Index M

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Maine, SEE Atlantic district
Manitoba, SEE Central Canada district
Marion, Indiana, 16

Article of Religion, 222
Minister and, 3108–3112; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5251
Ministerial orders and, 3012
Minister’s care in performing, 3111–3112
Officiants, 725:7
Remarriage, 410:6; 3111
Ritual of, 5650–5680
SEE ALSO divorce

Maryland, SEE Chesapeake district
Massachusetts, SEE Northeast District
Matlack, Lucius C., 7
Matrimony, rite of, 5650–5680
Means of grace, 265:9
Members, church, SEE Church member, membership

Of ministers, 3097–3100
Of pastors and senior pastors,578:2
associate pastors, 578:2

Membership classes, 568; 725:11; Guides and Helps to Holy Living, 3; 260-268
Membership, 550–610
Membership, reception ritual, 5550–5595
Membership roll in:

Affiliate church, 7005
Established churches, 610
Developing church, 510:2
Mission church, 537

Membership, student, 564–565

By district conference, 1153
By local church conference, 655:8
Committee, General Conference, 1565

"To the General Conference, 1557–1560
Mentally incompetent, salvation of, 226

Basis, 50
Historical, 50
Of churches, 1233:31
Of districts, 1060–1065

Methodist Episcopal Church, 4–7; 11
Methodists, 2–6; 11–12. SEE ALSO Wesleyan Methodist
Mexico, 18; 29; 35; 80
Michigan, 7 See: East Michigan district, North Michigan district, and West Michigan district
Military chaplains, 1240:1:A:5; 3330
Military service, 410:3
Minimum organization:

Local church, 518:3; 810
Mission, 537
Developing church, 807

Minister, SEE Ministry, the
Minister of music, 870; 3210:2
Ministerial Appointments:, 3250–3390

Administrator, 1240:1:A:4; 3320; 3335
Associate general evangelist, 1240:1:A:3; 3280
Categories of service, 3250
Chaplains, military, 1240:1:A:5; 3330; 3335
Educator, 1240:1:A:4; 3310; 3335
Evangelist, 1240:1:A:3; 3280
General evangelists, 1240:1:A:3; 3285:1
Interchurch service, 1240:1:A:6; 3335
Interim pastor, 1240:1:A:2; 3261
Minister in process of transfer, 1240:1:F, G; 1240:2:E; 1240:3:D; 3104
Missionary, 1240:1:A:4; 3300; 3335
Ordained minister in process of transfer, denomination, 1240:1:G; 3104
Ordained minister in process of transfer, district, 1240:1:F
Ordained minister on educational leave, 1240:1:D; 3350:1
Ordained minister on reserve, 1240:1:C; 3360
Ordained minister without appointment, 1240:1:E; 3380
Pastor, 725; 735; 1240:1:A:2; 3255–3260
Reserve general evangelist, 1240:1:A:3; 3285:2
Retired ordained ministers, 1240:1:B; 3370
Special service, 1240:1:A:7; 3345
Student, 1240:4; 3350
Supply pastor, 1240:5:E; 3260
Without appointment, 1240:1:E; 3380

Ministerial Credentials:

Commissioned minister, 3059:1g
Ordained minister, 3089:2
Licensed minister, 3055:2

Ministerial Development, District Board of, 1375–1390
Ministerial Education:, 3150–3240

Administration of, 310; 3160
College/University, 3170:2
Continuing education, 3240
Correspondence course, 3170:3
Course of study, 3200–3210
Priority of, 3150
Programs of study, 3170
Seminary, 3170:1
Training outside The Wesleyan Church, 3170:4
Types of, 3170–3240

Ministerial membership, 310; 313:6; 3097–3100
Ministerial Orders and Regulations:, 3000

Commissioned minister, 3059
Ordained minister, 3067
Licensed minister, 3030–3055; 3093

Ministerial qualifications, 310; 3003–3012
Ministerial relationships, 313:5; 3044:3; 3075:4; 3114–3117
Ministerial rights, 313; 3044; 3075
Ministerial Student:, 3015:1; 3350:2

District license form, 6260
District listing, 1240:4
Duties, 3015:4
Recommendation for, 6420
Regulations, 3015:5
Renewing License, 3015:2
Rights, 3015:3

Ministerial Study Course Agency, 2385–2388
Ministerial study course certificate, 3033:3; 3059:1c; 3070:3; 3420; 6410
Ministerial training, SEE Ministerial education
Ministry, The:, 310–313; 3000–3490

Appointments, 3250–3390
Call, 3000–3006
Categories of service, 3250
Church membership, 3097–3100
Commissioned minister, 317; 1240:2; 3059
District appointment of ministers, 323:1; 1180:11, 24; 1233:10; 1240
District supervision of ministers, 1180:22–28; 1310:22–26; 1390; 1402
Education, 3150–3240
Ordained minister, 317; 3067–3089; 3093
Elementary Principles governing, 270–286
General regulations for, 3093
Lay minister, 3400–3440; 6200–6220
Licensed minister, 317; 3030–3055; 3093; 6260
Listing of ministers, 1240
Marriage and the minister, 3012; 3108–3112
Meaning of, 3000
Membership of ministers, 3097–3100
Ministerial student, 1240:4; 3015:1; 3350:2; 6260; 6420
Ordained minister, 3067–3089; 3093
Orders, 3000
Qualifications, 3000–3006
Reception from another denomination, 3104
Regulations, 3000
Relationship to other ministers and churches, 3114–3117
Reinstatement of ministers, 3120–3124
Restoration of ministers, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5230, 5251
Special advice, 3093
Special lay ministers, 3400–3490
Specialized minister, 3003–3006

Minnesota., SEE Iowa-Minnesota district
Minutes, district conference, 1178
Mision Methodista Zion, Honduras, 80

In a developing district, 542
Local, 537; 655:14; 782:6; 1180:22
Of The Wesleyan Church, 100–105


Lay, commissioned, 1240:5:D; 3490
Ministerial appointment as, 3300
Regulations governing a, 2272

Missionary Bands of the World, 17:2
Missionary Bands of the World, Inc., The, 4230
Missionary objectives, 2258–2259; 2500
Missionary Society of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of America, Inc., The, 4230
Mississippi, SEE South Coastal district
Missouri, SEE Tri-State district
Modesty in Attire, 410:13
Monogamy, 222; 265:6
Montana, SEE Northwest district
Moral purity, 410:5
Mountain Plains District, 2403:12; 2445
Mozambique, 33; 35; 80
Myanmar, 80