I. District Educational Director

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I. District Educational Director

1496. The district educational director may be appointed by the district superintendent after discussing potential candidates with the president(s) of the educational institution(s) serving that district’s educational area, or the district board of administration may assign such duties to a district director of spiritual formation. The district educational director’s term of office, amenability, and other regulations as a district departmental officer are set forth in 1275–1292. The duties of the district educational director are:

(1) To promptly report the election to the Executive Director of Education and Clergy Development and to cooperate with the same in promoting the interests of the educational institutions of The Wesleyan Church, and particularly the general educational institutions in the area of which the district is a part.
(2) To assist the district superintendent and to cooperate with the general educational institutions within the area to which the district is assigned in formulating plans for school representation within the district (cf. 2050:3), submitting all plans to the district superintendent for approval.
(3) To represent the educational institutions, or to arrange for such representation, at the summer camps, conventions, and other appropriate occasions, including promotional displays and the distribution of literature, as directed by the district board of Christian education and approved by the officers in charge of the meetings.
(4) To assist the district superintendent in planning and conducting special services for promoting the interests of the general educational institutions during the district conference, camp meeting, and other district gatherings, arranging for promotional displays and the distribution of literature if desired, and cooperating with representatives of the educational institutions in such plans.
(5) To encourage young people to attend the schools of The Wesleyan Church, notifying such institutions of any prospective students and encouraging all pastors to do the same.
(6) To submit an annual report to the district conference (1180:13) concerning all official activities and the support given by the district for the general educational institutions, including the number of students enrolled in the educational institutions of The Wesleyan Church; and to submit other reports as may be requested (cf. 1288).
(7) To perform such other duties in harmony with the other responsibilities of this office, as may be assigned by the district conference, the district board of administration or the district spiritual formation leadership team.