Index G

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Gambling, abstain from, membership commitment, 265:4
General Assembly, Pilgrim Holiness, 24; 29; 32; 34; 50
General Board:

Bylaws, 1650
Chair, 1630
Duties and powers, 323:1; 330; 340; 360:2; 1655
Executive Board, 1750–1790
Function, 340; 1600
Membership, 340:1; 1605
Nonvoting participants, 1606
Organization, 1630–1650
Policies. SEE General Board policies Procedure
Procedure, 1630–1650
Quorum, 1640
Secretary, 1635
Sessions, 1610–1625
Vacancies, 1655:11
Vice-chair, 1630; 1655:12
Voting, 1645

General Board Policies:

Administered by General Superintendent, 1935
Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division, 2307
Communication and Administration Division, 2110
Education and Clergy Development Division, 2340
Executive Cabinet, 1990
Global Partners Division, 2261
General Treasurer/Chief Executive Officer, 1976

General Board of Review, 370–380; 2070–2075
General Church Corporation, 4200–4270
General Church Financial Plan, 1995–2050

Budget procedure, 1655:33
Planned gifts, 1995
Special offerings, 2050
Summary, 1995
United Stewardship Fund, 2000–2045

General Church government, 1500
General Church property, 4900–4940
General Conference, 325–338

Alternate delegates, 1516-1518
Appeals on questions of order, 1550
Chair, 332; 350:3; 1536
Committees, 1563–1585
Dates of, 1528
Delegates, 1508–1526; 1541
Delegates-at-large, 1508–1510
Dispute with a district, 375:6; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5440:5
Duties and powers, 295; 310; 317; 323:1; 325; 327:1; 330:1; 340:1; 350:1, 4; 360; 370; 380; 385; 1590
Editing committee, 1585
Equal ministerial and lay representation, 325; 360:3b; 1503
Forfeiture of representation by districts, 1506
Function, 1500
General Conference Planning Committee, 1570–1576
Journal, 1585
Lay delegates, 1524–1526
Membership, 323:9; 325–327; 1503–1526
Memorials, 1557–1560
Memorials committee, 1565
Ministerial delegates, 1520–1522
Minutes, 1585
Nominations, committee on special, 1580
Officers, 334; 1800
Officials, 325; 1800–1880
Organization, 1536–1585
Pilgrim Holiness, 23–50
Place, 330:1; 1528
Planning committee, 1570–1576
Presidency, 332; 350:3; 1536
Procedure, 1541–1553
Program, 1576
Quorum, 336; 1543
Rules of order, 1547
Secretary, 334; 1539
Sessions, 330; 1528–1534
Suspension of rules, 1553
Voting, 1545
Wesleyan Methodist, 11–18; 50

General Conferences:

General Conference, 2610
General Conference interrelations, 2630–2640
North American, 2550

General educational institutions, 2365; 2366
General evangelists:

Associate general evangelists, 3280
Certification form, 6340
General regulations, 3270–3295
Listing, 1240:1:A:3
Reserve general evangelist, 3285:2

General officers/officials of the church:, 340:1; 1800–1880

Amenability, 1830
District membership, 1860
Evaluation report, 1785:6; 1935
Identification, 1800
Installation ritual, 5935
General Conference membership, 1503:1c
Local church membership, 1860
Qualifications, 1810
Reports, 1840
Term of office, 1820
Vacancies, 1850

General offices and divisions, listing of, 1870
General representative, 350:3; 1180:7
General Secretary, SEE Executive Director of the Communication and Administration Division
General Superintendent:

Duties and powers, 1935
Election, 1590:15; 1903
Emeritus or Emerita, 1503:1c; 1945
General regulations, 1903
Spiritual, executive, and administrative leader, 1900

General Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer, 1970–1976
Georgia, SEE South Coastal district
Ghana, 80
Gift of tongues, 265:10
Gifts of the Spirit, Article of Religion, 238
Global Partners Division:

Executive Director of, 2261
Missionaries, 2272
Organization of mission units, 2275–2287
Purpose, 2259
Strategic Directives, 2262
Vision, 2258


Attributes of, 210
Name to be reverenced, 265:1. SEE ALSO Oaths
Purpose for man, 220
Trinity of, 210

Good works:

Article of Religion, 232
Expected, 224; 265:11; 284

Grace, 216; 224; 228; 234; 236; 242; 250; 265:9
Grand Cayman, 35
Great Lakes District, 2403:6, 2430
Greater Ohio District, 2403:7; 2430
Growth in grace, 236
Guides and Helps to Holy Living, 260–268; 557
Guyana, 35; 80