Index C

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California, SEE Pacific Southwest district
Calling a pastor, 690-722

Area boundaries, 2435
District boundaries, 2400; 2403:1-2
The Wesleyan Church of, 70

Candidates for license, commission, and ordination, examination of, 1390:1, 3–4; 3033:6; 3070:4; 3104:3; 3460; 3470
Canon, the,  218
Caribbean, 35; 65; 80; 2565; 6750:2
Central America, 27
Central Canada district, 2403:2; 2435
Ceremonies of churches, 420

Commission, 6280
Membership, 6052
General evangelists, 3285:1; 6340
Interim pastor’s authorization, 6250
Ordination, 3070:7; 6300
Pocket, of standing, 6430
Student membership, 6070
Study course, 3033:3; 3059:1g; 3070:3; 6410
Supply pastor’s authorization, 3260:4; 6240
Validating ordination, commission, or license, 3104:5; 6320


Committee on, 2395
Institutional, 3330
Military, 3330

Charity, Christian, 220; 265:3
Charter, International Conference, 125; 1590:4; 2640; 2680; Appendix A, 6500-6770
Chesapeake district, 2403:3; 2435
Chief Financial Officer/General Treasurer, 1970-1976
Children, responsibility to, 265:7
Children’s worker, 3210:5; 3450–3480; 6360–6380
Chile, 80

Atonement of, 226
Body of, 240
Member of Trinity, 210
Merits for justification,' 230
Resurrection of, 214
Sacraments commanded by, 242
Second coming of, 214; 244; 246
Son of God, 214

Christian liberty, special direction concerning, 440
Christian perfection, SEE Entire Sanctification
Christian social concern, 410; 1655:45
Christian unity 450
Christian worship, 420

Article of Religion, 240
Christ the only head of, 270
Guides and Helps to Holy Living, 265 SEE ALSO local church; Wesleyan Church

Church board, 750–782
Church buildings:

Dedication, ritual, 5950
Use of, 313:4

Church, developing, 510

Categories of, 510:6
Delegate to district conference, 510:5
Government of, 510:3
In developing district, 542
Local advisory council of, 510:2–3
Membership in, 510:2
Minimum organization, 807
Pastoral appointment for, 510:1
Property of, 510:4. SEE ALSO Property, local church

Church discipline:

For members, 260, 268
Judicial, 5000–5004
Meaning and purpose of, 5000
Principles of administering, 5002

Church growth, SEE Church Multiplication and Discipleship
Church hearings:, 276
Church law:

Classification of, 125–190
Elementary principles governing, 270–286
Interpretation of, 375:1-6; 2060–2068
Judiciary, 5000–5004
SEE Appendix B

Church member, membership, 550–610

Assistant pastor’s, 578:2
Categories of, 295
Classes for, 568; 725:11; 782:8
Conditions of, 295; 297; 553
Constitutionally established, 295
Developing Church, 510
Elementary Principal Governing, 272
Essence and Meaning of, 260; 550
Judicial Procedure Against, 555
Letters and Certificates, 6000-6070
Minister's, 310; 578:2; 3097-3100
Pastors, 578:2
Reception of, 566–570
Records, 610
Restoration of, 268
Rights of, 302, 555
Ritual, 295; 5550-5595
Termination of, See termination of membership

Church member, membership, student, 552, 564–565, 610

Certificate of membership, 6070

Church members, relations with one another, 265:8–13
Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division, 2305-2307
Church officers; officials:

District, 1250–1292
General, 1800–1870
Local, 800; 815

Church plant, 510:6
Church property, SEE Abandoned Church Property, Property, District; Property, General; Property, General Church; Property, Local Church
Church secretary, 775; 830
Church treasurer, 752:1; 842
Cincinnati, OH, 24
Circuit, 525–535

Boundaries set by district, 323:5
Developing district, 542
Pastoral charge, a type of, 315
Pastor’s membership, 578:2

Civil rights, 220; 265:12; 360:3d SEE ALSO Rights
Classification of church law, 125–190
Clergy Development, SEE Education and Clergy Development Division

By local churches, 1180:25
President, ritual for installation, 5945
Program of study for ministry, 3170:2
Trustees, 2362
SEE ALSO Educational institutions, general

Colombia, 18; 80
Colorado, SEE Mountain Plains District
Commissioned Lay Missionary:

Commission form, 6400
Listing of, 1240:5:D
Regulations governing, 3490

Commissioned minister:

Certificate for commission, 6280
Course of study, 3210:3
District listing of, 1240
Duties of, 3059:3
Qualifications for, 3059:1
Regulations for, 3059:4
Rights of, 3059:2

Commissioned special worker:

In process of transfer, 1240:5:B; 3470
Listing of, 1240:5:A
Regulations governing, 3470–3480


Of lay missionaries, 3490, 5850
lay workers, 5850
Of ministers, 5800
Of special workers, 3470

Commitments, membership, 260–268

Chaplains, 2395; 3330
District, 1250
General Conference, 1563-1585
editing, 1585
General Conference Planning, 1570
Local Church, 800
Special Nominations, 1580

Communication and Administration Division, 2100-2110
Communion, 242; 293
Compensation of ministers, 286; 782:14

Against course of study books, 375:5
Against ministers, 313:7

Conditions of membership, 297
Conference, SEE Circuit: Conferences; District conference; General Conference; Local Church Conference
Conflict of laws, 1796–1799
Conflict Resolution, 5004
Connecticut, SEE Northeast District
Conscientious objector, 410:3
Constitution of the North American General Conference, The]]:||200–385

Adoption of, 50
Amendments, 385
Current authority for, 185
Function, 145
Identification of, 135
Summary of contents, 135–145; 200
Text of, 200–385
type of Church Law, 135–145

Constitutional law, 125–145

Of district conference acts, 375:2
Of General Conference acts, 375:1

Continuing education, 3240
Contract, pastoral, 697; 723
Conversion, 228; 230; 297:1; 553:1
Corporate offense, 5010 Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc.
Corporation, The Wesleyan Church:, 4200–4270
Corporations, affiliate, 4300-4425
Corporations, district, 4100-4150
Corporations, local church, 4000-4070
Corporations, subsidiary, 4300-4425
Correspondence study courses, 2385–2388; 3170:3
Costa Rica, 80
Council, advisory:

Circuit, 530
Developing church, 510:3

Council of Ordination, 1405
Council, Wesleyan Educational, 2355

Concerning divorce, 265:6
Minister as counselor, 725:9

Courses of study:, 2385–2388; 3170–3240

Certificate of completion, 6410
Commissioned minister’s, 3210:3
Development of, 3200
Lay minister’s, 3210:4
Pre-ordination, 3210:1
Special workers’, 3210:5
Specialized ministries, 3210:2


Gen Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5230; 5212:2
Of commissioned minister, 3059:4b
Of ordained minister, 3089:2
Of licensed minister, 3055:2
Of ministerial student, 3015:5b

Crossroads district, 2403:4; 2430
Curacao, 35
Current authority for church law, 185