Index D

From Wesleyan Discipline
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Daughter church, 510:6b
Day care and/or day schools:

Authorization, 655:18
Approval by DBA, 782:33; 1233:32
Financial policies, 782:36
Governance, 782:36
Separate treasury, 782:37

De Wesleyaanse Gemeente, Suriname, 80

Of church buildings, 5950
Of infants, 290; 5500
Of parsonages, 5975

Deity, respect for name of, 265:1
Delaware, SEE Chesapeake district
Delegates to district conference:

Allotment, 1100
Alternate, 1106
Certification, 830:4
Election, 317; 528:3; 965; 1103
Function and general regulations, 315:7; 317; 1086
Laity elected, 1086
Qualifications, 1109

Delegates to General Conference:

Alternate, 1516–1518
At–large, 1508–1510
Certification, 1332:5; 1512
Developing district, 1015
Election, 1180:4; 1508–1518
Function and general regulations, 323:9; 1500–1506
Lay, 1503:1b; 1516; 1524–1526
Ministerial, 1503:1b; 1516; 1520–1522
Qualifications, 1520–1526

Denominational service, ministers appointed to, 1240:1:A:4
Depravity, inherited, 224
Destiny, Article of Religion, 250
Developing church, SEE church, developing
Developing district, SEE district, developing
Director of music:

Course of study, 3210:5
Local, 870
Special worker, 3450–3480

Director of youth ministries:

Course of study, 3210:5
Special worker, 3450–3480


Meaning and purpose of, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5000–5002
Subjects of, 260; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5200-5248; 5270-5288

Discipline, book of: For mission units, 340:2; 2610:6
Discipline, consequences of being under:

For Districts, 323:9; 327:1; 360:3e; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5066; 5365; 5375
For Local Churches, 315:7; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5066; 5310; 5320
For Members, 302:3; 575; 590; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5052; 5115
For Ministers, 313; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5052; 5115; 5212–5215, 5288

Discipline, The, of the North American General Conference:

Amendment of, 125–165
Authoritative edition of, 185
First, of The Wesleyan Church, 50
Interpretations of, 2060–2061; Appendix B

Discontinue church:, 1180:22, 1233:36, 4730
Discontinue church members:

Power to, 315:1; 655:1
Procedure of, 600–605
Reason for, 305; 585; 600–605

Discrimination forbidden, 265:12; 360:3d

Definition of, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5115:5; 5212:5
Power of, 315:1; 655:1
Reasons for, 276; 305; 585; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5115:5; 5212:5


Amenability, 1050
Appeal from its actions, 323:6
Assignment to representative area, 1590:12
Assistant superintendent, 1320–1327
Auditing committee or auditor, 1340
Authorization, 1036
Board of administration, 1200–1245
Board of ministerial development, 1375–1390
Boundaries, 2400–2403
Committees, list of, 1250
Committees, regulations for, 1278-1292
Conducts a local mission, 537; 655:14; 1180:22; 1233:26
Conference, 1075–1180
Corporation, 4100–4150
Definition, 317; 1000
Departmental officers, 1278-1292
Developing, 1003–1015
Directory, 1332:8
Disputes with General Conference, 375:6; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5445:4
Disputes with other districts, 375:4; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5350
Established, 360:3e; 1036–1050
Financial plan, 1180:15
Fiscal year, 1180:17
Function, 317; 1000
Government, 1000–1405
Journal, 1178
May request special session of General Conference, 330:2
Membership of ministers, 310; 313:6; 3100
Merger, 1060–1065
Ministerial development, board of, 1375–1390
Nominating committee, district conference, 1172–1175
Officers, list of, 1250
Officers, regulations for, 323:7; 1255–1292
Officials, 1255–1272
Organization, 317; 1000–1065
Organizing conference, 1040
Powers, 323; 1180
Property, SEE Property, District
Realignment, 1060–1065
Reclassification, 1042–1045; 1935
Requirements for, 1038
Reorganization of, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5275
Review, board of, 1370; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5218–5221
Rights, 323
Secretary, 1330–1332
Service, ministerial appointment to, 1390:1; 3320
Superintendent, 1300–1310
Superintendent’s representative, 520; 692:2; 1310:12
Treasurer, 1335–1337
Trustees, board of, 1360–1365; SEE ALSO Developing District

District Board of Ministerial Development:, 1375–1405

Duties, 1390
Function, 1375
Membership, 1378
Organization, 1381
Records, 1387
Sessions, 1384

District Conference:, 1075–1180

Allotment of lay delegates, 510:5; 528:3; 1080; 1100
Alternate delegates, 1106
Appeals on questions of order, 1144
Chair, 350:3; 1120
Committees, 1159–1175
Duties and powers, 1180
Function, 1075
Journal, 1178
Legislation, 1147
Membership, 317; 1080–1090
Memorials, 1153
Minutes, 1178
Nominating committee, 1172–1175
Procedure, 1126–1147
Quorum, 1129
Reconvened session, 1115
Resolutions, 1150–1156; 1233:9
Rights, 1126
Rules of order, 1138
Secretary, 1123
Sessions, 1112–1115
Suspension of rules, 1141
Voting, 1135

District, Developing, 1003–1015

Authorization, 1006
General Conference representation, 1015
Jurisdiction over, 1009
Local churches in, 542
Ordination, commissioning, and licensing, 1012
Organization of, 1012
Property, 4800
Purpose, 1003

District Forms:

Acknowledgment of letter of transfer, 6450
Letter of standing, 6460
Letter of transfer, 6440
License, 6260
Recommendation for district license, 6420

District membership of ministers, 3100
District of Columbia, SEE Chesapeake district
District Superintendent:, 1300–1310

Amenability, 323:1; 1307
Assistant, 1320–1327
Duties, 1310
Election, 1303:1
Function, 1300
Installation ritual, 5930
Nomination of, 1303:7; 1935
Developing district, 1003–1015
Qualifications and tenure, 1303
Reelection, 1303:3
Term of office, 1303:2
Vacancy, 1303:6

Divided House:

In district conference vote, 320; 1135
In General Conference vote, 338; 1545


Abuse, 265:7
Biblical grounds for, 265:6; 410:6
Marriage of divorced persons, 3111
Ministers, 3012; 3108; 3111
Remarriage, 410:6
SEE ALSO marriage; remarriage

Domestic violence, 265:7