1. Minimum Organization of Local Church Officers, Boards and Committees
Minimum Organization of Local Church Officers, Boards and Committees
807. Developing Church. A developing church may operate without any regularly constituted officers other than the pastor, but will ordinarily have a local advisory council of three to five members appointed by the district superintendent in cooperation with the pastor. The pastor and these members will form the local advisory council. This council may then appoint such other officers and committees as are needed and for which qualified personnel are available (cf. 510:3).
810. Church. An established church, in addition to the local church conference and the local board of administration, shall have a minimum organization consisting of a local church secretary (830), a local church treasurer (842), an offering teller (845:3), an auditing committee (863), and a board of trustees consisting of at least three members (850-859). Normally it would have a Sunday school superintendent and staff (889-910). Additional offices, positions, and committees may be added as provided herewith by the local church conference and the local board of administration as need requires and as qualified personnel are available.