From Wesleyan Discipline
1455. Duties. The duties and powers of the district spiritual formation leadership team are:
- (1) To develop, supervise, and coordinate the work of spiritual formation within the district; to review and coordinate plans of each director and agency, including the district director of spiritual formation, the district director of adult ministries, the district director of youth ministries, the district director of children’s ministries, the district Sunday school director, the district director of leadership training, the district educational director, and others that may be appointed for spiritual formation activities in the district, which shall subsequently be submitted to the district board of administration for approval (cf. 1452).
- (2) To receive reports from the various district directors and secretaries of the leadership team and to advise them concerning their work, assisting each district agency to maintain an effective program for its particular age division of spiritual formation.
- (3) To advise and assist the district directors in implementing the plans and programs of the general divisions which they represent within the district.
- (4) To be responsible for the planning and supervision of the summer camps for children and youth; to submit detailed plans for such camps to the district board of administration for their approval; and to carry out the approved plans.
- (5) To promote the interests of the educational institutions of The Wesleyan Church, particularly the general educational institutions in the area of which the district is a part, and to see that they are represented in the various youth camps and conventions as deemed appropriate.
- (6) To present recommendations to the district board of administration and to the district conference for the growth of the work through the various ministries of spiritual formation, and for the financial plans and other interests of the work under their care.
- (7) To define the duties of the district director of spiritual formation in addition to what is set forth in The Discipline and to supervise the activities of the district director of spiritual formation.
- (8) To perform such other duties related to spiritual formation as are assigned by the district conference or the district board of administration.