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6740. Article 6. Officers.

(1) The officers of The International Conference shall be the chair, vice- chair, secretary, and treasurer. Members of the International Board of General Superintendents shall serve as chair and vice-chair of The International Conference. The Executive Director of Global Partners shall serve as treasurer of The International Conference. The chair, vice-chair, and secretary shall be elected by The International Conference from among its own members. The officers shall take office at the adjournment of The International Conference session electing them and shall continue in office until the adjournment of the next regular session or until their successors are elected.
(2) The person elected to the office of chair shall not serve successive terms.
(3) A vacancy in any office shall be filled by the International Board.
(4) An executive secretary may be authorized by the International Board, which shall outline his/her duties.
(5) The International Conference may create and fill other offices as needed.
(6) The International Board shall be responsible for overseeing the budget for The International Conference and for planning all necessary details for convening and conducting The International Conference, including meeting notices, meeting site selection, travel instructions for representatives, and other logistics of the meeting.