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La Iglesia Wesleyana de Colombia, 80
Labor unions, 265:4
Labrador, SEE Atlantic District

Constitutional, 125–145
Ritual, 175
Statutory, 155–165

Lay delegate, SEE Delegates
Lay evangelist, 3210:5; 3450–3470; 6360–6380
Lay minister:

Course of study, 3210:4
Duties, 3430
Granting license to, 3410
Identification, 3400
Letter of standing, 3440:3; 6220
License form, 6200
Regulations for, 3440
Renewal of license, 3420

Lay ministries, special, 3400–3490
Lay missionary, commissioned, 3490
Leadership Qualifications, 558
Lee, Luther, 7
L’Eglise Wesleyenne d’Haiti, 80
Leisure time, 265:3; 410:12

Acknowledgment of district letter of transfer, 6450
Acknowledgment of local letter of transfer, 6010
Basis for reception of members, 565; 580
Notice of transfer, 6020
Recommendation from other denominations, 570
Recommendation to other denominations, 590; 6030
Standing for lay minister, 3440:3; 6220
Standing for minister, 3100:3, 5–6; 6460
Standing for special worker, 3480; 6460
Transfer for member, 575–580; 6000–6020
Transfer for minister, 3100:1, 5–6; 6440
Transfer for special worker, 3100:1, 5–6; 6440
Withdrawal of member, 592; 6040

Liberia, 80
Liberty, Christian, 440

District, ministerial, 3033–3040; 6260
Lay minister’s, 3410–3420; 6200
Special worker’s, 3460; 6360

Licensed minister:

Church membership, 3097–3100
Course of study, 3210:1
Credentials, 3055:2
Duties of, 3051
From another denomination, 3104
Identification, 3030
License form, 6260
Licensing of, 3033
Listing, 1240:3
Membership in district conference, 317; 1083:2–3; 1090:3
Regulations for, 3055, 3093
Renewing license of, 3040
Rights of, 3044
Transfer of, 313:6; 3044:5; 3055:3; 3100:1; 6440

Licensed special worker, 1240:5:C; 3460; 3480
Loan guarantees, 4120:6; 4890
Local advisory council, developing church, 510:2–3
Local Board of Administration:, 750–795

Chair, 770
Duties and powers, 782
Evaluation session, 767
Function, 750
Governance philosophy, 781
Membership, 752-758
Nomination of, 823
Organizational options, 752
Quorum, 778
Secretary, 775
Sessions, 760–767
Vice-chair, 773
Voting, 780

Local board of trustees, 315:6; 850–859
Local Church:

Assistant treasurer, 845:1
Auditing committee or auditor, 863
Board, 750–782
Boundaries, 323:5; 1180:25
Building committee, 856:6
Business meeting, 630–633
Committees, 800
Conference, 625–655
Corporation, 4000–4070
Day care and/or day school, 655:19; 782:33; 1233:32
Definition, 240
Delegate to district conference, 965; 1086; 1100–1109
Financial secretary, 845:2
Function, 500
Governance philosophy, 781
Governed by district, 323:1, 5
Government, 500–970
Judicial committee, 970; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5105:3; 5110
Jurisdiction, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5105; 5125
Loan guarantees by district, 4120:6; 4890
Minimum organization, 807–810
Nominating committee, 820–823
Officers, 800; 815; 823. SEE ALSO Local church officers
Organization, 500–542
Developing district, in, 542
Property, 315:6; 4650–4790
Quarterly meeting, 630:2
Relation to a circuit, 525
Reorganization of, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5320–5325
Rights of, 315
Secretary, 775; 830
Treasurer, 842
Trustees, 850–859
Vice-chair of LBA, 773
SEE ALSO circuit; established church; mission; pastoral charge; developing church

Local Church Conference, 625–655

Chair, 635
Characteristic of established church, 518
Composition, 625
Duties and powers, 655
Function, 625
Membership, 625
Notice of sessions, 630–633
Order of business, 650
Quorum, 640
Rules of order, 645
Secretary, 638
Sessions, 520:5; 630–633
Voting, 643

Local Church Education:

Sunday school, 885

Local Church Officers:

Definition and regulations, 815
Installation ritual, 5915
List of, 800
Nomination of, 823

Local church organization, 500–548
Local Laws, 4510
Local preacher, SEE Lay minister
Lodges, SEE Secret societies
Lord’s Day, 410:7

Sanctity of, 265:1

Lord’s Supper:

Administrants of, 313:1; 725:6; 3044:1; 3075:1
Article of Religion, 242
Frequency of observance, 293; 725:6
Means of grace, 265:9
Right of access to, 302:2
Ritual of, 5600–5635

Louisiana, SEE Mountain Plains District