Forms, general credentials: Acknowledgment of district letter of transfer
6450. Acknowledgment of District Letter of Transfer (3100:1; 3480).
To the superintendent of the _____________________ District of The Wesleyan Church.
This certifies that _______________, for whom you issued a letter of transfer as a(n) ______________* dated the ______ day of ____________, AD ____________, has been duly enrolled by the District as a(n) ______________*, the transfer having been completed on the ______ day of __________, AD ________, and we send you this acknowledgment in order that you may complete your record of the transfer.
By the authority and on behalf of the _____________ District of The Wesleyan Church, this ______ day of __________, AD ________.
________________________ District Superintendent
(*Insert the proper term, namely appointed ordained minister, ordained minister on reserve, ordained minister on educational leave, retired ordained minister, ordained minister without appointment, commissioned minister, licensed minister, ministerial student, commissioned special worker or licensed special worker. If licensed special worker, add the particular type of service, such as licensed special worker—director of music, director of spiritual formation, youth director, song evangelist, children’s worker, spouse in ministry, lay evangelist or social worker.)