3. General Regulations for Nominating Committee

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Nominating Committee

820. Each established church may have a nominating committee consisting of the pastor as chair and two members who meet the leadership qualifications (260-268; 558) elected by the local board of administration from its membership (782:20). The local board of administration shall elect two or more additional members with the leadership qualifications, who are not members of the local board of administration.

823. When a nominating committee has been established, it shall present to the local church conference, at its annual session, nominations for each of the following officers: local church secretary and local church treasurer (if any), the Sunday school superintendent (if any). One or more names shall be presented for each office (755. The nominating committee shall present, at the properly announced session of the local church conference (965; 1103), nominations for as many delegates to the district conference as the district board of administration shall determine (1100). The nominating committee may be used for other nominations as ordered by the local church conference, or as ordered by the local board of administration for positions elected by the board (825).