2016 Wesleyan Discipline:PART 4: General Church Government
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Chapter 1: General Conference
A. Function | 1500 |
B. Membership | 1503-1526 |
C. Sessions | 1528-1534 |
D. Organization and Procedure | 1536-1590 |
Chapter 2: General Board
A. Name and Function | 1600 |
B. Voting Membership | 1605 |
C. Non-Voting Participants | 1606 |
D. Sessions | 1610-1625 |
E. Organization and Procedure | 1630-1650 |
F. Duties and Powers | 1655 |
G. The Executive Board | 1750-1790 |
H. Conflict of Laws | 1796-1799 |
Chapter 3: General Officials of the Church
Chapter 4: General Administration
A. General Superintendent | 1900 |
B. The General Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer | 1970 |
C. Executive Cabinet | 1990 |
D. General Church Financial Plan | 1995-2050 |
E. Interpretations of Church Law | 2060-2068 |
F. General Board of Review | 2070-2075 |
Chapter 5: Communication and Administration Division
Chapter 6: Global Partners Division
3. Missionaries | 2272 |
4. Organization of Mission Units | 2275 |
Chapter 7: Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division
Chapter 8: Education and Clergy Development Division
3. Wesleyan Educational Council | 2355 |
D. Educational Institutions | 2358-2377 |
E. Educational Agencies | 2382-2388 |
F. Committee on Chaplains | 2395 |
Chapter 9: Boundaries
A. District Boundaries | 2400 |
B. Representative Area Boundaries | 2430-2445 |
C. Educational Area Boundaries | 2450-2470 |