures.

1153. Memorials. All resolutions intended for eventual recommendation by the district conference to the General Conference, including changes in The Discipline and any other proposals, shall be designated as “memorials” (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1557-1560). Anyone authorized to submit a resolution may also submit a memorial to be passed upon by the district conference.

1156. Procedure. All resolutions shall be submitted as directed by the district conference and within a time limit as set by the district conference. The appropriate district conference committee (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1168:1) shall be responsible to review each resolution or memorial as to its origin (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1150), clarity, relationship to The Discipline and other existing legislation of the General Conference or district conference, and shall report them out to the district conference together with their recommendations. A properly submitted resolution cannot be withheld from the conference body by a committee unless withdrawn by its authors or declared out of order by the chair of the district conference as contravening The Discipline. The committee chair shall present any resolutions in question to the district conference chair for a ruling before presenting them on the conference floor. The district conference may by a two-thirds vote suspend the requirement that a resolution must first be reviewed by a committee (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1168:1) and immediately proceed to consider and vote upon said resolution. 1165. A district conference may establish a district conference action committee (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1180:9) that shall perform the functions of a resolutions committee. It shall consist of the district superintendent, the district treasurer, and from three to nine other members elected by the conference with due consideration for lay representation (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1175:2). The district conference may delegate the election of the committee members to the district board of administration. The district superintendent shall be the chair or shall appoint another to serve instead, and the committee shall elect a secretary and other officers as deemed necessary. 1168. The duties of the district conference action committee are:

(1) To receive all resolutions and memorials for the district conference, to review them, and to report them to the district conference with the committee’s recommendation except as provided for in 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1233:9 (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1150-1156).
(2) To conduct and report on any research or investigation regarding the merits of proposed district legislation as requested by the district conference or district board of administration, or as deemed necessary by the committee.
(3) To assign members of the committee to study, prepare, and plan any phase of the committee’s work and report back to the committee.
(4) To review the standing rules of the district in order to make recommendations to the district conference concerning the alignment of such rules with General Conference legislation, and concerning any other necessary amendments (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1180:5).
(5) To provide, if possible, all delegates to the district conference with copies of resolutions or memorials, properly classified, at least ten days before the opening of the district conference.


(9) To submit resolutions directly to the district conference that will provide for a more efficient administration, better correlation and advancement of the district work, and to submit proposed memorials to the General Conference (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1557; cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1180:3).