2016 Wesleyan Discipline:District Conference: Duties and powers

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1180. The duties and powers of the district conference as set forth in the Constitution (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1126) and as authorized by the General Conference are:

Relating to the Constitution

(1) To propose an amendment to the Constitution, by a two-thirds vote, to be submitted to the General Conference as a memorial (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:385; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1560; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1590:1) or to propose an amendment to the Constitution to be submitted first to the other district conferences (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:385; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1590:2).
(2) To vote on the ratification of an amendment to the Constitution adopted by the General Conference (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:385; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1590:1); and to vote on a proposed amendment to the Constitution originating in another district conference (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:385; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1590:2).

Relating to the General Conference

(3) To adopt memorials to the General Conference for proposed changes in The Discipline or for other legislation (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1153; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1557-1560; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1565).
(4) To elect delegates to the General Conference as set forth in 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1503-1526 (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1175:1).
(5) To review all standing rules of the district and bring them into harmony with the Constitution, other provisions of The Discipline as currently revised and amended, and with other General Conference legislation (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:323:6; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1168:4).
(6) To request a special session of the General Conference in concurrence with two-thirds of the district conferences (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:330:2; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1532).

Relating to the District Conference

(7) To receive the appointed general representative to preside over the district conference whenever the General Superintendent is not present (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:350:3; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1935:28).
(8) To receive a report concerning the interests and progress of the denomination from the General Superintendent or if the General Superintendent is not present, from the general representative (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1935:27, 29).
(9) To authorize, if desired, a district conference action committee, designate its number of members, and provide for the election of the members as set forth in 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1165.
(10) To authorize, if desired, a district conference nominating committee, designate its number of members, elect such members, and determine its duties as set forth in 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1172-1175.
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Relating to District Administration

(12) To take charge of all ordained, commissioned or licensed ministers, ministerial students, commissioned and licensed special workers, missions, developing churches, pastoral charges, auxiliary organizations (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1233:25; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:7365:2) and other district work within its bounds, except when the district is under discipline (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:360:3c, e), and except for those members of the district who are elected as general officials (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1800), missionaries appointed under the Global Partners Division (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:2272), and others who are amenable only to the General Board for their official duties (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:323:1; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:360:2; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:5150; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:5203).
(13) To receive a report concerning their official duties from the following: the district superintendent (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1310:30), the assistant district superintendent(s) (if any, 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1323:6), the district treasurer (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1337:8), the leaders of all district departments and auxiliaries, and any others as desired by the district conference.
(14) To consider the numerical and financial progress of the district by receiving a complete statistical and financial report as compiled and submitted by the district statistical committee (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1352:1-3).
(15) To take such actions and adopt such rules as it shall judge necessary to promote the interests and prosperity of The Wesleyan Church within the bounds of the district, and to amend or rescind the same, provided that it shall not add to or take from any provision of the Constitution or other provisions of The Discipline, and provided that any three members may appeal an action of the district conference as set forth in 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:323:6 (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:2061).
(16) To adopt financial plans which will provide for the support of the district work, and for the payment of the district obligation for the United Stewardship Fund (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:2015:1), assigning to each church its share of these obligations (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:2015:2; cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1233:11).
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(18) To determine the dates for the district fiscal year, which shall be binding on all churches, boards, committees, and organizations within the district for the keeping of records and reports.
(19) To authorize employment, if desired, of one or more assistant district superintendents (if any, cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1320) as full-time district official(s), and further to define any duties in addition to those required by The Discipline (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1323-1327).
(20) To create, if so desired, a camp meeting board and define its duties or to delegate this to the district board of administration.
(21) To authorize the incorporation of the district as provided for in 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:4100-4150. After such incorporation, the district board of administration shall carry out the will of the district conference concerning the holding of district and local church property (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:4680), and shall have power, on its own resolution, to acquire, purchase, manage, sell, exchange, mortgage, deed in trust, pledge, rent, lease, and convey any property, real, personal, or mixed, as may be necessary or convenient for the purpose of the corporation.
(22) To elect, in states where local laws prohibit such incorporation, or where the law requires the property to be held by trustees, a district board of trustees from among the members of the district board of administration, which shall carry out the will of the district conference concerning the holding of district and local church property (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:4680), and which shall carry out its duties as set forth in 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1365 (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:4500-4630; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:4800-4880).
(23) To delegate any of its duties not restricted to the district conference by the Constitution.

Relating to Churches, Ministers, and Lay Workers

(24) To authorize the establishing of a mission (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:537), a developing church (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:510), a church (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:518), a circuit (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:525), the reclassification of a church as a developing church (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:518:7; cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1233:30), to declare a church as discontinued or abandoned (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:4730), and to hear a report from the district superintendent of the organization of new churches (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:520:6; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1310:16). Any established church that is not under discipline may not be discontinued without a corroborating vote of the local church conference (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:655:14; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1233:30).
(25) To determine the boundaries of each pastoral charge within the district (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:323:5; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1233:10c; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:4750).
(26) To receive and pass upon the recommendations of the district board of administration concerning the pastoral agreements, appointments, and district conference relations, as follows (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1233:10):
(a) To approve the pastoral agreements entered into between the pastoral charges and the ministers, or to alter such an agreement, or to veto the action of the pastoral charge and appoint another pastor, provided that any such alteration or veto shall be for reasons as set forth in the Constitution, and shall be voted on as a separate action by the district conference (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:323:1-2; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:697).
(b) To appoint a pastor to those pastoral charges not yet supplied at the time of the district conference or whenever requested to do so by a local church (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:708) or to delegate such appointment to the district board of administration, and to appoint an interim pastor (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3261:2) or to employ a qualified person as a supply pastor when deemed necessary (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3260).
(c) To appoint each minister to the proper category of service or other appointment (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3250-3391), appointing each ordained minister not included on the appointed list (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1240:I:A) to the proper district conference relation as retired, on reserve, on educational leave, without appointment (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1240:I:B-E) or in process of transfer (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3104); appointing each commissioned or licensed minister to the proper category of service (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1240:II:A-B; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1240:III:A-B; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3255-3391) or in the process of transfer (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3104); to license as ministerial students those persons so qualified (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1240:IV; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3015:1); and to appoint as commissioned or licensed special workers, designating their particular ministry (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3450-3480), those who have been granted the proper commissions and licenses (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1240:V:A-C) or to list them as in process of transfer (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1240:V:B); and to appoint commissioned lay missionaries.
(27) To grant in concurrence with the General Board prior approval to a local church conference for post-secondary education in terms of an institute, junior college or college-level programs (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:655:19; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1655:36).
(28) To elect to ordination or for commissioning as a minister, a candidate the district conference deems qualified (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3070), after receiving a report from the district board of ministerial development (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1390:5) which shall be acted upon as a separate item of business.
(29) To grant a license, commission, recognition or restoration, in keeping with the requirements of The Discipline, after receiving the report and recommendations from the district board of ministerial development (1390:5), as follows:
(a) A recognition as ordained minister in process of transfer to an ordained minister being received from another denomination (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3104), and a recognition as an ordained minister of The Wesleyan Church in full standing when all requirements have been met (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3104:4-5).
(b) A district ministerial license, the granting of which shall become effective when the person receives appointment as set forth in 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3033:7 and 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3040:3 (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1180:26c; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1233:10).
(c) A recognition of a commissioned or licensed minister being received from another denomination as in process of transfer (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3104) and a recognition of such commissioned or licensed ministers in full standing when all requirements are met (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3104).
(d) A license as a ministerial student for those who are qualified (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3015:1; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3350).
(e) A license or commission as special worker, designating the particular ministry (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3450-3480), or a recognition of a commissioned special worker or the equivalent thereof in process of transfer from another denomination, and subsequent recognition as a commissioned special worker in full standing when all requirements have been met (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3470).
(f) A commission as lay missionary (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3490).
(g) Any other license or commission as shall be authorized by The Discipline.
(h) The restoration or reinstatement of ordination, commission or license as set forth in 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3120-3124; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:3480; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:5230-5248 (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1390:4).
(30) To receive and pass on an annual service report, through the district board of ministerial development as set forth in 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1390:7-9, from each ordained, commissioned, and licensed minister, ministerial student, and commissioned and licensed special worker; to receive an explanation from the district board of ministerial development relative to each person whose report has been found unsatisfactory, and to vote on the continuation of such person for appointment which shall require a two-thirds vote of confidence for approval (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1390:9).

Relating to the Election of Officials and Committees

(31) To elect, by ballot and by majority vote, an ordained minister to the office of district superintendent for a term of two years (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1303:2, 4; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1935:31). Reelection thereafter shall be for a term of four years or for an extended call (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1303:2, 4).
(32) To authorize, if so desired, election by the district board of administration of one or more ordained minister(s) as assistant district superintendent(s) (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1320).
(33) To elect, by ballot and by majority vote, a district secretary (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1330; cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1175:1), a district treasurer (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1335; cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1175:1) or, if deemed advisable, a district secretary-treasurer and members-at-large of the district board of administration (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1203-1206). The district conference may authorize the district board of administration to appoint or employ a district treasurer (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1335).
(34) To designate, if it so desires, the ordained ministers of the district board of ministerial development as the council of ordination (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1405; cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1233:37).
(35) To elect the following or to delegate election to the district board of administration:
(a) District building committee (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1345);
(b) District statistical committee (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1350-1352);
(c) District director of evangelism and church growth (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1426);
(d) District director of Global Partners (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1429);
(e) District director of spiritual formation (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1460) or a district Sunday school director (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1483); and
(f) If desired, a district director of leadership training (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1486), a district director of children’s ministries (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1489), a district director of Wesleyan Youth (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1492), a district director of adult ministries (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1494), and such other district ministry leaders deemed necessary.
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(39) To elect a district board of review as set forth in paragraph 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1370 (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:1175:2; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:5218).

Relating to Church Law and the Judiciary

(40) To request, by a two-thirds majority vote, a ruling on a point of Wesleyan Church law or an interpretation of The Discipline from the General Superintendent (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:2061:1); and to appeal, by a two-thirds majority vote, such a ruling to the General Board of Review (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:2061:3; see also General Board Policy on Church Discipline 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:5445:2).
(41) To appeal, by a two-thirds majority vote, a decision of the General Superintendent on the legality of an action by the district conference, a district board or committee or a district official, to the General Board of Review (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:375:2; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:2061; cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:323:6; see also General Board Policy on Church Discipline 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:5445:2). All appeals must be filed with the Executive Director of Communication and Administration within sixty days after the date of the official decision on the matter.
(42) To adopt, by a two-thirds majority vote, a complaint against the General Conference or another district and order its presentation to the General Board of Review for settlement (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:375:4,6; see also General Board Policy on Church Discipline 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:5445:4); and to adopt such a complaint, by a majority vote, against the General Board to be presented to the General Board of Review for settlement (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:323:10).
(43) To appeal, by a two-thirds majority vote, a judgment of the General Board of Review to the General Conference for final settlement (cf. 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:323:10; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:380; see also General Board Policy on Church Discipline 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:5450). All appeals must be filed with the Executive Director of Communication and Administration within sixty days after the date of the official decision on the matter.
(44) To exercise judicial powers according to the provisions of the General Board Policy on Church Discipline (2016 Wesleyan Discipline:5200-5248; 2016 Wesleyan Discipline:5300-5325).