2016 Wesleyan Discipline:E. District Board of World Missions
E. District Board of World Missions
1430. Function. The district board of administration shall serve as or shall establish a district board of world missions to aid the district board of administration in developing, supervising, and promoting an aggressive program of district participation in The Wesleyan Church’s program of world evangelism.
1432. Membership. If a separate district board of world missions is established, it shall have as its chair the district superintendent, unless the district superintendent shall appoint a chair subject to ratification by the district board of administration. In addition to the chair, an equal number of ordained ministers and lay members shall be elected to two-year terms, with terms so arranged that approximately one-half shall be elected each year. The district board of administration shall determine the size of the board. The district director of Global Partners and the district director of women’s ministry shall be ex officio members. General regulations governing the membership of this board are set forth in 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1275-1292.
1434. Sessions. The district board of world missions shall meet soon after the close of the district conference to make plans for the year and shall meet for regular sessions as deemed necessary or as directed by the district board of administration. Special sessions may be called by the chair as needed.
1435. Duties. The district board of world missions is amenable to the district board of administration in fulfilling the following duties:
- (1) To develop yearly and long-range plans for the promotion of world missions within the district.
- (2) To stimulate interest in and increase awareness of Global Partners throughout the district.
- (3) To build a strong prayer base for world missions.
- (4) To promote increased financial support of world missions.
- (5) To assist pastors in developing local church programs for promotion of and participation in missions.
- (6) To emphasize the call to missions service and encourage those in preparation for such service.
- (7) To perform other duties as may be required by the district board of administration in the interest of world missions.