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The numbers refer to The Discipline paragraphs. A subparagraph is separated from the related paragraph by a colon. Main references or definitions are in boldface type.


Abandoned church property, 4730
Abortion, 410:11
Absentee ballots, 695
Abstinence, 265:2-10
Abuse, 265:7

Proper form and handling, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5002:3-4; 5022; 5206
Accusation: Withdrawal of members when under, 592; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5048

Adjunct entities, 4370
Administrators, ministers serving as, 3320
Admonition, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5023:1, 5115
Adoption, 230
Adultery, basis for divorce, 265:6
Affiliate church, 548 Africa, 17:3; 18; 25; 33; 35; 65; 80
Africa Evangelistic Mission, 33
Agreement, pastoral, 313:3; 315:2; 323:1-2; 697
Alabama, SEE South Coastal district
Alaska, SEE Northwest district
Alberta, SEE Central Canada district
Alcoholic beverages, 265:4; 410:4
Alliance of the Reformed Baptist Church of Canada, The, 17:3
Alternate delegates:

Board of Review, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc.5405
district conference, 1106
General Conference, 1516–1518

Ancestry, discrimination forbidden, 360:3d
Andover, MA, 7
Annual service report, 1402
Annuities, 475
Antigua, 35
Appeal, judicial:

District conference’s right of, 1180:38-39
District member’s right of, 323:6
Members’ right of, 302:6
Minister’s right of, 313:7

Appeal, questions of order:

In district conference, 1144
In General Conference, 1550

Appointed ordained ministers, 317; 1240:1; 3250–3390
Appointments, ministerial, 3250–3390
Area representatives on General Board, 340:1; 1605:2
Arizona, SEE Pacific Southwest district
Arkansas, SEE Tri-State district
Articles of Religion, 210–250; 297:3; 553:1

Summary of, 299

Assessments. SEE United Stewardship Fund

District superintendent, 1320–1327
Pastor, 678; 725:27; 741
Treasurer, local, 845:1

Atlantic district, 2403:1; 2435
Atonement, Article of Religion, 226
Audit, General Board ordered, 1655:20
Auditing committee:

district, 1340
Local church, 800:2

Australia, 18; 80
Authority, For church law, 185

Annual audit, 1655:20
Election of boards, trustees, managers, 1655:19
Financial policies, 1655:23
Official policies, 1655:27
Overall correlation, 1785:3


Backsliding, 234

Administrants of, 313:1; 3044:1; 3059:2a; 3075:1
Articles of Religion, 242
Believers, 290; 5515
Children, 290; 5510
Condition of membership, 297:2; 553:1
Infants, 290; 5500–5510
Modes of, 290
Right of access to, 302:2
Ritual of, 5500–5530
Sacrament, 242

Baptism of the Holy Spirit, 236
Barbados, 35
Barbuda, 35

Forms for, 4940
Special direction concerning, 475

Bible, 218; SEE ALSO Holy Scriptures
Bible reading in public schools, 410:8
Birth sin, 224
Board of Pensions, 4405; 4410:1

see Wesleyan Pension Fund Inc

Board of review, district, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5218–5221
Board of Review, General, 370–380; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5400–5450
Board of trustees, SEE Trustees
Boards of Administration:

District, 1200–1245
General, 1600–1799
Local, 750–782

Body of Christ, 240
Bonding of treasurers:

District, 1233:17; 1337:2
General, 1655:28

Bougainville, 80
Boundaries, 2400–2445

District, 2400–2403
Representative areas, 2430–2445

Brazil, 35; 80
British Columbia, SEE Central Canada district
British Isles, 80

District, 1180:15
General Church, 1655:23; 1995–2045
Local, 655:10

Building construction, 655:11; 782:29
Buildings, church owned, use of, 313:4
Burial of dead, ritual, 5700-5725
Business meeting, local church, 625-655


California, SEE Pacific Southwest district
Calling a pastor, 690-722

Area boundaries, 2435
District boundaries, 2400; 2403:1-2
The Wesleyan Church of, 70

Candidates for license, commission, and ordination, examination of, 1390:1, 3–4; 3033:6; 3070:4; 3104:3; 3460; 3470
Canon, the,  218
Caribbean, 35; 65; 80; 2565; 6750:2
Central America, 27
Central Canada district, 2403:2; 2435
Ceremonies of churches, 420

Commission, 6280
Membership, 6052
General evangelists, 3285:1; 6340
Interim pastor’s authorization, 6250
Ordination, 3070:7; 6300
Pocket, of standing, 6430
Student membership, 6070
Study course, 3033:3; 3059:1g; 3070:3; 6410
Supply pastor’s authorization, 3260:4; 6240
Validating ordination, commission, or license, 3104:5; 6320


Committee on, 2395
Institutional, 3330
Military, 3330

Charity, Christian, 220; 265:3
Charter, International Conference, 125; 1590:4; 2640; 2680; Appendix A, 6500-6770
Chesapeake district, 2403:3; 2435
Chief Financial Officer/General Treasurer, 1970-1976
Children, responsibility to, 265:7
Children’s worker, 3210:5; 3450–3480; 6360–6380
Chile, 80

Atonement of, 226
Body of, 240
Member of Trinity, 210
Merits for justification,' 230
Resurrection of, 214
Sacraments commanded by, 242
Second coming of, 214; 244; 246
Son of God, 214

Christian liberty, special direction concerning, 440
Christian perfection, SEE Entire Sanctification
Christian social concern, 410; 1655:45
Christian unity 450
Christian worship, 420

Article of Religion, 240
Christ the only head of, 270
Guides and Helps to Holy Living, 265 SEE ALSO local church; Wesleyan Church

Church board, 750–782
Church buildings:

Dedication, ritual, 5950
Use of, 313:4

Church, developing, 510

Categories of, 510:6
Delegate to district conference, 510:5
Government of, 510:3
In developing district, 542
Local advisory council of, 510:2–3
Membership in, 510:2
Minimum organization, 807
Pastoral appointment for, 510:1
Property of, 510:4. SEE ALSO Property, local church

Church discipline:

For members, 260, 268
Judicial, 5000–5004
Meaning and purpose of, 5000
Principles of administering, 5002

Church growth, SEE Church Multiplication and Discipleship
Church hearings:, 276
Church law:

Classification of, 125–190
Elementary principles governing, 270–286
Interpretation of, 375:1-6; 2060–2068
Judiciary, 5000–5004
SEE Appendix B

Church member, membership, 550–610

Assistant pastor’s, 578:2
Categories of, 295
Classes for, 568; 725:11; 782:8
Conditions of, 295; 297; 553
Constitutionally established, 295
Developing Church, 510
Elementary Principal Governing, 272
Essence and Meaning of, 260; 550
Judicial Procedure Against, 555
Letters and Certificates, 6000-6070
Minister's, 310; 578:2; 3097–3100
Pastors, 578:2
Reception of, 566–570
Records, 610
Restoration of, 268
Rights of, 302, 555
Ritual, 295; 5550-5595
Termination of, See Termination of Membership

Church member, membership, student, 552, 564–565, 610

Certificate of membership, 6070

Church members, relations with one another, 265:8–13
Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division, 2305-2307
Church officers; officials:

District, 1250–1292
General, 1800-1870
Local, 800; 815

Church plant, 510:6
Church property, SEE Abandoned Church Property, Property, District; Property, General; Property, General Church; Property, Local Church:
Church secretary, 775; 830
Church treasurer, 752:1; 842
Cincinnati, OH, 24
Circuit, 525–535

Boundaries set by district, 323:5
Developing district, 542
Pastoral charge, a type of, 315
Pastor’s membership, 578:2

Civil rights, 220; 265:12; 360:3d SEE ALSO Rights
Classification of church law, 125–190
Clergy Development, SEE Education and Clergy Development Division

By local churches, 1180:25
President, ritual for installation, 5945
Program of study for ministry, 3170:2
Trustees, 2362
SEE ALSO Educational institutions, general

Colombia, 18; 80
Colorado, SEE Mountain Plains District
Commissioned Lay Missionary:

Commission form, 6400
Listing of, 1240:5:D
Regulations governing, 3490

Commissioned minister:

Certificate for commission, 6280
Course of study, 3210:3
District listing of, 1240
Duties of, 3059:3
Qualifications for, 3059:1
Regulations for, 3059:4
Rights of, 3059:2

Commissioned special worker:

In process of transfer, 1240:5:B; 3470
Listing of, 1240:5:A
Regulations governing, 3470–3480


Of lay missionaries, 3490, 5850
lay workers, 5850
Of ministers, 5800
Of special workers, 3470

Commitments, membership, 260–268

Chaplains, 2395; 3330
District, 1250
General Conference, 1563-1585
editing, 1585
General Conference Planning, 1570
Local Church, 800
Special Nominations, 1580

Communication and Administration Division, 2100-2110
Communion, 242; 293
Compensation of ministers, 286; 782:14

Against course of study books, 375:5
Against ministers, 313:7

Conditions of membership, 297
Conference, SEE Circuit: Conferences; District conference; General Conference; Local Church Conference
Conflict of laws, 1796–1799
Conflict Resolution, 5004
Connecticut, SEE Northeast District
Conscientious objector, 410:3
Constitution of the North American General Conference, The: 200–385

Adoption of, 50
Amendments, 385
Current authority for, 185
Function, 145
Identification of, 135
Summary of contents, 135–145; 200
Text of, 200–385
type of Church Law, 135–145

Constitutional law, 125–145

Of district conference acts, 375:2
Of General Conference acts, 375:1

Continuing education, 3240
Contract, pastoral, 697; 723
Conversion, 228; 230; 297:1; 553:1
Corporate offense, 5010 Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc.
Corporation, The Wesleyan Church:, 4200–4270
Corporations, affiliate, 4300–4425
Corporations, district, 4100-4150
Corporations, local church, 4000-4070
Corporations, subsidiary, 4300–4425
Correspondence study courses, 2385–2388; 3170:3
Costa Rica, 80
Council, advisory:

Circuit, 530
Developing church, 510:3

Council of Ordination, 1405
Council, Wesleyan Educational, 2355

Concerning divorce, 265:6
Minister as counselor, 725:9

Courses of study:, 2385–2388; 3170–3240

Certificate of completion, 6410
Commissioned minister’s, 3210:3
Development of, 3200
Lay minister’s, 3210:4
Pre-ordination, 3210:1
Special workers’, 3210:5
Specialized ministries, 3210:2


Gen Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5230; 5212:2
Of commissioned minister, 3059:4b
Of ordained minister, 3089:2
Of licensed minister, 3055:2
Of ministerial student, 3015:5b

Crossroads district, 2403:4; 2430
Curacao, 35
Current authority for church law, 185


Daughter church, 510:6b
Day care and/or day schools:

Authorization, 655:18
Approval by DBA, 782:33; 1233:32
Financial policies, 782:36
Governance, 782:36
Separate treasury, 782:37

De Wesleyaanse Gemeente, Suriname, 80

Of church buildings, 5950
Of infants, 290; 5500
Of parsonages, 5975

Deity, respect for name of, 265:1
Delaware, SEE Chesapeake district
Delegates to district conference:

Allotment, 1100
Alternate, 1106
Certification, 830:4
Election, 317; 528:3; 965; 1103
Function and general regulations, 315:7; 317; 1086
Laity elected, 1086
Qualifications, 1109

Delegates to General Conference:

Alternate, 1516–1518
At–large, 1508–1510
Certification, 1332:5; 1512
Developing district, 1015
Election, 1180:4; 1508–1518
Function and general regulations, 323:9; 1500–1506
Lay, 1503:1b; 1516; 1524–1526
Ministerial, 1503:1b; 1516; 1520–1522
Qualifications, 1520–1526

Denominational service, ministers appointed to, 1240:1:A:4
Depravity, inherited, 224
Destiny, Article of Religion, 250
Developing church, SEE church, developing
Developing district, SEE district, developing
Director of music:

Course of study, 3210:5
Local, 870
Special worker, 3450–3480

Director of youth ministries:

Course of study, 3210:5
Special worker, 3450–3480


Meaning and purpose of, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5000–5002
Subjects of, 260; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5200-5248; 5270-5288

Discipline, book of: For mission units, 340:2; 2610:6
Discipline, consequences of being under:

For Districts, 323:9; 327:1; 360:3e; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5066; 5365; 5375
For Local Churches, 315:7; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5066; 5310; 5320
For Members, 302:3; 575; 590; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5052; 5115
For Ministers, 313; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5052; 5115; 5212–5215, 5288

Discipline, The, of the North American General Conference:

Amendment of, 125–165
Authoritative edition of, 185
First, of The Wesleyan Church, 50
Interpretations of, 2060–2061; Appendix B

Discontinue church:, 1180:22, 1233:36, 4730
Discontinue church members:

Power to, 315:1; 655:1
Procedure of, 600–605
Reason for, 305; 585; 600–605

Discrimination forbidden, 265:12; 360:3d

Definition of, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5115:5; 5212:5
Power of, 315:1; 655:1
Reasons for, 276; 305; 585; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5115:5; 5212:5


Amenability, 1050
Appeal from its actions, 323:6
Assignment to representative area, 1590:12
Assistant superintendent, 1320–1327
Auditing committee or auditor, 1340
Authorization, 1036
Board of administration, 1200–1245
Board of ministerial development, 1375–1390
Boundaries, 2400–2403
Committees, list of, 1250
Committees, regulations for, 1278-1292
Conducts a local mission, 537; 655:14; 1180:22; 1233:26
Conference, 1075–1180
Corporation, 4100–4150
Definition, 317; 1000
Departmental officers, 1278-1292
Developing, 1003–1015
Directory, 1332:8
Disputes with General Conference, 375:6; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5445:4
Disputes with other districts, 375:4; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5350
Established, 360:3e; 1036–1050
Financial plan, 1180:15
Fiscal year, 1180:17
Function, 317; 1000
Government, 1000–1405
Journal, 1178
May request special session of General Conference, 330:2
Membership of ministers, 310; 313:6; 3100
Merger, 1060–1065
Ministerial development, board of, 1375–1390
Nominating committee, district conference, 1172–1175
Officers, list of, 1250
Officers, regulations for, 323:7; 1255–1292
Officials, 1255–1272
Organization, 317; 1000–1065
Organizing conference, 1040
Powers, 323; 1180
Property, SEE Property, District
Realignment, 1060–1065
Reclassification, 1042–1045; 1935
Requirements for, 1038
Reorganization of, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5275
Review, board of, 1370; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5218–5221
Rights, 323
Secretary, 1330–1332
Service, ministerial appointment to, 1390:1; 3320
Superintendent, 1300–1310
Superintendent’s representative, 520; 692:2; 1310:12
Treasurer, 1335–1337
Trustees, board of, 1360–1365; SEE ALSO Developing District

District Board of Ministerial Development:, 1375–1405

Duties, 1390
Function, 1375
Membership, 1378
Organization, 1381
Records, 1387
Sessions, 1384

District Conference:, 1075–1180

Allotment of lay delegates, 510:5; 528:3; 1080; 1100
Alternate delegates, 1106
Appeals on questions of order, 1144
Chair, 350:3; 1120
Committees, 1159–1175
Duties and powers, 1180
Function, 1075
Journal, 1178
Legislation, 1147
Membership, 317; 1080–1090
Memorials, 1153
Minutes, 1178
Nominating committee, 1172–1175
Procedure, 1126–1147
Quorum, 1129
Reconvened session, 1115
Resolutions, 1150–1156; 1233:9
Rights, 1126
Rules of order, 1138
Secretary, 1123
Sessions, 1112–1115
Suspension of rules, 1141
Voting, 1135

District, Developing, 1003–1015

Authorization, 1006
General Conference representation, 1015
Jurisdiction over, 1009
Local churches in, 542
Ordination, commissioning, and licensing, 1012
Organization of, 1012
Property, 4800
Purpose, 1003

District Forms:

Acknowledgment of letter of transfer, 6450
Letter of standing, 6460
Letter of transfer, 6440
License, 6260
Recommendation for district license, 6420

District membership of ministers, 3100
District of Columbia, SEE Chesapeake district
District Superintendent:, 1300–1310

Amenability, 323:1; 1307
Assistant, 1320–1327
Duties, 1310
Election, 1303:1
Function, 1300
Installation ritual, 5930
Nomination of, 1303:7; 1935
Developing district, 1003–1015
Qualifications and tenure, 1303
Reelection, 1303:3
Term of office, 1303:2
Vacancy, 1303:6

Divided House:

In district conference vote, 320; 1135
In General Conference vote, 338; 1545


Abuse, 265:7
Biblical grounds for, 265:6; 410:6
Marriage of divorced persons, 3111
Ministers, 3012; 3108; 3111
Remarriage, 410:6
SEE ALSO marriage; remarriage

Domestic violence, 265:7


Education and Clergy Development Division, 2338–2340
Educational institutions, general:

Curriculum Requirements, 2365–2368
Financial support, 2377
General Board’s role, 2362
General Conference’s role, 2362
Ministerial Study Course Agency, 2385–2388
Names of institutions, 2365; 2366
Ownership and control, 2358
Presidents, 325; 1503:1c
Spiritual priorities, 2358
Standards of the General Board for Educational Institutions, 2362:4
Wesleyan Educational Council, 2355
Wesleyan Seminary Foundation, 2382

Educational leave, ordained ministers on:

Category of service, 3350:1
District listing, 1240

Educational objectives, 2339
Educators, ministers appointed as, 3310
Egypt, 80
Elementary Principles, 270–286; 297:3; 553:1
Elementary schools, SEE Day Care and/or Day Schools
Eligibility to hold office:

Commissioned ministers, 3059:2b
Full members, 302:4
Ordained ministers, 313:2

Emeritus or Emerita title, 1503:1c; 1590:20; 1945

Discipline of officials, 1785:7
General Conference sessions, 1530
Ordination service, 3070:5
USF, change of percentage, 1655:22

Emmanuel Wesleyan Church:

South Africa Bantu, 80
Swaziland, 80
Transkei, 80

England, 35
Entertainment, 410:12
Entire sanctification:

Article of Religion, 236
Historical background, 1–2; 12–13; 24
SEE ALSO Holiness, Scriptural

Episcopacy, 6-8
Equal ministerial and lay representation:

General Conference may not change, 360:3b
Historical background, 8
In district conference, 317; 1080; 1100
In General Conference, 325; 1503

Equal rights, 220; 265:12; 360:3d; 410:1
Essentials of The Wesleyan Church, 125; 340:2; 1590:1; 2500:3; 2610:7; 2660
Established church:

Authorization for organization, 518
Procedure of organization, 520

Established district, 360:3e; 1036–1050
Estate Planning, 475 Assist with wills, bequests; annuities
Europe, 2470
Evaluation report of general officials, 1785:6
Evaluation sessions:

District Board, 1218
General Board, 1625
Local Board, 767

Evangelistic service, 1240:1:A:3; 3270–3295

Examination, 3275
Function, 3270
General, Associate, 3280
General and reserve general, 3285:1-2
Historical background, 13
Reports, 3295

Examination of candidates for license, commission, or ordination, 1390:1, 3–4; 3033:6; 3070:4; 3104:3; 3460; 3470
Excommunication, 276; 315:1; 655:1; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5115:5; 5212:5
Executive Board:, 1750–1790

Chair, 1765
Duties and powers, 1785–1790
Function, 1750
Membership, 1755
Minutes, 1790
Organization, 1765–1780
Quorum, 1775
Secretary, 1770
Sessions, 1760
Vice-chair, 1655:12

Voting, 1780
Executive Cabinet:, 1990

As the General Conference Planning Committee, 1570–1576

Executive Director,

Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division, 2307
Communication and Administration Division, 2110
Education and Clergy Development Division, 2340
Global Partners Division, 2261

Expulsion, SEE Dismissal or Excommunication
Extended call regulations, 720
Extension, church (historical), 16


Faith, Article of Religion on, 228

Article of Religion, 222
Duties to, 265:6–7

Fasting, 265:9
Father, The, Article of Religion, 212
Financial policies:

District, 1180:15
General Church, 1995–2050
Local church, 655:9; 782:28

Financial secretary, local, 845:2
Financial support of educational institutions, 2377
Fiscal year:

District, 1180:18
Local church, 1180:18

Florida district, 2403:5; 2440
Forfeiture of representation:

District, 1506; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5365
Local church, 1095; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5310


Bequests and devises, 4940
Church letters, 6000–6040
District, 6420–6460
General credentials, 6200–6340
Service credentials, 6200–6460
Special worker’s credentials, 6360–6400

Forms, general credentials:

Acknowledgment of district letter of transfer, 6450
Course of study certificate, 6410
District letter of standing, 6460
District letter of transfer, 6440
Pocket certificate of standing, 6430
Recommendation for district license, 6420

Forms, ministerial credentials:

Commission certificate for ministers, 6280
District license for ministerial students, and licensed ministers, 6260
General evangelist’s certificate, 6340
Interim pastor’s certificate, 6250
Lay minister’s letter of standing, 6220
Lay minister’s license, 6200
Ordination certificate, 6300
Supply pastor’s certificate, 6240
Validation certificate for ordained ministers, commissioned, or licensed ministers, 6320

Forms, special worker’s credentials:

Lay missionary’s commission, 6400
Special worker’s commission, 6380
Special worker’s license, 6360

Free will, 224
Fund raising, methods of, 470


Gambling, abstain from, membership commitment, 265:4
General Assembly, Pilgrim Holiness, 24; 29; 32; 34; 50
General Board:

Bylaws, 1650
Chair, 1630
Duties and powers, 323:1; 330; 340; 360:2; 1655
Executive Board, 1750–1790
Function, 340; 1600
Membership, 340:1; 1605
Nonvoting participants, 1606
Organization, 1630–1650
Policies. SEE General Board policies Procedure
Procedure, 1630–1650
Quorum, 1640
Secretary, 1635
Sessions, 1610–1625
Vacancies, 1655:11
Vice-chair, 1630; 1655:12
Voting, 1645

General Board Policies:

Administered by General Superintendent, 1935
Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division, 2307
Communication and Administration Division, 2110
Education and Clergy Development Division, 2340
Executive Cabinet, 1990
Global Partners Division, 2261
General Treasurer/Chief Executive Officer, 1976

General Board of Review, 370–380; 2070–2075
General Church Corporation, 4200–4270
General Church Financial Plan, 1995–2050

Budget procedure, 1655:33
Planned gifts, 1995
Special offerings, 2050
Summary, 1995
United Stewardship Fund, 2000–2045

General Church government, 1500
General Church property, 4900–4940
General Conference, 325–338

Alternate delegates, 1516-1518
Appeals on questions of order, 1550
Chair, 332; 350:3; 1536
Committees, 1563–1585
Dates of, 1528
Delegates, 1508–1526; 1541
Delegates-at-large, 1508–1510
Dispute with a district, 375:6; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5440:5
Duties and powers, 295; 310; 317; 323:1; 325; 327:1; 330:1; 340:1; 350:1, 4; 360; 370; 380; 385; 1590
Editing committee, 1585
Equal ministerial and lay representation, 325; 360:3b; 1503
Forfeiture of representation by districts, 1506
Function, 1500
General Conference Planning Committee, 1570–1576
Journal, 1585
Lay delegates, 1524–1526
Membership, 323:9; 325–327; 1503–1526
Memorials, 1557–1560
Memorials committee, 1565
Ministerial delegates, 1520–1522
Minutes, 1585
Nominations, committee on special, 1580
Officers, 334; 1800
Officials, 325; 1800–1880
Organization, 1536–1585
Pilgrim Holiness, 23–50
Place, 330:1; 1528
Planning committee, 1570–1576
Presidency, 332; 350:3; 1536
Procedure, 1541–1553
Program, 1576
Quorum, 336; 1543
Rules of order, 1547
Secretary, 334; 1539
Sessions, 330; 1528–1534
Suspension of rules, 1553
Voting, 1545
Wesleyan Methodist, 11–18; 50

General Conferences:

General Conference, 2610
General Conference interrelations, 2630–2640
North American, 2550

educational institutions, 2365; 2366
General evangelists:

Associate general evangelists, 3280
Certification form, 6340
General regulations, 3270–3295
Listing, 1240:1:A:3
Reserve general evangelist, 3285:2

General officers/officials of the church:, 340:1; 1800–1880

Amenability, 1830
District membership, 1860
Evaluation report, 1785:6; 1935
Identification, 1800
Installation ritual, 5935
General Conference membership, 1503:1c
Local church membership, 1860
Qualifications, 1810
Reports, 1840
Term of office, 1820
Vacancies, 1850

General offices and divisions, listing of, 1870
General representative, 350:3; 1180:7
General Secretary, SEE Executive Director of the Communication and Administration Division
General Superintendent:

Duties and powers, 1935
Election, 1590:15; 1903
Emeritus or Emerita, 1503:1c; 1945
General regulations, 1903
Spiritual, executive, and administrative leader, 1900

General Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer, 1970–1976
Georgia, SEE South Coastal district
Ghana, 80
Gift of tongues, 265:10
Gifts of the Spirit, Article of Religion, 238
Global Partners Division:

Executive Director of, 2261
Missionaries, 2272
Organization of mission units, 2275–2287
Purpose, 2259
Strategic Directives, 2262
Vision, 2258


Attributes of, 210
Name to be reverenced, 265:1. SEE ALSO Oaths
Purpose for man, 220
Trinity of, 210

Good works:

Article of Religion, 232
Expected, 224; 265:11; 284

Grace, 216; 224; 228; 234; 236; 242; 250; 265:9
Grand Cayman, 35
Great Lakes District, 2403:6, 2430
Greater Ohio District, 2403:7; 2430
Growth in grace, 236
Guides and Helps to Holy Living, 260–268; 557
Guyana, 35; 80


Haiti, 17:1; 18; 80
Hawaii, SEE Pacific Southwest district
Healing, 430
Hearing, right to:

For districts, 323:10
For local churches, 315:8
For members, 302:5
For ministers, 313:7

Heaven, 250
Hell, 250
Hephzibah Ministries Inc., 4310:4
Hephzibah Faith Missionary Society, 17:1
Heresy, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5050:1; 5070:1; 5370:1
History of The Wesleyan Church, 1–80
Holiness Christian Church, 27
Holiness Church, The, 32
Holiness, scriptural:

Historical background, 1–60
Mission of The Wesleyan Church, 100–105
SEE ALSO Entire sanctification

Holy Ghost., SEE Holy Spirit
Holy Scriptures:

Article of Religion, 218
Basis for church rules, 280
In church hearings, 276
Inerrancy, 218, 299; 5566; 5772
Only rule of faith and conduct, 270
Reading as means of grace, 265:9

Holy Spirit, The, Article of Religion, 216; 230; 236–238
Holy Trinity, Article of Religion, 210
Homosexual behavior, 265:6; 410:5
Honduras, 18; 80
Honesty, 265:13
Horton, Jotham, 7
Houghton College, 2365:1
Human sexuality, 410:5


Idaho, 2403:19; SEE Northwest district
Iglesia Wesleyana Peregrina, Peru, 80
Iglesia Evangelica de los Peregrinos, Mexico, 80
Igreja Emmanuel Evangelica Wesleyana, Mozambique, 80
Igreja Evangelica Wesleyana, Brazil, 80
Illinois district, SEE Great Lakes district
Immigrant Connection, Inc., 4310
Immorality and restoration of ministers, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5180:3; 5370:5
Incest grounds for divorce, 265:6
Incorporation, district, 4100–4150
Indemnification of officers, 4235
India, 17:2; 18; 80
Indiana SEE Crossroads and Indiana South district
Indiana Wesleyan University, 2365:2; 2455
Indianapolis, IN, 34
Indiana South district, 2403:8
Individual rights, respect for; membership commitment, 265:12
Indonesia, 80, 2560
Inerrancy of Scriptures, 218; 299
Inherited depravity, 224
Installation of:

college or university presidents, 5945
district superintendent, 5930
general officials, 5935
local church officials, 520:5; 828; 5915–5925
pastor, 5905

Institutional chaplains, 3330
Insubordination, 4260
Insurance, local property, and liability, 782:28; 856:6
Integrity, 265:13
Interchurch service, ministerial appointment to, 1240:1:A:6; 3335
Interdenominational relationships, 450; 3117
Interim pastor, 3261; 6250
International Apostolic Holiness Church, 26
International Apostolic Holiness Union, 25
International Apostolic Holiness Union and Churches, 26
International Conference of The Wesleyan Church:

Advancement of General Conferences by, 2610:11; 2620
Charter of, 125; 2640; 2680; Appendix A
Composition of, 2660
Function, 2670
History, 65–70
Purpose, 2650
Representatives to, 2670

International Conference, Pilgrim Holiness, 50
International Holiness Church, 28
International Holiness Union and Prayer League, 24
Interracial marriage, 360:3d
Intervention, power of, 4250
Intoxicants, 8; 11; 265:4; 410:4
Investigative committee, 970; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5012
Investigation, judicial, withdrawal while under, 592
Investment Foundation, Wesleyan, 4310:5
Iowa-Minnesota district, 2403:9; 2445
Itinerant ministry, 360:3b


Jamaica, 17:2; 18; 35
Japan, 18
Jesus Korea Wesleyan Church, South Korea, 80

District conference, 1178
General Conference, 1585

Judgment, the, Article of Religion, 248
Judicial committee:

Local, 970

Judicial oaths, 410:10
Judiciary, general principles:, 5000–5004

Administration of church discipline, 5002
Conflict resolution, 5004
Meaning and purpose of church discipline, 5000–5004

Justification, Article of Religion, 230


Kansas district, 2403:10; 2445
Kentucky-Tennessee district, 2403:11; 2440
Kingswood University, 2365:3; 2455; 2460; 2465; 2470
Knapp, Martin Wells, 24
Korea, South, 80


La Iglesia Wesleyana de Colombia, 80
Labor unions, 265:4
Labrador, SEE Atlantic District

Constitutional, 125–145
Ritual, 175
Statutory, 155–165

Lay delegate, SEE Delegates
Lay evangelist, 3210:5; 3450–3470; 6360–6380
Lay minister:

Course of study, 3210:4
Duties, 3430
Granting license to, 3410
Identification, 3400
Letter of standing, 3440:3; 6220
License form, 6200
Regulations for, 3440
Renewal of license, 3420

Lay ministries, special, 3400–3490
Lay missionary, commissioned, 3490
Leadership Qualifications, 558
Lee, Luther, 7
L’Eglise Wesleyenne d’Haiti, 80
Leisure time, 265:3; 410:12

Acknowledgment of district letter of transfer, 6450
Acknowledgment of local letter of transfer, 6010
Basis for reception of members, 565; 580
Notice of transfer, 6020
Recommendation from other denominations, 570
Recommendation to other denominations, 590; 6030
Standing for lay minister, 3440:3; 6220
Standing for minister, 3100:3, 5–6; 6460
Standing for special worker, 3480; 6460
Transfer for member, 575–580; 6000–6020
Transfer for minister, 3100:1, 5–6; 6440
Transfer for special worker, 3100:1, 5–6; 6440
Withdrawal of member, 592; 6040

Liberia, 80
Liberty, Christian, 440

District, ministerial, 3033–3040; 6260
Lay minister’s, 3410–3420; 6200
Special worker’s, 3460; 6360

Licensed minister:

Church membership, 3097–3100
Course of study, 3210:1
Credentials, 3055:2
Duties of, 3051
From another denomination, 3104
Identification, 3030
License form, 6260
Licensing of, 3033
Listing, 1240:3
Membership in district conference, 317; 1083:2–3; 1090:3
Regulations for, 3055, 3093
Renewing license of, 3040
Rights of, 3044
Transfer of, 313:6; 3044:5; 3055:3; 3100:1; 6440

Licensed special worker, 1240:5:C; 3460; 3480
Loan guarantees, 4120:6; 4890
Local advisory council, developing church, 510:2–3
Local Board of Administration:, 750–795

Chair, 770
Duties and powers, 782
Evaluation session, 767
Function, 750
Governance philosophy, 781
Membership, 752-758
Nomination of, 823
Organizational options, 752
Quorum, 778
Secretary, 775
Sessions, 760–767
Vice-chair, 773
Voting, 780

Local board of trustees, 315:6; 850–859
Local Church:

Assistant treasurer, 845:1
Auditing committee or auditor, 863
Board, 750–782
Boundaries, 323:5; 1180:25
Building committee, 856:6
Business meeting, 630–633
Committees, 800
Conference, 625–655
Corporation, 4000–4070
Day care and/or day school, 655:19; 782:33; 1233:32
Definition, 240
Delegate to district conference, 965; 1086; 1100–1109
Financial secretary, 845:2
Function, 500
Governance philosophy, 781
Governed by district, 323:1, 5
Government, 500–970
Judicial committee, 970; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5105:3; 5110
Jurisdiction, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5105; 5125
Loan guarantees by district, 4120:6; 4890
Minimum organization, 807–810
Nominating committee, 820–823
Officers, 800; 815; 823. SEE ALSO Local church officers
Organization, 500–542
Developing district, in, 542
Property, 315:6; 4650–4790
Quarterly meeting, 630:2
Relation to a circuit, 525
Reorganization of, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5320–5325
Rights of, 315
Secretary, 775; 830
Treasurer, 842
Trustees, 850–859
Vice-chair of LBA, 773
SEE ALSO circuit; established church; mission; pastoral charge; developing church

Local Church Conference, 625–655

Chair, 635
Characteristic of established church, 518
Composition, 625
Duties and powers, 655
Function, 625
Membership, 625
Notice of sessions, 630–633
Order of business, 650
Quorum, 640
Rules of order, 645
Secretary, 638
Sessions, 520:5; 630–633
Voting, 643

Local Church Education:

Sunday school, 885

Local Church Officers:

Definition and regulations, 815
Installation ritual, 5915
List of, 800
Nomination of, 823

Local church organization, 500–548
Local Laws, 4510
Local preacher, SEE Lay minister
Lodges, SEE Secret societies
Lord’s Day, 410:7

Sanctity of, 265:1

Lord’s Supper:

Administrants of, 313:1; 725:6; 3044:1; 3075:1
Article of Religion, 242
Frequency of observance, 293; 725:6
Means of grace, 265:9
Right of access to, 302:2
Ritual of, 5600–5635

Louisiana, SEE Mountain Plains District


Maine, SEE Atlantic district
Manitoba, SEE Central Canada district
Marion, Indiana, 16

Article of Religion, 222
Minister and, 3108–3112; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5251
Ministerial orders and, 3012
Minister’s care in performing, 3111–3112
Officiants, 725:7
Remarriage, 410:6; 3111
Ritual of, 5650–5680
SEE ALSO divorce

Maryland, SEE Chesapeake district
Massachusetts, SEE Northeast District
Matlack, Lucius C., 7
Matrimony, rite of, 5650–5680
Means of grace, 265:9
Members, church, SEE Church member, membership

Of ministers, 3097–3100
Of pastors and senior pastors,578:2
associate pastors, 578:2

Membership classes, 568; 725:11; Guides and Helps to Holy Living, 3; 260-268
Membership, 550–610
Membership, reception ritual, 5550–5595
Membership roll in:

Affiliate church, 7005
Established churches, 610
Developing church, 510:2
Mission church, 537

Membership, student, 564–565

By district conference, 1153
By local church conference, 655:8
Committee, General Conference, 1565

"To the General Conference, 1557–1560
Mentally incompetent, salvation of, 226

Basis, 50
Historical, 50
Of churches, 1233:31
Of districts, 1060–1065

Methodist Episcopal Church, 4–7; 11
Methodists, 2–6; 11–12. SEE ALSO Wesleyan Methodist
Mexico, 18; 29; 35; 80
Michigan, 7 See: East Michigan district, North Michigan district, and West Michigan district
Military chaplains, 1240:1:A:5; 3330
Military service, 410:3
Minimum organization:

Local church, 518:3; 810
Mission, 537
Developing church, 807

Minister, SEE Ministry, the
Minister of music, 870; 3210:2
Ministerial Appointments:, 3250–3390

Administrator, 1240:1:A:4; 3320; 3335
Associate general evangelist, 1240:1:A:3; 3280
Categories of service, 3250
Chaplains, military, 1240:1:A:5; 3330; 3335
Educator, 1240:1:A:4; 3310; 3335
Evangelist, 1240:1:A:3; 3280
General evangelists, 1240:1:A:3; 3285:1
Interchurch service, 1240:1:A:6; 3335
Interim pastor, 1240:1:A:2; 3261
Minister in process of transfer, 1240:1:F, G; 1240:2:E; 1240:3:D; 3104
Missionary, 1240:1:A:4; 3300; 3335
Ordained minister in process of transfer, denomination, 1240:1:G; 3104
Ordained minister in process of transfer, district, 1240:1:F
Ordained minister on educational leave, 1240:1:D; 3350:1
Ordained minister on reserve, 1240:1:C; 3360
Ordained minister without appointment, 1240:1:E; 3380
Pastor, 725; 735; 1240:1:A:2; 3255–3260
Reserve general evangelist, 1240:1:A:3; 3285:2
Retired ordained ministers, 1240:1:B; 3370
Special service, 1240:1:A:7; 3345
Student, 1240:4; 3350
Supply pastor, 1240:5:E; 3260
Without appointment, 1240:1:E; 3380

Ministerial Credentials:

Commissioned minister, 3059:1g
Ordained minister, 3089:2
Licensed minister, 3055:2

Ministerial Development, District Board of, 1375–1390
Ministerial Education:, 3150–3240

Administration of, 310; 3160
College/University, 3170:2
Continuing education, 3240
Correspondence course, 3170:3
Course of study, 3200–3210
Priority of, 3150
Programs of study, 3170
Seminary, 3170:1
Training outside The Wesleyan Church, 3170:4
Types of, 3170–3240

Ministerial membership, 310; 313:6; 3097–3100
Ministerial Orders and Regulations:, 3000

Commissioned minister, 3059
Ordained minister, 3067
Licensed minister, 3030–3055; 3093

Ministerial qualifications, 310; 3003–3012
Ministerial relationships, 313:5; 3044:3; 3075:4; 3114–3117
Ministerial rights, 313; 3044; 3075
Ministerial Student:, 3015:1; 3350:2

District license form, 6260
District listing, 1240:4
Duties, 3015:4
Recommendation for, 6420
Regulations, 3015:5
Renewing License, 3015:2
Rights, 3015:3

Ministerial Study Course Agency, 2385–2388
Ministerial study course certificate, 3033:3; 3059:1c; 3070:3; 3420; 6410
Ministerial training, SEE Ministerial education
Ministry, The:, 310–313; 3000–3490

Appointments, 3250–3390
Call, 3000–3006
Categories of service, 3250
Church membership, 3097–3100
Commissioned minister, 317; 1240:2; 3059
District appointment of ministers, 323:1; 1180:11, 24; 1233:10; 1240
District supervision of ministers, 1180:22–28; 1310:22–26; 1390; 1402
Education, 3150–3240
Ordained minister, 317; 3067–3089; 3093
Elementary Principles governing, 270–286
General regulations for, 3093
Lay minister, 3400–3440; 6200–6220
Licensed minister, 317; 3030–3055; 3093; 6260
Listing of ministers, 1240
Marriage and the minister, 3012; 3108–3112
Meaning of, 3000
Membership of ministers, 3097–3100
Ministerial student, 1240:4; 3015:1; 3350:2; 6260; 6420
Ordained minister, 3067–3089; 3093
Orders, 3000
Qualifications, 3000–3006
Reception from another denomination, 3104
Regulations, 3000
Relationship to other ministers and churches, 3114–3117
Reinstatement of ministers, 3120–3124
Restoration of ministers, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5230, 5251
Special advice, 3093
Special lay ministers, 3400–3490
Specialized minister, 3003–3006

Minnesota., SEE Iowa-Minnesota district
Minutes, district conference, 1178
Mision Methodista Zion, Honduras, 80

In a developing district, 542
Local, 537; 655:14; 782:6; 1180:22
Of The Wesleyan Church, 100–105


Lay, commissioned, 1240:5:D; 3490
Ministerial appointment as, 3300
Regulations governing a, 2272

Missionary Bands of the World, 17:2
Missionary Bands of the World, Inc., The, 4230
Missionary objectives, 2258–2259; 2500
Missionary Society of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of America, Inc., The, 4230
Mississippi, SEE South Coastal district
Missouri, SEE Tri-State district
Modesty in Attire, 410:13
Monogamy, 222; 265:6
Montana, SEE Northwest district
Moral purity, 410:5
Mountain Plains District, 2403:12; 2445
Mozambique, 33; 35; 80
Myanmar, 80


Name adaptations, 80; 205; 340:2
Name of denomination, 205
Narcotics, 410:4
National Holiness Association, 12
Nebraska, SEE Mountain Plains District
Neglect, persistent, 305:4; 585:4; 600–605. SEE ALSO Discontinue church members
Nepal, 18
Nevada, SEE Pacific Southwest district
Nevis, 35
New birth, 230
New Brunswick, province of, SEE Atlantic district
Newfoundland, SEE Atlantic district
New Hampshire, SEE Northeast District
New Jersey, SEE Northeast District
New Mexico, SEE [Index M|[Mountain Plains District]]
New Testament, Article of Religion, 218
New York, 8, 28, SEE: Northeast, Penn York, and Western New York districts
New Zealand, 80
Nicaragua, 80
Nominating committee:

Circuit, 535
Consideration for diversity, 1175:2
District conference, 1172–1175
General Conference, 1563; 1580

North American General Conference, 2550
North Carolina East District, 2403:13; 2440
North Carolina West district, 2403:14; 2440
North Central, Representative Area, 2430
North Dakota, SEE Northwest district
Northeast District, 2403:15;

representative area, 2435

Northwest District, 2403:16; 2445
Northwest Territories, SEE Atlantic District
Nova Scotia, SEE Atlantic District
Nunavut, SEE Central Canada district



Judicial, 410:10
SEE ALSO Secret societies

Observance of sacraments, 290–293
Offenses, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5004; 5010
Office of the General Secretary, SEE Communication and Administration Division
Office of the General Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer, 1970–1976

District, 1250
General Church, 1800
Local church, 800; 815

Ohio, SEE Greater Ohio district
Oklahoma, SEE Tri-State district
Oklahoma Wesleyan University, 2365:4
Old Testament, Article of Religion, 218
Ontario, province of, SEE Central Canada district
Ordained Ministers:

Appointed, 317; 1240:1:A; 3250–3345
Credentials of, 3089:2
Definition, 310; 3067
Duties of, 3085
Educational leave, 1240:1:D; 3350:1
From another denomination, 323:3; 3104; 6320
In process of transfer, 1240:1:F, G; 3104; 3390
Listing, 1240:1
On loan, 1240:1:A:2; 3100:2
Ordination certificate, 6300
Ordination service, 3070:6; 5750–5792
Qualifications for ordination, 323:3; 3070
Regulations for, 3089
Reserve, 317; 1240:1:C; 3360
Retired, 317; 1240:1:B; 3370
Rights of:, 313; 3075
Transfer of, 313:6; 3075:6; 3100:1
Voluntary filing of credentials, 3085:5; 3124
Voluntary surrender of credentials, 3085:6; 3089:4
Without appointment, 1240:1:E; 3380


Certificate, 3070:7; 6300
Council of, 1405
Emergency, 3070:5
In developing district, 1012
Public service of, 3070:6
Qualification for, 3070
Regulated by General Conference, 310
Ritual, 5750–5792

Oregon, SEE Northwest district
Original sin, 224


Pacific Southwest district, 2403:17; 2445
Pakistan, 80
Papua New Guinea, 18
Parliamentary procedure, 360:1; 645; 1138; 1547; 1590:14
Parsonage:, 313:4; 528:5; 532

Dedication ritual, 5975
SEE ALSO Property, local church

Pastor:, 675–725

Assistant, 678; 725:27; 741
Call, 705; 720
Duties and powers, 725
Extended call, 720
Function, 675–678
Initial call, 705–715
Installation ritual, 5905
Membership of, 578:2; 3097–3100
Of a circuit, 503; 528:1; 530
Of a developing church, 510:1–3
Of two or more pastoral charges, 503
Regular pastoral service, 3255
Removal, 782
Resignation, 710; 722:1
Sabbatical, 724
Senior pastor, 678; 735
Supply, 3260
Termination, 722
Voting on, 690-722. SEE ALSO Pastoral Vote, Voting

Pastoral agreement, 313:3; 315:2; 323:1–2; 697; 723; 1180:26
Pastoral appointment, 503; 3255
Pastoral, pastor call, SEE Pastoral agreement
Pastoral change, time of, 700
Pastoral charge, 315
Pastoral service, 1240:1:A:2; 3255
Pastoral support, annual review of, 723
Pastoral vote, voting:

Calling session of local church conference for, 633:3
Extended call, 720
General regulations, 692–695
Initial call, 705–715
Jurisdiction in, 690
Manner of, 690–722
Renewal of call, 718–722

Peace, 410:2
Penalties, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5115–5120
Penn York District, 2403:18; 2435
Pennsylvania, SEE Northeast and Penn York Districts
Pension, SEE Wesleyan Pension Fund Inc
Pentecost Bands of the World, Inc., 4230
Pentecostal Brethren in Christ, 30
Pentecostal Rescue Mission, 28
People’s Mission Church, 31
Perfection, Christian, 1; 236
Persistent neglect, 305:4; 585:4; 600-605
Personal choice, Article of Religion, 224, 220
Personal grievances,, 5004
Personnel records, 1387:3
Peru, 32; 35; 80
Philippines, 35; 65; 80; 2560; 6750:2
Pilgrim Church, The, 29
Pilgrim Holiness Church Corp., 4230
Pilgrim Holiness Church, The, 23–50
Pilgrim Pension Plan, Inc., The, 4410:1
Pilgrim Wesleyan Church, Zambia, 80
Planned gifts, 1995
Pocket certificate of standing, 6430
Policies, SEE Financial policies; General Board Policies
Pornography, 410:12
Post-secondary education by local church, 655:17; 1180:25; 1655:36

In public schools, 410:8
Means of grace, 265:9

Preacher, local, SEE Lay minister

Means of grace, 265:9
Right of ministers, 313:1; 3044:1; 3059:2; 3075:1

Preamble to North American Constitution, 200
Precedent corporations, 4230; 4410:2
Pre-ordination course of study, 3210:1
President pro tem of General Conference, 332
Prince Edward Island, SEE Atlantic District
Private judgment, 274
Privileged communications, 725:9
Process of transfer:

Commissioned minister, 1090:3; 1240:2:E; 3104
Commissioned special worker, 1240:5:B; 3470
Ordained minister, 1090:2; 1240:1:G; 3104
Licensed minister, 1090:3; 1240:3:D; 3104

Profanity, 265:1
Prohibition, 265:4, 410:4
Property, district:, 323:8; 4800–4890

Board of trustees, 4855
Developing district, 4650; 4800
Established district, 4660; 4830–4855
Loan guarantees, 4890
Management and control, 4840
Ownership, 4680; 4830
Rights to property, 4870–4880

Property, General:, 4500–4630

Application of regulations, 4500
Definition of terms, 4570–4580
Local laws, 4510
Restrictions, 4550, 4560
Trust clause and release, 4590–4630
Trustees, 4520–4560

Property, General Church:, 4900–4940

Bequests and devises, 4940
Incorporation, 4900
Ownership, 4920

Property, Local Church:, 315:6; 4650–4780

Abandoned, 4730
Circuit, 528:5; 532; 4740–4750
Developing church, 510:3–4; 4650–4670
Established church, 518:4; 4680–4730
Loan guarantees by district, 4120:6; 4890
Ownership, 4680
Property transactions, 4700–4720
Records, 4760
Rights to, 4770–4780
Trust clause and release, 4690

Public life, religion in, 410:8
Public Morals and Social Concerns, 1655:45-47
Public schools:

Bible reading and prayer in, 410:8
Questionable activities in, 410:9

Public worship, SEE Worship, public
Publishing House, Wesleyan, SEE Wesleyan Publishing House
Puerto Rico, 18; 80
Pulpit supply, 782:17
Purpose for man, God’s, 220


Quadrennial review of extended call, 720:2

For membership, 297
Of ministers, SEE Ministerial qualifications

Quebec, SEE Central Canada district

Board of Review, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5425:3
District board of administration, 1227
District conference, 1129
Executive Board, 1775
General Board, 1640
General Conference, 336; 1543
Local board of administration, 778
Local church conference, 640


Racial equality, 265:12, 360:3d
Realignment of districts, 1060–1065
Reception of members, 565–570; 5550–5595

Of established district, 1042–1045
Of local church, 518:7; 859:5
Of member, 605

Recommendation by local church to district conference:

Of local workers, 315:4
Of ministerial students, 655:7; 782:19; 3015:1; 6420
Of special workers, 315:4; 3460; 6420

Recommendation, letters of:

From other denominations, 570
To other denominations, 590; 6030

Reconvened session, district conference, 1115
Record of membership, 610

District, 1332:6; 4760
Local church, 830:5; 4760
Property, 4760

Recourse, 313:7; 315:8; 323:10
Rees, Seth C., 24
Reform, social:

Historical background, 8; 13; 23
SEE ALSO Social responsibilities

Reformed Baptist Church of Canada, 17:3

Article of Religion, 230
Condition of membership, 297:1; 553:1
Historical background, 12–13; 24


Of ministers or special workers, 3120–3124

Relationship, Pastoral. SEE Agreement, Pastoral
Religion, Articles of:, 210–250

Summary of, 299

Religion in public life, 410:8
Remarriage, 410:6; 3111; 3108

Removal: Of local church officers, 655:5; 782:3; 815:4
Of local officials, 782:7; 825:4
Of pastor, 712; 722:2–3
Power of, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5288

Renewal of call, 718–722

Of districts, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5375
Of local churches, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5320–5325; 5385


Article of Religion on, 228
For sin of divorce, 410:6

Representative areas, 1590:12; 2430–2445
Reserve ordained minister, 317; 1240:1:C; 3360
Reserve general evangelist, 3270–3275; 3285:2; 3286

Of local church officers, 815:2
Of other local officials, 825:5
Of pastor, 710; 722:1


District conference, 1150–1156; 1233:9
Local church conference, 655:9

Restart project, 510:6d

Of backslider, 234
Of church members, 268
Of ministers, 3120–3124; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5230–5251


Of Christ, Article of Religion, 214
Of the dead, Article of Religion, 246

Retired ordained minister, 317; 1240:1:B; 3370

District Board of, 1370; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5218–5221
General Board of, 370–380; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5400–5450

Revitalization project, 510:6c
Rhode Island, SEE Northeast District
Rhodesia, 18

Discrimination forbidden, 360:3d
Equal, 410:1
Of Members, 302; 555
Inherent individual, 265:12
Of Ministers, 313; 3044; 3075
Commissioned, 3059:2
Of Ministerial students, 3015:3
Natural, 220

Rights of property, 4770–4780; 4870–4880
Rites and ceremonies, 420

Current authority for, 185
Definition, 175
Degree of flexibility in use, 175
SEE ALSO Rites and ceremonies

Ritual of baptism:, 5510–5530

Adults, 290; 5515
Affirmation of parental vows, 5530
Believers, 5515
Children, 290; 5515
Infants, 5500

Ritual of burial of dead, 5700–5725
Ritual of commissioning lay workers, 5855
Ritual of commissioning ministers, 5800–5845
Ritual of dedication services:, 5950–5975

Church building, 5950
Parsonage, 5975

Ritual of Infant dedication, 5500
Ritual of installation services:, 5900–5945

College or University President, 5945
District superintendent, 5930
General officials, 5935
Local church officers, 5915
Pastor, 5905

Ritual of Lord’s Supper:, 5600–5635
Ritual of marriage: 5650-5680

Longer form, 5650
Shorter form, 5680

Ritual of ordination of ordained ministers, 5750–5792
Ritual of reception of members:, 5550–5595

Members, 5565
Student members, 5577
Transfers, 5570

Rules of a helper (John Wesley), 3093
Rules of order:

Established by General Conference, 360:1; 1590:1
For district conference, 1138
For General Conference, 1547
For local church conference, 645


Sabbath, 35
Sabbath observance: Membership Commitment on, 265:1
Sabbatical, 724

Access to, 302:2
Article of Religion, 242
Observance of, 290–293
SEE ALSO Baptism; Lord’s Supper

St. Croix, 35
St. Kitts, 35
St. Thomas, 35
St. Vincent, 35
Salvation, 230; 297:1; 553:1
Sanctification, 236
Saskatchewan, SEE Central Canada district

Elementary, 655:17–19; 1233:32; 2306
Postsecondary, 655:17; 1180:25
Secondary, 655:17
SEE ALSO Educational Institutions, general; Public schools

Scott, Orange, 6–7
Scriptures, 218; 270; 276; 280

Inerrancy, 218; 299; 5566; 5772

Second Coming of Christ, Article of Religion, 244
Secondary schools:, 2306

Postsecondary, 655:17; 1180:25

Secret societies:

Historical background, 11
Joining forfeits membership, 305:2; 585:2; 595


District, 1330–1332
General, SEE' Executive Director of the Communication and Administration Division
Local, 775; 830


Of district, 1180:30

Self-discipline, 265:3
Seminary:, 2368; 2382; 3170:1

Wesleyan Seminary Foundation, 2382

Senior pastor, 675; 678; 735. SEE ALSO Pastor
Service credentials, 6200–6460
Service report, annual, 1402

Biblical view, 410:5
Discrimination forbidden, 360:3d
God’s plan for, 222
Rights not dependent upon, 265:12
Sexual promiscuity deplored, 265:12
Sexual sin, 265:6
SEE ALSO Divorce, Homosexuality

Shenandoah District, 2403:19; 2440
Sierra Leone, West Africa, 18; 80

After regeneration, Article of Religion, 234
Article of Religion, 225
Atonement for, 226
Responsibility for, 224

Slavery, historical background, 6–11
Social concern, Christian, 410
Social responsibilities:

Respecting rights of all, 265:12
Securing natural rights for all, 220
Special directions concerning, 410

Social worker, 3210:5; 3450–3480; 6360–6380
Son of God, the, Article of Religion, 214
Song evangelist, 3210:5; 3450–3480; 6360–6380
South Africa, 18; 25; 33; 35; 80
South Africa Bantu, 80
South Carolina district, 2403:20; 2440
South Coastal district, 2403:21; 2440
South Dakota, SEE Northwest district
South Pacific. South Pacific Conference of The Wesleyan Methodist Church, 80
Southern, Representative Area, 2440
Southern Wesleyan University, 2365:5
South Korea, 80
Speaking in tongues, 265:10
Special directions, 400–475
Specialized minister, 3003–3012
Specialized ministries: Course of study for, 3210:2
Special lay ministries:, 3400–3490

Lay minister, 3400–3440
Lay missionary, 3490
Special worker, 3450–3480

Special nominations, committee on, 1580
Special offerings:, 2050:1, 3
Special service, ministerial appointment, 1240:1:A:7; 3345
Special worker:, 3210:5; 3450–3480; 6360–6380

Courses of study, 3210:5
Credentials, 6360–6400
Function, 3450
General regulations, 3480
In process of transfer, 1240:5:B
Listing, 1240:5:A-C

Specification of charges, 5024 Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc.
Spirit, Holy, 210; 216; 230; 236; 238
Spiritism 265:2
Spouse in ministry, 3450–3480
Standards of the General Board for Educational Institution, 2362:4
Statutory law:

Current authority for, 185
Definition, 155
Time when effected, 165


Definition of, 460
Membership commitment on, 265:3
Methods of fund raising, 470
Special directions concerning, 460–475
Storehouse tithing, 465
Wills, bequeaths, annuities, 475

Student, ministerial, 3015:1; 3350:2
Study Course Agency, Ministerial, 2385–2388
Study Course Certificate, Ministerial, 6410
Study courses, SEE Courses of study
Subsidiary corporations, 4300–4320
Substance abuse, 410:4; SEE ALSO Abstinence
Summary of Articles of Religion, 299
Sunderland, LaRoy, 7
Superannuated Ministers’ Aid Society, 4410:2

District superintendent, 1300–1310
General Superintendent, 1900–1945

Supply pastor:, 3260

Certificate of authorization form, 6240
General regulations, 3260
In another district, 3100:2
Listing, 1240:5:E

Support of ministers, 286; 723; 782:14
Suriname, 35; 80
Suspension of rules:

In district conference, 1141
In General Conference, 1553

Swaziland, 35; 80
Syracuse, NY, 16


Taiwan, 18
Temperance, 265:4
Tennessee, SEE Kentucky-Tennessee District
Termination of membership:, 268; 585–605

Discontinuance, 305:4; 315:1; 585:4; 600–605
Dismissal, 276; 305:3; 315:1; 585:3; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5115:5; 5120:1, 4, 5
Joining another body, 305:2; 585:2; 595
Reinstatement, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5130
Withdrawal, 305:1; 575; 585:1; 590–595; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5048; 6040

Texas, SEE Mountain Plains District
Theological Seminary, 2366; 2382; 3170:1
Time of pastoral changes, 700
Time, use of, 265:3; 410:12
Tithing, 465. SEE ALSO Stewardship

Abstain from, 265:4
Special direction on, 410:4

Tobago, 35
Tongues, 265:10
Trafficking, meaning of, 265:4
Training, ministerial, SEE Ministerial education

Letters of, 6000–6020; 6440–6450
Of commissioned minister between districts, 3059:2f
Of commissioned minister from another denomination, 3104; 3390:2
Of ordained minister between districts, 3100:1
Of ordained minister from another denomination, 3104; 3390
Of licensed ministers between districts, 3055:3; 3100:1
Of licensed minister from another denomination, 3104; 3390
Of ministerial students between districts, 3015:3c; 3015:5d
Of ministerial students from another denomination, 3015:5c
Of pastor, senior pastor, or assistant pastor’s church membership, 578:2
Of special worker between districts, 3480
Of special worker from another denomination, 3460–3470


District, 1335–1337
General, 1970–1976
Local, 842–845

Trinidad, 35
Trinity, The, Article of Religion, 210
Tri-State district, 2403:22; 2445
True Wesleyan, The, 7
Trust clause, 315:6; 323:8; 518:6; 4590–4630; 4680; 4690

Circuit, 532
District, 323:8; 1180:20; 1360–1365; 4855
Educational institutions, 340:2; 2362
General Church, 340; 1655:15–21
General regulations, 4520–4540
Local church, 315:6; 850–859


Under accusation, withdrawal while, 592; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5048
Under charges:

Consequences of being, 575; 590
Discipline, consequences of being under:
For districts, 323:9; 327:1; 360:3e; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5066; 5365; 5375
For local churches, 315:7; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5066; 5310; 5320
For members, 302:6; 575; 590; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5052; 5115
For ministers, 313; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5052; 5115; 5212–5215; 5288
Withdrawal while, 592; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5048

United Stewardship Fund (USF):, 2000–2045

District regulations, 2015–2030
General Church regulations, 2035–2045
Local church regulations, 2025–2030

Uniting General Conference, 50

By local churches, 655:16; 1180:25
President, ritual for installation, 5945
Program of study for ministry, 3170:2
Trustees, 2362
SEE ALSO Educational institutions, general

Unity, Christian, 450
Unknown tongue, 265:10
Urban Missional Church, 523; 1233:26; 2005:3g
Utah, SEE Northwest district
Utica, NY, 8



Area representatives on General Board, 1605:2
Board of Review, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5408
District officials, officers, 1272; 1292
District superintendent, 1303:6
District trustees, 1360
Executive Board, 1755
General Board, 1605:2
General officials, 1850
Local church offices, 782:24; 815:2; 825:5

Venezuela, 80
Vermont, SEE Northeast District

Circuit advisory council, 530
General Board, 1630; 1765
Local board of administration, 635; 773

Virginia, SEE Shenandoah District and Chesapeake Districts.

By members, 302:3
To receive new members, 553:2; 633:2
For pastor, 692
At district conference, 1083; 1086
At General Conference, 1503:1
For district superintendent, 1303:1
For General Superintendent, 1590:15


War, 410:2
Washington, SEE Northwest district
Washington, DC, SEE Chesapeake district
Wedding ritual, 5650–5680
Wesley, Charles, 2
Wesley, John:

Historical background, 1-3, 6
“Rules of a Helper,”, 3093

Wesleyan Bible Conference Association, Inc., 4310:9
Wesleyan Church Corporation, 4200–4270
Wesleyan Church of Liberia, 80
Wesleyan Church of Sierra Leone, 80
Wesleyan Church of the Philippines, 65; 80; 2560
Wesleyan Church, The:

Classification of church law, 125–185
Constitution, 200–385
Current authority, 185
Essentials of, 125; 1590:1–2; 2610:7;
Formation, 50
History, 1–50
Mission, 100–105
Name, 80; 205
Relationship to other churches, 240; 450

Wesleyan Educational Council, 2355
Wesleyan Educational Society, Inc., The, 4230
Wesleyan Financial Holdings, Inc., 4310:8
Wesleyan Holiness Church, British Isles, 80
Wesleyan Holiness Church, Caribbean, 80
Wesleyan Investment Foundation, Inc., 4310:5
Wesleyan Methodist, The:

Church of America, The, 7; 16–18; 50
Connection of America, The, 8–16; 23

Wesleyan Methodist Church, Australia, 80
Wesleyan Methodist Church, India, 80
Wesleyan Methodist Church of America, Inc., The, 4230
Wesleyan Methodist Publishing Association of America, Inc., The, 4230
Wesleyan Native Ministries, 4230
Wesleyan Pension Fund, Inc., The:, 4230; 4400–4425

Wesleyan Retirement Plan, 4410:3

Wesleyan Property Holdings, Inc., 4310:7
Wesleyan Publishing House, 1870
Wesleyan Retirement Plan, 4410:3
Wesleyan Seminary Foundation, 2382
West Virginia, SEE Greater Ohio and Shenandoah districts. Western Representative Area, 2445
Western New York district, 2403:23; 2435
Wills, special direction concerning, 475
Wisconsin SEE Great Lakes District
Witchcraft, abstain from, 265:2

Of local church, unlawful, 4780
Of member, SEE withdrawal of member
Of minister, 1310:29; 3100:3–5; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5048; 6460
Of special worker, 1310:29; 3480; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5048; 6460
Request for, Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5048

Withdrawal of member:, 305:1; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5048

By letter of recommendation, 590; 6030
By letter of transfer, 575; 6000–6020
Letter of, 592; 6040
Through having joined another body, 595
Under accusation, 592; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5048
Under charges, 592; Gen. Bd. Policy on Ch. Disc. 5048

Woman’s Missionary Society of The Wesleyan Methodist Church of America, Inc., The, 4230
Word of God, SEE Holy Scriptures
World Organization:, 2500–2680

Established National/Regional Conference, 2610
General Conferences, 2620–2640
General Conference interrelations, 2630–2640
Caribbean General Conference, 2565
International Conference, 2650–2680
North American General Conference, 2550
Philippines General Conference, 2560

Worldliness, 265:4
Worldly pleasures, 265:4
Worship, public:

Ordained minister’s rights in, 313:1
Means of grace, 265:8–9
Rites and ceremonies, 420

Wyoming, SEE Northwest district


Yayasan Gereja Wesleyan Indonesia, 80
Youth director, local, 3450–3480
Yukon Territory, SEE Central Canada district


Zambia, 35; 80
Zimbabwe, 80