From Wesleyan Discipline
The numbers refer to The Discipline paragraphs. A subparagraph is separated from the related paragraph by a colon. Main references or definitions are in boldface type.
Abandoned church property | 4730 |
Abortion | 410:11 |
Absentee ballots | 695 |
Abstinence: From Alcoholic Beverages | 265:4; 410:4 |
Abstinence: From astrology | 265:2 |
Abstinence: From food | 265:9 |
Abstinence: From gambling | 265:4 |
Abstinence: From harmful drugs | 265:4; 410:4 |
Abstinence: From spiritism | 265:2 |
Abstinence: From tobacco | 265:4; 410:4 |
Abstinence: From witchcraft | 265:2 |
Abuse | 265:7 |
Accusation: Proper form and handling | 5002:3-4; 5022; 5206 |
Accusation: Withdrawal of members when under | 592; 5048 |
Action committee, district | 1165-1168 |
Adjunct entities | 4370 |
Administration, General Board of: | SEE General Board |
Administrators, ministers serving as, | 3320 |
Admonition | 5023:1, 5115 |
Adoption | 230 |
Adult committee, local Christian education | 878 |
Adultery, basis for divorce | 265:6 |
Advisory committee, pastor’s | 795 |
Advisory council: Circuit | 530 |
Advisory council: Developing church | 510:3 |
Affiliate church | 548, 7000-7035, Appendix C |
Africa | 17:3; 18; 33; 35; 80 |
Africa Evangelistic Mission | 33 |
Agreement, pastoral | 313:3; 315:2; 323:1-2; 697 |
Alabama | SEE South Coastal district |
Alaska | SEE Northwest district |
Alberta | SEE Central Canada district |
Alcoholic beverages | 265:4; 410:4 |
Alliance of the Reformed Baptist Church of Canada, The | 17:3 |
Alternate delegates: To Board of Review | 5405 |
Alternate delegates: To District Conference | 1106 |
Alternate delegates: To General Conference | 1516–1518 |
Ancestry, discrimination forbidden, | 360:3d |
Andover, MA. | 7 |
Annual budget: District | 1180:16; 1233:18 |
Annual budget: General Church | 1655:23; 2050 |
Annual budget: Local | 655:12; 782:31 |
Annual calendar of events, local | 782:7 |
Annual church meeting | 625–655 |
Annual conference | SEE district conference |
Annual service report | 1402 |
Annuities | 475; 2050:5 |
Antigua | 35 |
Appeal, judicial: District conference’s right of | 1180:41 |
Appeal, judicial: District member’s right of | 323:6 |
Appeal, judicial: Members’ right of | 302:4 |
Appeal, judicial: Minister’s right of | 313:7 |
Appeal on questions of order: In district conference | 1144 |
Appeal on questions of order: In General Conference | 1550 |
Appointed ordained ministers | 317; 1240:1; 3250–3390 |
Appointments, ministerial | 3250–3390 |
Area representatives on General Board | 340:1; 1605:2 |
Areas: Educational | 1590:14; 2371–2374; 2450–2470 |
Areas: Representative | 1590:12; 2430–2445 |
Arizona | SEE Pacific Southwest district and Southwest Hispanic district |
Arkansas | SEE Tri-State district |
Articles of Religion | 210–250; cf. 297:3; 553:1 Summary of, 299 |
Assistant: District superintendent | 1320–1327 |
Assistant: Pastor | 678; 725:29; 741 |
Assistant: Treasurer, local | 845:1 |
Associate pastor | 678; 725:29; 738 |
Assurance: Doctrine of | 230 |
Assurance: John Wesley’s search for | 2 |
Astrology, abstain from | 265:2 |
Atlantic district | 2403:1; 2435; 2460 |
Atonement, Article of Religion | 226 |
Audiovisuals, local | 880:13 |
Audit, GB ordered | 1655:20; 4320:7 |
Auditing committee, auditor: District | 1340 |
Auditing committee, auditor: Local church | 800:2; 863 |
Australia | 18; 80 |
Authority, For church law | 185 |
Auxiliaries: Annual audit | 1655:20 |
Auxiliaries: Election of boards, trustees, managers | 1655:19 |
Auxiliaries: Financial policies | 1655:23 |
Auxiliaries: Financial support | 2050:4 |
Auxiliaries: Official policies | 1655:27 |
Auxiliaries: Overall correlation | 1785:3 |
Backsliding possible | 234 |
Baptism: Administrants of | 313:1; 3044:1; 3059:2a; 3075:1 |
Baptism: Articles of Religion | 242 |
Baptism: Believers | 290; 5515 |
Baptism: Children | 290; 5510 |
Baptism: Condition of membership | 297:2; 553:1 |
Baptism: Eligibility for | 242 |
Baptism: Infants | 290; 5500–5510 |
Baptism: Modes of | 290 |
Baptism: Right of access to | 302:2 |
Baptism: Ritual of | 5500–5530 |
Baptism: Sacrament | 242 |
Baptism: Significance | 242 |
Baptism of the Holy Spirit | 236 |
Barbados | 35 |
Barbuda | 35 |
Basis for merger | 50 |
Bequests: Forms for | 4940 |
Bequests: Special direction concerning | 475 |
Bestiality, grounds for divorce | 265:6 |
Bethany Bible College | SEE Kingswood University |
Bible | 218. SEE ALSO Holy Scriptures |
Bible camps | 1455:4 |
Bible colleges | 2365–2368 |
Bible reading in public schools | 410:8 |
Bible school, vacation | 880:2, 18 |
Birth sin | 224 |
Board of Pensions | 4405; 4410:1 |
Board of review, district | 5218–5221 |
Board of Review, General | 370–380; 5400–5450 |
Board of trustees | SEE Trustees |
Boards of Administration: District | 1200–1245 |
Boards of Administration: General | 1600–1799 |
Boards of Administration: Local | 750–795 |
Body of Christ | 240 |
Bonding of treasurers: District | 1233:18; 1337:2 |
Bonding of treasurers: General | 1655:28 |
Book committee | 2115:13 |
Bougainville | 80 |
Boundaries | 2400–2470 |
Boundaries: District | 2400–2403 |
Boundaries: Educational areas | 2400–2403 |
Boundaries: Representative areas | 2430–2445 |
Branch Sunday schools | 655:16; 782:6; 880:15 |
Brazil | 35; 80 |
British Columbia | SEE Central Canada |
British Isles | 80 |
Budget: District | 1180:16; 1233:18 |
Budget: General Church | 1655:23; 1995–2045 |
Budget: Local | 655:12; 782:31 |
Building committee: District | 1345 |
Building committee: Local | 856:6 |
Building construction | 655:13; 782:32; 1345 |
Building project adjustment USF | 2005:1g; 2005:3b |
Buildings, church owned, use of | 313:4 |
Burial of dead, ritual | 5700-5725 |
Business meeting, local church | 625-655 |
Calendar of events, local | 782:7 |
California | SEE Pacific Southwest district and Southwest Hispanic district |
Calling a pastor | 690–718 |
Camp meeting board | 1180:20 |
Camps, summer | 1455:4 |
Campus ministries | SEE Student Ministries |
Canada: Area boundaries | 2435; 2460 |
Canada: District boundaries | 2400; 2403:1–2 |
Canada: The Wesleyan Church of | 70 |
Canada | SEE ALSO Alliance of the Reformed Baptist Church of Canada; Kingswood University |
Candidates for license, commission, and ordination, examination of | 1390:1, 3–4; 3033:6; 3070:4; 3104:3; 3460; 3470 |
Canon, the | 218 |
Caribbean | 35; 65; 80; 2565; 6750:2 |
Central America | 27 |
Central Canada district | 2403:2; 2435; 2460 |
Central New York district | 2403:3; 2435; 2460 |
Ceremonies of churches | 420 |
Certificate: Commission | 6280 |
Certificate: Membership | 6052 |
Certificate: General evangelists | 3285:1; 6340 |
Certificate: Interim pastor’s authorization | 6250 |
Certificate: Ordination | 3070:7; 6300 |
Certificate: Pocket, of standing | 6430 |
Certificate: Student membership | 6070 |
Certificate: Study course | 3033:3; 3059:1(g); 3070:3; 6410 |
Certificate: Supply pastor’s authorization | 3260:4; 6240 |
Certificate: Validating ordination, commission, or license | 3104:5; 6320 |
Chaplains: Committee on | 2395 |
Chaplains: Institutional chaplains | 3330 |
Chaplains: Military chaplains | 3330 |
Charge, pastoral | 315; 503 |
Charity, Christian | 220; 265:3 |
Charter, International Conference | 125; 1590:4; 2640; 2680; Appendix A, 6500–6770 |
Chesapeake district | 2403:4; 2435; 2460 |
Chief Financial Officer/General Treasurer | 1970–1976 |
Child Care | SEE Day Care |
Children, responsibility to | 265:7 |
Children’s camps | 1455:4 |
Children’s church | 880:2 |
Children’s committee, local spiritual formation | 878 |
Children’s ministry division of spiritual formation | 800:3; 1250:5 |
Children’s ministries, district director of | 1489 |
Children’s worker | 3210:5; 3450–3480; 6360–6380 |
Chile | 80 |
Choir director | 870 |
Christ: Atonement of | 226 |
Christ: Body of | 240 |
Christ: Member of Trinity | 210 |
Christ: Merits for justification | 23 |
Christ: Resurrection of | 214 |
Christ: Sacraments commanded by | 242 |
Christ: Second coming of | 214; 244; 246 |
Christ: Son of God | 214 |
Christian day school | SEE Day care and/or day schools |
Christian education | SEE Church Multiplication and Discipleship |
Christian fellowship | 420 |
Christian liberty, special direction concerning | 440 |
Christian perfection | 236. SEE Entire Sanctification |
Christian social concern | 410; 1655:45 |
Christian unity: Interdenominational relationships | 450; 1935:24 |
Christian unity: Special direction concerning | 450 |
Christian worship | 420 |
Church: Article of Religion | 240 |
Church: Christ the only head of | 270 |
Church: Membership Commitments for | 265 |
Church | SEE ALSO local church; Wesleyan Church |
Church board | 750–795 |
Church Builders’ Club | 1426:6 |
Church buildings: Dedication, ritual | 5950 |
Church buildings: Use of | 313:4 |
Church, developing | 510 |
Church, developing: Categories of | 510:6 |
Church, developing: Definition | 510 |
Church, developing: Delegate to district conference | 510:5 |
Church, developing: Government of | 510:3 |
Church, developing: In developing district | 542 |
Church, developing: Local advisory council of | 510:2–3 |
Church, developing: Membership in | 510:2 |
Church, developing: Minimum organization | 807 |
Church, developing: Pastoral appointment for | 510:1 |
Church, developing: Property of | 510:4. SEE ALSO Property, local church |
Church discipline: For members | 260, 268 |
Church discipline: Judicial | 5000–5008 |
Church discipline: Local committee | 837:1 |
Church discipline: Meaning and purpose of | 5000 |
Church discipline: Principles of administering | 5002 |
Church growth | SEE Church Multiplication and Discipleship |
Church law: Classification of | 125–190 |
Church law: Elementary principles governing | 270–286 |
Church law: Interpretation of | 2060–2068 |
Church law: Judiciary | 5000–5004; SEE ALSO Rules on church law |
Church letters | 6000–6070 |
Church member, membership | 550–610 |
Church member, membership: Associate/Assistant pastor’s | 578:2 |
Church member, membership: Categories of | 295 |
Church member, membership: Classes for | 568; 725:11; 782:8; 880:11 |
Church member, membership: Developing church | 510 |
Church member, membership: Elementary principle governing | 272 |
Church member, membership: Essence and meaning of | 260; 550 |
Church member, membership: Letters and certificates | 6000–6070 |
Church member, membership: Minister’s | 310; 578:2; 3097–3100 |
Church member, membership: Pastor’s | 578:2 |
Church member, membership: Reception of | 566–570 |
Church member, membership: Records | 610 |
Church member, membership: Ritual | 295; 5550–5595 |
Church member, membership: Roll for developing church | 510:2 |
Church member, membership: Termination of | SEE Termination of membership |
Church member, membership: Transfer of | 575–582 |
Church member, membership: Conditions of | 295; 297; 553 |
Church member, membership: Constitutionally established | 295 |
Church member, membership: Judicial procedure against | 555 |
Church member, membership: Reception of | 553; 566–570 |
Church member, membership: Restoration of | 268 |
Church member, membership: Rights of | 302, 555 |
Church member, membership: Transfer of | 302:6; 575; 578:2; 580 |
Church member, membership, student | 552, 564–565, 610 |
Church member, membership, student: Certificate of membership | 6070 |
Church members, relations with one another | 265:8–13 |
Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division: Executive Director | 2307 |
Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division: General Duties | 2310 |
Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division: Purpose | 2306 |
Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division: Vision | 2305 |
Church officers; officials: District | 1250–1292 |
Church officers; officials: General | 1800–1880 |
Church officers; officials: Local | 815; 800 |
Church plant | 510:6 |
Church property | SEE abandoned church property, Property, General; Property, General Church; property, local church |
Church secretary | 775; 830 |
Church treasurer | 752:1; 842 |
Church hearings: Elementary principle governing | 276 |
Cincinnati, OH | 24 |
Circuit | 525–535 |
Circuit: Advisory council | 530–535 |
Circuit: Boundaries set by district | 323:5 |
Circuit: Committees | 535 |
Circuit: Conferences | 528 |
Circuit: Definition | 525 |
Circuit: Developing district | 542 |
Circuit: License lay ministers | 528:2 |
Circuit: Nominating committee | 535 |
Circuit: Organization of | 525–535 |
Circuit:Parsonage | 528:5; 532 |
Circuit: Pastoral charge, a type of | 315 |
Circuit: Pastor’s membership | 578:2 |
Circuit: Powers of | 525 |
Circuit: Property | 528:5; 532 |
Circuit: Relationship to its constituent churches | 525 |
Circuit: Secretary | 528:4; 530 |
Circuit: Trustees | 530; 532 |
Circuit: Vice-chair | 530 |
Civil rights | 220; 265:12; 360:3(d) SEE ALSO Rights |
Classification of church law | 125–190 |
Clergy Development | SEE Education and Clergy Development Division |
College: By local churches | 1180:27 |
College: President, ritual for installation | 5945 |
College: Program of study for ministry | 3170:2 |
College: Trustees | 2362 |
College: | SEE ALSO Educational institutions, general |
Colombia | 18; 80 |
Colorado | SEE Mountain Plains District |
Colorado-Nebraska district | SEE Mountain Plains District |
Comity committees: District | 1060 |
Commissioned lay missionary: Commission form | 6400 |
Commissioned lay missionary: Listing of | 1240:5(d) |
Commissioned lay missionary: Regulations governing | 3490 |
Commissioned minister: Certificate for commission | 6280 |
Commissioned minister: Course of study | 3210:3 |
Commissioned minister: District listing of | 1240 |
Commissioned minister: Duties of | 3059:3 |
Commissioned minister: Qualifications for | 3059:1 |
Commissioned minister: Regulations for | 3059:4 |
Commissioned minister: Rights of | 3059:2 |
Commissioned special worker: In process of transfer | 1240:5(b); 3470 |
Commissioned special worker: Listing of | 1240:5(a) |
Commissioned special worker: Regulations governing | 3470–3480 |
Commissioning: Of lay missionaries | 3490, 5850 |
Commissioning: Of lay workers | 3470, 5850 |
Commissioning: Of ministers | 5800 |
Commissioning: Of special workers | 5850 |
Commitments, membership | 260–268 |
Committees: Chaplains | 2395; 3330 |
Committees: District | 1250 |
Committees: Editing | 1585 |
Committees: General Conference | 1565 |
Committees: General Conference Planning | 1570 |
Committees: Local Church | 800 |
Committees: Special Nominations | 1580 |
Communications, department of | SEE Communication and Administration Division |
Communication and Administration Division: Executive Director | 2110 |
Communication and Administration Division: General Duties | 2115 |
Communication and Administration Division: Purpose | 2105 |
Communication and Administration Division: Vision | 2100 |
Communion | 242; 293 |
Communion committee, local | 873 |
Compensation of ministers | 286; 782:15 |
Complaints: Against course of study books | 375:5 |
Complaints: Against ministers | 313:7 |
Conditions of membership | 297 |
Conference | SEE Circuit: Conference; District conference; General Conference; local church conference |
Conference action committee, district | 1165–1168 |
Conference minutes, district | 1178 |
Confession of faith as basis for reception of members | 565–570 |
Conflict of laws | 1796–1799 |
Conflict Resolution | 5004 |
Connecticut | SEE Eastern NY-New England district |
Conscientious objector | 410:3 |
Constitution of the North American General Conference, The: | 200–385 |
Constitution of the North American General Conference, The: Adoption of | 50 |
Constitution of the North American General Conference, The: Amendments | 385 |
Constitution of the North American General Conference, The: Current authority for | 185 |
Constitution of the North American General Conference, The: Function | 145 |
Constitution of the North American General Conference, The: Identification of | 135 |
Constitution of the North American General Conference, The: Summary of contents | 135–145; 200 |
Constitution of the North American General Conference, The: Text of | 200–385 |
Constitution of the North American General Conference, The: Unique type of church law | 135–145 |
Constitutional law | 125–145 |
Constitutionality: Of district conference acts | 375:2 |
Constitutionality: Of General Conference acts | 375:1 |
Continuing education | 3240 |
Contract, pastoral | 697; 702 |
Conversion | 228; 230; 297:1; 553:1 |
Corporate offense | 5010 |
Corporation, The Wesleyan Church: | 4200–4270 |
Corporation, The Wesleyan Church: Amendments | 4270 |
Corporation, The Wesleyan Church: Bequests | 4240 |
Corporation, The Wesleyan Church: Devises | 4240 |
Corporation, The Wesleyan Church: Directors | 4210 |
Corporation, The Wesleyan Church: Donations | 4240 |
Corporation, The Wesleyan Church: Name | 4200 |
Corporation, The Wesleyan Church: Precedent corporations | 4230 |
Corporation, The Wesleyan Church: Purpose | 4200 |
Corporations, affiliate: | 4300–4425 |
Corporations, affiliate: Basic Provisions | 4350 |
Corporations, affiliate: Definition | 4340 |
Corporations, district: | 4100–4150 |
Corporations, district: Authorization | 4100–4110 |
Corporations, district: Directors | 4120:6–7 |
Corporations, district: Members | 4120:8 |
Corporations, district: Provisional district | 4105 |
Corporations, district: Ownership | 4120:9; 4140; 4150 |
Corporations, district: Standard provisions | 4120 |
Corporations, local church: | 4000–4070 |
Corporations, local church: Authorization | 4000–4005 |
Corporations, local church: Directors | 4010:7 |
Corporations, local church: Members | 4010:8 |
Corporations, local church: Ownership | 4010:6; 4030; cf. 4060–4070 |
Corporations, local church: Property transactions | 4030 |
Corporations, subsidiary: | 4300–4425 |
Corporations, subsidiary: Authorization | 4300 |
Corporations, subsidiary: Basic provisions | 4320 |
Corporations, subsidiary: Directors | 4320:3–6, 8–9 |
Corporations, subsidiary: Educational institutions | 2362; 4310:2 |
Corporations, subsidiary: Hephzibah Ministries Inc. | 4310:4 |
Corporations, subsidiary: Wesleyan Investment Foundation, Inc. | 4310:5 |
Corporations, subsidiary: Wesleyan Pension Fund, Inc., The | 4310:3; 4400–4425 |
Correspondence study courses | 2385–2388; 3170:3 |
Costa Rica | 80 |
Council, advisory: Circuit | 530 |
Council, advisory: Developing church | 510:3 |
Council, advisory: Pastor’s | 795 |
Council of ordination | 1405 |
Council, Wesleyan educational | 2355 |
Counseling: Concerning divorce | 265:6 |
Counseling: Concerning Membership Commitments | 837:1 |
Counseling: Minister as counselor | 725:9 |
Courses of study: | 2385–2388; 3170–3240 |
Courses of study: Certificate of completion | 6410 |
Courses of study: Commissioned minister’s | 3210:3 |
Courses of study: Development of | 3200 |
Courses of study: Lay minister’s | 3210:4 |
Courses of study: Pre-ordination | 3210:1 |
Courses of study: Special workers’ | 3210:5 |
Courses of study: Specialized ministries | 3210:2 |
Credentials: Forwarded to Executive Director of Communication and Administration | 1310:32; 5230; 5212:2 |
Credentials: Of commissioned minister | 3059:4(b) |
Credentials: Of ordained minister | 3089:2 |
Credentials: Of licensed minister | 3055:2 |
Credentials: Of ministerial student | 3015:5(b) |
Crime | 5004:5; 5120:5; 5212:3 |
Crossroads district | 2403:5; 2430; 2455 |
Curacao | 35 |
Current authority for church law | 185 |
Custodians, local church: Employed by local board | 782:17 |
Custodians, local church: Nominated by trustees | 856:5 |
Custodians, local church: Supervised by pastor and local board of administration | 725:29; 782:17 |
District, Developing: Local churches in||542 District, Developing: Ordination, commissioning, and licensing||1012 District, Developing: Organization of||1012 District, Developing: Property||4800 District, Developing: Purpose||1003 District Forms: Acknowledgment of letter of transfer||6450 District Forms: Letter of standing||6460 District Forms: Letter of transfer||6440 District Forms: License||6260 District Forms: Recommendation for district license||6420 District membership of ministers||3100 District, Provisional (Provisional District):||1020–1034 District, Provisional (Provisional District): Amenability||1030:3 District, Provisional (Provisional District): Authorization||1020 District, Provisional (Provisional District): General Conference representation||1032 District, Provisional (Provisional District): Jurisdiction over||1028 District, Provisional (Provisional District): Officers, boards, and committees||1030:2 District, Provisional (Provisional District): Organization||1030 District, Provisional (Provisional District): Reclassification||1034 District, Provisional (Provisional District): Requirements for||1025 District, Provisional (Provisional District): Superintendent||1030:1 District Superintendent:||1300–1310 District Superintendent: Amenability||323:1; 1307 District Superintendent: Assistant||1320–1327 District Superintendent: Duties||1303:6; 1310 District Superintendent: Election||1303:1 District Superintendent: Function||1300 District Superintendent: Installation ritual||5930 District Superintendent: Provisional district||1030:1 District Superintendent: Nomination of||1030:1; 1303:7; 1935:31 District Superintendent: Developing district||1003–1015 District Superintendent: Qualifications and tenure||1303 District Superintendent: Reelection||1303:3 District Superintendent: Regulations||1303:4 District Superintendent: Term of office||1303:2 District Superintendent: Vacancy||1303:6 Distrito Hispano Suroeste (Southwest Hispanic District)||2403:25; 2445; 2470 Diversity, consideration for||1175:3 Divided House: In district conference vote||320; 1135 Divided House: In General Conference vote||338; 1545 Divorce: Abuse||265:7 Divorce: Biblical grounds for||265:6 Divorce: Marriage of divorced persons||3111 Divorce: Ministers||3012; 3108; 3111 Divorce: Remarriage||410:6 Divorce:||SEE ALSO marriage; remarriage Domestic violence||265:7 Drugs, harmful||265:5; 410:4Daily Vacation Bible School | 880:2, 18 |
Dakota district | 2403:5; 2445; 2470 |
Daughter church | 510:6 |
Day care and/or day schools: Authorization | 655:18, 19 |
Day care and/or day schools: Approval by DBA | 782:36; 1233:35 |
Day care and/or day schools: Financial policies | 782:36 |
Day care and/or day schools: Governance | 782:36 |
Day care and/or day schools: Separate treasury | 782:37 |
De Wesleyaanse Gemeente, Suriname | 80 |
Dedication: Of church buildings | 5950 |
Dedication: Of infants | 290; 5500 |
Dedication: Of parsonages | 5975 |
Deity, respect for name of | 265:1 |
Delaware | SEE Chesapeake district |
Delegates-at-large to General Conference | 1508–1510 |
Delegates to district conference: Allotment | 1100 |
Delegates to district conference: Alternate | 1106 |
Delegates to district conference: Certification | 830:4 |
Delegates to district conference: Election | 317; 528:3; 965; 1103 |
Delegates to district conference: Function and general regulations | 315:7; 317; 1086 |
Delegates to district conference: Laity elected | 1086 |
Delegates to district conference: Qualifications | 1109 |
Delegates to General Conference: Alternate | 1516–1518 |
Delegates to General Conference: At-large | 1508–1510 |
Delegates to General Conference: Certification | 1332:5; 1512 |
Delegates to General Conference: Developing district | 1015 |
Delegates to General Conference: Election | 1180:4; 1508–1518 |
Delegates to General Conference: Function and general regulations | 323:9; 1500–1506 |
Delegates to General Conference: Lay | 1503:1(b); 1516; 1524–1526 |
Delegates to General Conference: Ministerial | 1503:1(b); 1516; 1520–1522 |
Delegates to General Conference: Provisional district | 1032 |
Delegates to General Conference: Qualifications | 1520–1526 |
Denominational service, ministers appointed to | 1240:1(a4) |
Denominational unity | 450 |
Depravity, inherited | 224 |
Destiny, Article of Religion | 250 |
Developing church | SEE church, developing |
Developing district | SEE district, developing |
Devises, forms for | 4940 |
Director of Children’s Ministries | 1489 |
Director of Christian Education: Course of study | 3210:5 |
Director of Christian Education: District | 1460–1463 |
Director of Christian Education: Local | 880:5; 3450–3480 |
Director of leadership training, district | 1486 |
Director of music: Course of study | 3210:5 |
Director of music: Local | 870 |
Director of music: Special worker | 3450–3480 |
Director of youth ministries: Course of study | 3210:5 |
Director of youth ministries: Special worker | 3450–3480 |
Directory: District | 1332:8 |
Discipline: Meaning and purpose of | 5000–5010 |
Discipline: Subjects of | 260; 5004–5006 |
Discipline, book of: For mission units | 340:2; 2610:6 |
Discipline, consequences of being under: Reason for | 305; 585; 600–605 |
Discipline, The, of the North American General Conference: Amendment of | 125–165 |
Discipline, The, of the North American General Conference: Authoritative edition of | 185 |
Discipline, The, of the North American General Conference: First, of The Wesleyan Church | 50 |
Discipline, The, of the North American General Conference: Interpretations of | 2060–2061; Appendix B |
Discontinue church: | 1180:24, 1233:30, 4730 |
Discontinue church members: Power to | 315:1; 655:1; 782:10 |
Discontinue church members: Procedure of | 600–605 |
Discontinue church members: Reason for | 305; 585; 600–605 |
Discrimination forbidden | 265:12; 360:3(d) |
Dismissal: Definition of | 5115:5; 5212:5 |
Dismissal: Power of | 315:1; 655:1; 782:10 |
Dismissal: Reasons for | 276; 305; 585; 5115:5; 5212:5 |
District: Action committee, conference | 1165–1168 |
District: Administration, board of | 1200–1245 |
District: Amenability | 1050 |
District: Appeal from its actions | 323:6 |
District: Assignment to educational area | 1590:14; 2450–2470 |
District: Assignment to representative area | 1590:12 |
District: Assistant superintendent | 1320–1327 |
District: Auditing committee or auditor | 1340 |
District: Authorization | 1036 |
District: Board of administration | 1200–1245 |
District: Board of Christian education | 1440–1455 |
District: Board of evangelism and church growth | 1413–1423 |
District: Board of ministerial development | 1375–1390 |
District: Boundaries | 2400–2403 |
District: Building committee | 1345 |
District: Children’s Ministries | 1489 |
District: Committees, list of | 1250 |
District: Committees, regulations for | 1275–1292 |
District: Conducts a local mission | 537; 655:15; 1180:24; 1233:30 |
District: Conference | 1075–1180 |
District: Corporation | 4100–4150 |
District: Definition | 317; 1000 |
District: Departmental officers | 1275–1292 |
District: Developing district | 1003–1015 |
District: Directory | 1332:8 |
District: Disputes with General Conference | 375:6; 5445:4 |
District: Disputes with other districts | 375:4; 5350 |
District: Educational director | 1496 |
District: Established | 360:3e; 1036–1050 |
District: Evangelism and Church Growth, director of | 1426 |
District: Family life ministries; promotion of | 1483:8 |
District: Financial plan | 1180:16 |
District: Fiscal year | 1180:18 |
District: Function | 317; 1000 |
District: Global Partners, director of | 1429 |
District: Government | 1000–1496 |
District: Journal | 1178 |
District: Journal editing committee | 1178:1 |
District: Leadership training, director of | 1486 |
District: May request special session of General Conference | 330:2 |
District: Membership of ministers | 310; 313:6; 3100 |
District: Merger | 1060–1065 |
District: Ministerial development, board of | 1375–1390 |
District: Mission, district | SEE Provisional district |
District: Mission, local | SEE Developing church |
District: Nominating committee, district conference | 1172–1175 |
District: Officers, list of | 1250 |
District: Officers, regulations for | 323:7; 1255–1292 |
District: Officials | 1255–1272 |
District: Organization | 317; 1000–1065 |
District: Organizing conference | 1040 |
District: Powers | 323; 1180 |
District: Property | SEE Property, District |
District: Provisional district | 1020–1035 |
District: Realignment | 1060–1065 |
District: Reclassification | 1042–1045 1935:33 |
District: Requirements for | 1038 |
District: Reorganization of | 5235 |
District: Review, board of | 1370; 5218–5221 |
District: Rights | 323 |
District: Secretary | 1330–1332 |
District: Service, ministerial appointment to | 1390:1; 3320 |
District: Statistical committees | 1350–1352 |
District: Sunday school committee | 1468–1480 |
District: Sunday school, director of | 1483 |
District: Superintendent | 1300–1310 |
District: Superintendent’s representative | 520; 692:2; 1310:12 |
District: Treasurer | 1335–1337 |
District: Trustees, board of | 1360–1365 |
District: Wesleyan Youth, president | 1492 |
District: Women’s ministry, director of | 1439 |
District: Zones | 1209:4; 1233:13 |
District: | SEE ALSO Developing District |
District Board of Administration: | 1200–1245 |
District Board of Administration: Chair | 1221 |
District Board of Administration: Duties and powers | 1233 |
District Board of Administration: Executive committee | 1245 |
District Board of Administration: Function | 1200 |
District Board of Administration: Membership | 1203–1206 |
District Board of Administration: Organization and procedures | 1221–1230 |
District Board of Administration: Quorum | 1227 |
District Board of Administration: Secretary | 1224 |
District Board of Administration: Sessions | 1209–1218 |
District Board of Administration: Voting | 1230 |
District Board of Christian Education: | 1440–1455 |
District Board of Christian Education: Agencies coordinated by | 1455:1 |
District Board of Christian Education: Amenability | 1452 |
District Board of Christian Education: Duties | 1455 |
District Board of Christian Education: Function | 1440 |
District Board of Christian Education: Membership | 1443 |
District Board of Christian Education: Organization | 1446 |
District Board of Christian Education: Sessions | 1449 |
District Board of Evangelism and Church Growth: | 1413–1423 |
District Board of Evangelism and Church Growth: Duties | 1423 |
District Board of Evangelism and Church Growth: Function | 1413 |
District Board of Evangelism and Church Growth: Membership | 1416 |
District Board of Evangelism and Church Growth: Sessions | 1420 |
District Board of Ministerial Development: | 1375–1405 |
District Board of Ministerial Development: Duties | 1390 |
District Board of Ministerial Development: Function | 1375 |
District Board of Ministerial Development: Membership | 1378 |
District Board of Ministerial Development: Organization | 1381 |
District Board of Ministerial Development: Records | 1387 |
District Board of Ministerial Development: Sessions | 1384 |
District Conference: | 1075–1180 |
District Conference: Action committee | 1165–1168 |
District Conference: Allotment of lay delegates | 510:5; 528:3; 1080; 1100 |
District Conference: Alternate delegates | 1106 |
District Conference: Appeals on questions of order | 1144 |
District Conference: Chair | 350:3; 1120 |
District Conference: Committees | 1159–1175 |
District Conference: Duties and powers | 1180 |
District Conference: Function | 1075 |
District Conference: Journal | 1178 |
District Conference: Legislation | 1147 |
District Conference: Membership | 317; 1080–1090 |
District Conference: Memorials | 1153 |
District Conference: Nominating committee | 1172–1175 |
District Conference: Procedure | 1126–1147 |
District Conference: Quorum | 1129 |
District Conference: Reconvened session | 1115 |
District Conference: Resolutions | 1150–1156; 1165–1168; 1233:8 |
District Conference: Rights | 1126 |
District Conference: Rules of order | 1138 |
District Conference: Secretary | 1123 |
District Conference: Sessions | 1112–1115 |
District Conference: Suspension of rules | 1141 |
District Conference: Voting | 1135 |
District, Developing | 1003–1015 |
District, Developing: Authorization | 1006 |
District, Developing: General Conference representation | 1015 |
District, Developing: Jurisdiction over | 1009 |
East Michigan district | 2403:6; 2430; 2455 |
Easter offering | 2050:2–3 |
Eastern New York-New England district | 2403:7; 2435; 2460 |
Editing: General Conference | 1585 |
Education and the Ministry | SEE Education and Clergy Development Division |
Education and Clergy Development Division: Executive Director | 2340 |
Education and Clergy Development Division: General Duties | 2341 |
Education and Clergy Development Division: Purpose | 2339 |
Education and Clergy Development Division: Vision | 2338 |
Educational Areas: Assignment of districts | 1590:14; 2450 |
Educational Areas: Boundaries | 2450–2470 |
Educational Areas: General regulations for | 1590:14; 2371–2374; 2450 |
Educational institutions, general: Complementary programs | 2365–2368 |
Educational institutions, general: Educational areas | 2371–2374 |
Educational institutions, general: Financial support | 2377 |
Educational institutions, general: General Board’s role | 2362 |
Educational institutions, general: General Conference’s role | 2362 |
Educational institutions, general: Ministerial Study Course Agency | 2385–2388 |
Educational institutions, general: Names of institutions | 2365 |
Educational institutions, general: Ownership and control | 2358 |
Educational institutions, general: Presidents | 325; 1503:1(c) |
Educational institutions, general: Spiritual priorities | 2358 |
Educational institutions, general: Standards for Educational Institutions | 2362:4 |
Educational institutions, general: Wesleyan Educational Council | 2355 |
Educational institutions, general: Wesleyan Seminary Foundation | 2382 |
Educational leave, ordained ministers on: Category of service | 3350:1 |
Educational leave, ordained ministers on: District listing | 1240 |
Educational objectives | 2339 |
Educational director: District | 1496 |
Educational director: General | 2341–2344 |
Educational director: Local | 926 |
Educators, ministers appointed as | 3310 |
Egypt | 80 |
Elementary Principles | 270–286; cf. 297:3; 553:1 |
Elementary schools | SEE Day Care and/or Day Schools |
Eligibility to hold office: Commissioned ministers | 3059:2(b) |
Eligibility to hold office: Full members | 302:3 |
Eligibility to hold office: Ordained ministers | 313:2 |
Emeritus title | 1503:1(c); 1590:20; 1945 |
Emergencies: Discipline of officials | 1785:7 |
Emergencies: General Conference sessions | 1530 |
Emergencies: Ordination service | 3070:5 |
Emergencies: USF, change of percentage | 1655:22 |
Emmanuel Wesleyan Church: South Africa Bantu | 80 |
Emmanuel Wesleyan Church: Swaziland | 80 |
Emmanuel Wesleyan Church: Transkei | 80 |
England | 35 |
Entertainment | 410:12 |
Entire sanctification: Article of Religion | 236 |
Entire sanctification: Historical background | 1–2; 12–13; 24 |
Entire sanctification: Not dependent upon tongues | 236; 265:10 |
Entire sanctification: | SEE ALSO Holiness, Scriptural |
Equal ministerial and lay representation: General Conference may not change | 360:3(b) |
Equal ministerial and lay representation: Historical background | 8 |
Equal ministerial and lay representation: In district conference | 317; 1080; 1100 |
Equal ministerial and lay representation: In General Conference | 325; 1503 |
Equal rights | 220; 265:12; 360:3(d); 410:1 |
Essentials of The Wesleyan Church | 125; 340:2; 1590:1; 2500:3; 2610:8; 2660 |
Established church: Authorization for organization | 518 |
Established church: Procedure of organization | 520 |
Established church: Qualifications for organization | 518:1–4 |
Established district | 360:3(e); 1036–1050 |
Estate Planning: Assist with wills, bequests; annuities | 475 |
Europe | 2480 |
Evaluation report of general officials | 1785:6; 1935:17 |
Evaluation sessions: District Board | 1218 |
Evaluation sessions: General Board | 1625 |
Evaluation sessions: Local Board | 767 |
Evangelism and Church Growth: District board of | 1413–1423 |
Evangelism and Church Growth: District director of | 1426 |
Evangelism and Church Growth: Function | 2205 |
Evangelism and Church Growth: Historical background | 13; 16; 23–24; 34–35 |
Evangelism and Church Growth: Local committee on evangelism | 960 |
Evangelism and Church Growth: Local director | 935 |
Evangelism and Church Growth: | SEE ALSO Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division |
Evangelistic service | 1240:1(a3); 3270–3295 |
Evangelists: Employed by local board | 782:18 |
Evangelists: Examination | 3275 |
Evangelists: From other denominations | 1310:24 |
Evangelists: Function | 3270 |
Evangelists: General, Associate | 3280 |
Evangelists: General and reserve general | 3285:1, 2 |
Evangelists: Historical background | 13 |
Evangelists: Reports | 3295 |
Examination of candidates for license, commission, or ordination | 1390:1, 3–4; 3033:6; 3070:4; 3104:3; 3460; 3470 |
Excommunication | 276; 315:1; 655:1; 782:10; 5115:5; 5212:5 |
Executive Board: | 1750–1790 |
Executive Board: Chair | 1765 |
Executive Board: Duties and powers | 1785–1790 |
Executive Board: Function | 1750 |
Executive Board: Membership | 1755 |
Executive Board: Minutes | 1790 |
Executive Board: Organization | 1765–1780 |
Executive Board: Quorum | 1775 |
Executive Board: Secretary | 1770 |
Executive Board: Sessions | 1760 |
Executive Board: Vice-chair | 1655:12 |
Executive Board: Voting | 1780 |
Executive Cabinet: | 1990 |
Executive Cabinet: As the General Conference Planning Committee | 1570–1576 |
Executive Director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division | 2307 |
Executive Director of Communication and Administration Division | 2110 |
Executive Director of Education and Clergy Development Division | 2340 |
Executive Director of Global Partners Division | 2261 |
Expulsion | SEE dismissal or excommunication |
Extended call regulations | 720 |
Extension, church (historical) | 16 |
Extension classes, local Sunday school | 655:15; 782:5; 880:15 |
Faith, Article of Religion on | 228 |
Family: Article of Religion | 222 |
Family: Duties to | 265:6–7 |
Family: Family altar | 265:9 |
Family: | SEE ALSO divorce; marriage |
Family life ministries: Local promotion of | 880:20 |
Family life ministries: District promotion of | 1483:8 |
Family life ministries: General Church promotion of | 2306 |
Fasting | 265:9 |
Father, The, Article of Religion | 212 |
Fellowship, Christian | 420–450 |
Fellowship committee | 880:19 |
Finance and stewardship committee, local | 865–868 |
Financial policies: District | 1180:16 |
Financial policies: General Church | 1995–2050 |
Financial policies: Local church | 655:10; 782:29 |
Financial secretary, local | 845:2 |
Financial support of General educational institutions | 2377 |
Fiscal year: District | 1180:18 |
Fiscal year: Local church | 1180:18 |
Florida district | 2403:8; 2440; 2465 |
Forfeiture of representation: District | 1506; 5365 |
Forfeiture of representation: Local church | 1095; 5310 |
Forms: Bequests and devises | 4940 |
Forms: Church letters | 6000–6040 |
Forms: District | 6420–6460 |
Forms: General credentials | 6200–6340 |
Forms: Service credentials | 6200–6460 |
Forms: Special worker’s credentials | 6360–6400 |
Forms, general credentials: Acknowledgment of district letter of transfer | 6450 |
Forms, general credentials: Course of study certificate | 6410 |
Forms, general credentials: District letter of standing | 6460 |
Forms, general credentials: District letter of transfer | 6440 |
Forms, general credentials: Pocket certificate of standing | 6430 |
Forms, general credentials: Recommendation for district license | 6420 |
Forms, ministerial credentials: Commission certificate for ministers | 6280 |
Forms, ministerial credentials: District license for ministerial, students, and licensed ministers | 6260 |
Forms, ministerial credentials: General evangelist’s certificate | 6340 |
Forms, ministerial credentials: Interim pastor’s certificate | 6250 |
Forms, ministerial credentials: Lay minister’s letter of standing | 6220 |
Forms, ministerial credentials: Lay minister’s license | 6200 |
Forms, ministerial credentials: Ordination certificate | 6300 |
Forms, ministerial credentials: Supply pastor’s certificate | 6240 |
Forms, ministerial credentials: Validation certificate for ordained ministers, commissioned or licensed ministers | 6320 |
Forms, special worker’s credentials: Lay missionary’s commission | 6400 |
Forms, special worker’s credentials: Special worker’s commission | 6380 |
Forms, special worker’s credentials: Special worker’s license | 6360 |
Fraternal relationships | 1935:24 |
Free will | 224 |
Fund raising, methods of | 470 |
Gambling, abstain from, membership commitment | 265:4 |
General Assembly, Pilgrim Holiness | 24; 29; 32; 34; 50 |
General Board: Bylaws | 1650 |
General Board: Chair | 1630; 1935:6 |
General Board: Duties and powers | 323:1; 330; 340; 360:2; 1655 |
General Board: Executive Board | 1750–1790 |
General Board: Function | 340; 1600 |
General Board: Membership | 340:1; 1605 |
General Board: Nonvoting participants | 1606 |
General Board: Notices | 1615 |
General Board: Organization | 1630–1650 |
General Board: Policies. SEE General Board policies Procedure | 1630–1650 |
General Board: Quorum | 1640 |
General Board: Secretary | 1635 |
General Board: Sessions | 1610–1625 |
General Board: Vacancies | 1655:11 |
General Board: Vice-chair | 1630; 1655:12 |
General Board: Voting | 1645 |
General Board Policies: Administered by General Superintendent | 1935:16 |
General Board Policies: For Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division | 2307 |
General Board Policies: For Communication and Administration Division | 2110 |
General Board Policies: For Education and Clergy Development Division | 2340 |
General Board Policies: For Executive Cabinet | 1990 |
General Board Policies: For Global Partners Division | 2261 |
General Board Policies: For General Treasurer/Chief Executive Officer | 1976 |
General Board of Review | 370–380; 2070–2075 |
General Church Corporation | 4200–4270 |
General Church Financial Plan: | 1995–2050 |
General Church Financial Plan: Budget procedure | 2060 |
General Church Financial Plan: Planned gifts | 1995 |
General Church Financial Plan: Special offerings | 2050 |
General Church Financial Plan: Summary | 1995 |
General Church Financial Plan: United Stewardship Fund | 2000–2045 |
General Church government | 1500–2490 |
General Church property | 4900–4940 |
General Conference: | 325–338 |
General Conference: Alternate delegates | 325–338 |
General Conference: Appeals on questions of order | 1550 |
General Conference: Chair | 332; 350:3; 1536 |
General Conference: Committees | 1563–1585 |
General Conference: Dates of | 1528 |
General Conference: Delegates | 1508–1526; 1541 |
General Conference: Delegates-at-large | 1508–1510 |
General Conference: Dispute with a district | 375:6; 5440:5 |
General Conference: Duties and powers | 295; 310; 317; 323:1; 325; 327:1; 330:1; 340:1; 350:1, 4; 360; 370; 380; 385; 1590 |
General Conference: Editing committee | 1585 |
General Conference: Equal ministerial and lay representation | 325; 360:3(b); 1503 |
General Conference: Forfeiture of representation by districts | 1506 |
General Conference: Function | 1500 |
General Conference: General Conference Planning Committee | 1570–1576 |
General Conference: Journal | 1585 |
General Conference: Lay delegates | 1524–1526 |
General Conference: Membership | 323:9; 325–327; 1503–1526 |
General Conference: Memorials | 1557–1560 |
General Conference: Memorials committee | 1565 |
General Conference: Ministerial delegates | 1520–1522 |
General Conference: Minutes | 1585 |
General Conference: Nominations, committee on special | 1580 |
General Conference: Officers | 334; 1800 |
General Conference: Officials | 325; 1800–1880 |
General Conference: Organization | 1536–1585 |
General Conference: Pilgrim Holiness, | 23–50 |
General Conference: Place | 330:1; 1528 |
General Conference: Planning committee | 1570–1576 |
General Conference: Presidency | 332; 350:3; 1536 |
General Conference: Procedure | 1541–1553 |
General Conference: Program | 1576 |
General Conference: Quorum | 336; 1543 |
General Conference: Rules of order | 1547 |
General Conference: Secretary | 334; 1539 |
General Conference: Sessions | 330; 1528–1534 |
General Conference: Suspension of rules | 1553 |
General Conference: Voting | 1545 |
General Conference: Wesleyan Methodist | 11–18; 50 |
General Conferences: General Conference | 2610 |
General Conferences: General Conference interrelations | 2630–2640 |
General Conferences: North American | 2550 |
General Department of Communications. | SEE Communication and Administration Division |
General Department of Education and the Ministry. | SEE Education and Clergy Development Division |
General Department of Evangelism and Church Growth. | SEE Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division |
General Department of Global Partners. | SEE Global Partners Division |
General Department of Spiritual Formation. | SEE Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division |
General Directors, (subsidiary corporations): Hephzibah Ministries Inc. | 4310:4 |
General Directors, (subsidiary corporations): Wesleyan Investment Foundation | 4310:5 |
General Directors, (subsidiary corporations): Wesleyan Pension Fund | 4400–4425 |
General Director of Education and the Ministry. | SEE Executive Director of Education and Clergy Development Division |
General Director of Evangelism and Church Growth. | SEE Executive Director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division |
General Director of Spiritual Formation. | SEE Executive Director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division |
General Director of Global Partners. | SEE Executive Director of Global Partners Division |
General educational institutions | 2365 |
General evangelists: Associate general evangelists | 3280 |
General evangelists: Certification form | 6340 |
General evangelists: General regulations | 3270–3295 |
General evangelists: Listing | 1240:1(a3) |
General evangelists: Reserve general evangelist | 3285:2 |
General officers/officials of the church: | 340:1; 1800–1880 |
General officers/officials of the church: Amenability | 1830 |
General officers/officials of the church: District membership | 1860 |
General officers/officials of the church: Evaluation report | 1785:6; 1935:17 |
General officers/officials of the church: Identification | 1800 |
General officers/officials of the church: Installation ritual | 5935 |
General officers/officials of the church: General Conference membership | 1503:1(c) |
General officers/officials of the church: Local church membership | 1860 |
General officers/officials of the church: Qualifications | 1810 |
General officers/officials of the church: Reports | 1840 |
General officers/officials of the church: Residence | 1870 |
General officers/officials of the church: Term of office | 1820 |
General officers/officials of the church: Vacancies | 1850 |
General offices and divisions, listing of | 1880 |
General publications: | 2115 |
General publications: Denominational publication | 3059:4(d); 3089:4 |
General publications: Wesleyan Publishing House | SEE Communication and Administration Division |
General representative | 350:3; 1180:7; 1935:28 |
General Secretary | SEE Executive Director of the Communication and Administration Division |
General Superintendent: Duties and powers | 1935 |
General Superintendent: Election | 1590:16; 1903 |
General Superintendent: Emeritus | 1503:1(c); 1945 |
General Superintendent: General regulations | 1903 |
General Superintendent: Spiritual and administrative leader | 1900 |
General Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer | 1970–1976 |
Georgia | SEE South Coastal district |
Ghana | 80 |
Gift of tongues | 265:10 |
Gifts of the Spirit, Article of Religion | 238 |
Global Partners: District director of | 1429 |
Global Partners: Local committee on missions | 955–958 |
Global Partners: Local director of missions | 930 |
Global Partners Division: Executive Director of | 2261 |
Global Partners Division: Missionaries | 2272 |
Global Partners Division: Organization of mission units | 2275–2287 |
Global Partners Division: Purpose | 2259 |
Global Partners Division: Strategic Directives | 2262 |
Global Partners Division: Support of | 2050:1–3, 5 |
Global Partners Division: Vision | 2258 |
God: Attributes of | 210 |
God: Name to be reverenced | 265:1. SEE ALSO Oaths |
God: Purpose for Man | 220 |
God: Trinity of | 210 |
Good works: Article of Religion | 232 |
Good works: Expected | 224; 265:11; 284 |
Grace | 216; 224; 228; 234; 236; 242; 250; 265:9 |
Grand Cayman | 35 |
Greater Ohio District | 2403:9; 2430; 2455 |
Growth in grace | 236 |
Guides and Helps to Holy Living | 260–268; 557 |
Guyana | 35; 80 |
Haiti | 17:1; 18; 80 |
Hawaii | SEE Pacific Southwest district and Southwest Hispanic district |
Healing | 430 |
Hearing, right to: For districts | 323:10 |
Hearing, right to: For local churches | 315:8 |
Hearing, right to: For members | 302:5 |
Hearing, right to: For ministers | 313:7 |
Heaven | 250 |
Hell | 250 |
Hephzibah Ministries Inc. | 4310:4 |
Hephzibah Faith Missionary Society | 17:1 |
Heresy | 5050:1; 5070:1; 5370:1 |
History of The Wesleyan Church | 1–80 |
Holiness Christian Church | 27 |
Holiness Church, The | 32 |
Holiness, scriptural: Historical background | 1–60 |
Holiness, scriptural: Mission of The Wesleyan Church | 100–105 |
Holiness, scriptural: | SEE ALSO Entire sanctification |
Holy Ghost. | SEE Holy Spirit |
Holy Scriptures: Article of Religion | 218 |
Holy Scriptures: Basis for church rules | 280 |
Holy Scriptures: In church hearings | 276 |
Holy Scriptures: Inerrancy | 218, 299; 5566; 5772 |
Holy Scriptures: Only rule of faith and conduct | 270 |
Holy Scriptures: Reading as means of grace | 265:9 |
Holy Spirit, The, Article of Religion | 216; 230; 236–238 |
Holy Trinity, Article of Religion | 210 |
Home | SEE Family |
Home ministries representation work | 782:34; 1426:3; 1429:3; 1496:2; 2050:1, 3 |
Homosexual behavior | 265:6; 410:5 |
Homosexuality | 410:5 |
Honduras | 18; 80 |
Honesty | 265:13 |
Horton, Jotham | 7 |
Houghton College | 2365:4; 2460 |
Human sexuality | 410:5 |
Idaho | 2403:21; SEE Northwest District |
Iglesia Wesleyana Peregrina, Peru | 80 |
Iglesia Evangelica de los Peregrinos, Mexico | 80 |
Igreja Emmanuel Evangelica Wesleyana, Mozambique | 80 |
Igreja Evangelica Wesleyana, Brazil | 80 |
Illinois district | 2403:10; 2430; 2455 |
Immorality and restoration of ministers | 3127; 5180:3; 5370:5 |
Incest grounds for divorce | 265:6 |
Incorporation, district | 4100–4150 |
Indemnification of officers | 4235 |
India | 17:2; 18; 80 |
Indiana Central district | SEE Crossroads district |
Indiana North district | SEE Crossroads district |
Indiana Wesleyan University | 2365:5; 2455 |
Indianapolis, IN | 34 |
Indiana South district | 2403:11; 2440; 2455; 2465 |
Individual rights, respect for; membership commitment | 265:12 |
Indonesia | 80, 2560 |
Inerrancy of Scriptures | 218; 299; 5772 |
Infant baptism | 290; 5500 |
Inherited depravity | 224 |
Installation: Of college presidents | 5945 |
Installation: Of district superintendent | 5930 |
Installation: Of general officials | 5935 |
Installation: Of local church officials | 520:5; 828; 5915–5925 |
Installation: Of pastor | 5905 |
Institutional chaplains | 3330 |
Insubordination | 5004:3; 5006:3 |
Insurance, local property and liability | 782:28; 856:8 |
Integrity | 265:13 |
Interchurch service, ministerial appointment to | 1240:1(a6); 3335 |
Interdenominational relationships | 450; 1920:12 |
Interim pastor | 3261; 6250 |
International Apostolic Holiness Church | 26 |
International Apostolic Holiness Union | 25 |
International Apostolic Holiness Union and Churches | 26 |
International Conference of The Wesleyan Church: Advancement of General Conferences by | 2610:11; 2620 |
International Conference of The Wesleyan Church: Charter of | 125;1585:4; 2640; 2680; Appendix A |
International Conference of The Wesleyan Church: Composition of | 2660 |
International Conference of The Wesleyan Church: Function | 2670 |
International Conference of The Wesleyan Church: History | 65–70 |
International Conference of The Wesleyan Church: Purpose | 2650 |
International Conference of The Wesleyan Church: Representatives to | 2670 |
International Conference, Pilgrim Holiness | 50 |
International Holiness Church | 28 |
International Holiness Union and Prayer League | 24 |
Interpretation of church law | 375:1–6; 1920:24–27 |
Interracial marriage | 360:3(d) |
Intervention, power of | 4250 |
Intoxicants | 8; 11; 265:4; 410:4 |
Investigative committee | 970; 5012 |
Investigation, judicial, withdrawal while under | 592 |
Investment Foundation, Wesleyan | 4310:5 |
Iowa-Minnesota district | 2403:12; 2445; 2470 |
Itinerant ministry | 360:3(b) |
Jamaica | 17:2; 18; 35 |
Japan | 18; 2490 |
Jesus Korea Wesleyan Church, South Korea | 80 |
Journal: District conference | 1178 |
Journal: General Conference | 1585 |
Judicial committee: Local | 970 |
Judicial oaths | 410:10 |
Judiciary, general principles: | 5000–5004 |
Judiciary, general principles: Administration of church discipline | 5002 |
Judiciary, general principles: Conflict resolution | 5004 |
Judiciary, general principles: Meaning and purpose of church discipline | 5000–5004 |
Justification, Article of Religion | 230 |
Kansas district | 2403:13; 2445; 2470 |
Kentucky-Tennessee district | 2403:14; 2440; 2465 |
Kingswood University | 2365:3; 2455; 2460; 2465; 2470 |
Knapp, Martin Wells | 24 |
Korea, South | 80; 2490 |
La Iglesia Wesleyana de Colombia | 80 |
Labor unions | 265:4 |
Law: Constitutional | 125–145 |
Law: Ritual | 175 |
Law: Statutory | 155–165 |
Lay delegate | SEE Delegates |
Lay evangelist | 3210:5; 3450–3470; 6360–6380 |
Lay leader | 833 |
Lay minister: Course of study | 3210:4 |
Lay minister: Duties | 3430 |
Lay minister: Granting license to | 3410 |
Lay minister: Identification | 3400 |
Lay minister: Letter of standing | 3440:3; 6220 |
Lay minister: License form | 6200 |
Lay minister: Regulations for | 3440 |
Lay minister: Renewal of license | 3420 |
Lay ministries, special | 3400–3490 |
Lay missionary, commissioned | 3490 |
Lay pastoral assistants | 744 |
Leadership Commitments | 558 |
Leadership training: District director of | 1486 |
Leadership training: General program | 2310:4 |
Lee, Luther | 7 |
L’Eglise Wesleyenne d’Haiti | 80 |
Leisure time | 265:3; 410:12 |
Letters: Acknowledgment of district letter of transfer | 6450 |
Letters: Acknowledgment of local letter of transfer | 6010 |
Letters: Basis for reception of members | 565; 580 |
Letters: Notice of transfer | 6020 |
Letters: Recommendation from other denominations | 570 |
Letters: Recommendation to other denominations | 590; 6030 |
Letters: Standing for lay minister | 3440:3; 6220 |
Letters: Standing for minister | 3100:3, 5–6; 6460 |
Letters: Standing for special worker | 3480; 6460 |
Letters: Transfer for member | 575–580; 6000–6020 |
Letters: Transfer for minister | 3100:1, 5–6; 6440 |
Letters: Transfer for special worker | 3100:1, 5–6; 6440 |
Letters: Withdrawal of member | 592; 6040 |
Liberia | 80 |
License: District, ministerial | 3033–3040; 6260 |
License: Lay minister’s | 3410–3420; 6200 |
License: Special worker’s | 3460; 6360 |
Licensed minister: Church membership | 3097–3100 |
Licensed minister: Course of study | 3210:1 |
Licensed minister: Credentials | 3055:2 |
Licensed minister: Duties of | 3051 |
Licensed minister: From another denomination | 3104 |
Licensed minister: Identification | 3030 |
Licensed minister: License form | 6260 |
Licensed minister: Licensing of | 3033 |
Licensed minister: Listing | 1240:3 |
Licensed minister: Membership in district conference | 317; 1083:2–3; 1090:3 |
Licensed minister: Regulations for | 3055, 3093 |
Licensed minister: Renewing license of | 3040; 3145 |
Licensed minister: Rights of | 3044 |
Licensed minister: Transfer of | 313:6; 3044:5; 3055:3; 3100:1; 6440 |
Licensed special worker | 1240:5(c); 3460; 3480 |
Literature secretary, local | 928 |
Loan guarantees | 4120:6; 4890 |
Local advisory council, developing church | 510:2–3 |
Local Board of Administration: | 750–795 |
Local Board of Administration: Chair | 770 |
Local Board of Administration: Duties and powers | 782 |
Local Board of Administration: Evaluation session | 767 |
Local Board of Administration: Function | 750 |
Local Board of Administration: Governance philosophy | 750 |
Local Board of Administration: Membership | 752–757 |
Local Board of Administration: Nomination of | 823 |
Local Board of Administration: Organizational options | 752 |
Local Board of Administration: Quorum | 778 |
Local Board of Administration: Secretary | 775 |
Local Board of Administration: Sessions | 760–767 |
Local Board of Administration: Vice-chair | 773 |
Local Board of Administration: Voting | 780 |
Local board of trustees | 315:6; 850–859 |
Local Church: Advisory committee | 795 |
Local Church: Age-level Christian education committees | 878 |
Local Church: Assistant treasurer | 845:1 |
Local Church: Auditing committee or auditor | 863 |
Local Church: Board | 750–782 |
Local Church: Boundaries | 323:5; 1180:25 |
Local Church: Building committee | 856:6 |
Local Church: Business meeting | 630–633 |
Local Church: Children’s church committee, director, staff | 880:2, 7–8 |
Local Church: Committees | 800 |
Local Church: Communion committee | 873 |
Local Church: Conference | 625–655 |
Local Church: Corporation | 4000–4070 |
Local Church: Custodial staff | 782:16; 856:5 |
Local Church: Day care and/or day school | 655:19; 782:36; 1233:35 |
Local Church: Definition | 240 |
Local Church: Delegate to district conference | 965; 1086; 1100–1109 |
Local Church: Educational director | 965; 1086; 1100–1109 |
Local Church: Evangelism committee and secretary | 935; 960 |
Local Church: Family life ministries, promotion of | 880:20 |
Local Church: Fellowship committee | 880:19 |
Local Church: Finance and stewardship committee | 865–868 |
Local Church: Financial secretary | 845:2 |
Local Church: Function | 500 |
Local Church: Governance philosophy | 781 |
Local Church: Governed by district | 323:1, 5 |
Local Church: Government | 500–970 |
Local Church: Judicial committee | 970; 5105:3; 5110 |
Local Church: Jurisdiction | 5105; 5125 |
Local Church: Lay leader | 833 |
Local Church: Literature secretary | 928 |
Local Church: Loan guarantees by district | 4120:6; 4890 |
Local Church: Minimum organization | 807–810 |
Local Church: Missions committee and secretary | 930; 955–958 |
Local Church: Musicians and music committee | 870–873 |
Local Church: Nominating committee | 820–823 |
Local Church: Offering teller | 845:3 |
Local Church: Office staff | 725:29; 782:16 |
Local Church: Officers | 800; 815; 823. SEE ALSO Local church officers |
Local Church: Organization: | 500–542 |
Local Church: Organization: Developing district, in | 542 |
Local Church: Property | 315:6; 4650–4780 |
Local Church: Quarterly meeting | 630:2 |
Local Church: Relation to a circuit | 525 |
Local Church: Reorganization of | 5320–5325 |
Local Church: Rights of | 315 |
Local Church: Secretary | 775; 830 |
Local Church: Sunday school committee, staff, superintendent | 885–913 |
Local Church: Tithing secretary | 845:2 |
Local Church: Treasurer | 752, 842 |
Local Church: Trustees | 850–859 |
Local Church: Ushering committee | 873 |
Local Church: Vacation Bible School committee, staff | 880:2, 8 |
Local Church: Vice-chair of LBA | 773 |
Local Church: Witness and membership committee | 835–837 |
Local Church: | SEE ALSO circuit; established church; mission; pastoral charge; developing church |
Local Church Conference: | 625–655 |
Local Church Conference: Chair | 635 |
Local Church Conference: Characteristic of established church | 518 |
Local Church Conference: Composition | 625 |
Local Church Conference: Definition | 625 |
Local Church Conference: Duties and powers | 655 |
Local Church Conference: Function | 625 |
Local Church Conference: Membership | 625 |
Local Church Conference: Notice of sessions | 630–633 |
Local Church Conference: Order of business | 650 |
Local Church Conference: Quorum | 640 |
Local Church Conference: Rules of order | 645 |
Local Church Conference: Secretary | 638 |
Local Church Conference: Sessions | 520:5; 630–633 |
Local Church Conference: Voting | 643 |
Local Church Education: Age-level division | 878 |
Local Church Education: Duties | 880 |
Local Church Education: Membership | 875 |
Local Church Education: Sunday School: | 885–913 |
Local Church Education: Sunday School: Administration | 887 |
Local Church Education: Sunday School: Amenability | 910 |
Local Church Education: Sunday School: Departmental supervision | 900 |
Local Church Education: Sunday School: Director of Discipleship | 890 |
Local Church Education: Sunday School: Function | 885 |
Local Church Education: Sunday School: Secretary | 895 |
Local Church Education: Sunday School: Sunday school committee | 903 |
Local Church Education: Sunday School: Superintendent | 889 |
Local Church Education: Sunday School: Teachers | 906 |
Local Church Education: Sunday School: Treasurer | 898 |
Local Church Officers: Definition and regulations | 815 |
Local Church Officers: Installation ritual | 5915 |
Local Church Officers: List of | 800 |
Local Church Officers: Nomination of | 823 |
Local church organization | 500–548 |
Local educational director | 926 |
Local judicial committee | 970 |
Local preacher | SEE Lay minister |
Lodges | SEE Secret societies |
Lord’s Day: Merchandising on | 410:7 |
Lord’s Day: Sanctity of | 265:1 |
Lord’s Supper: Administrants of | 313:1; 725:6; 3044:1; 3075:1 |
Lord’s Supper: Article of Religion | 242 |
Lord’s Supper: Frequency of observance | 293; 725:6 |
Lord’s Supper: Means of grace | 265:9 |
Lord’s Supper: Right of access to | 302:2 |
Lord’s Supper: Ritual of | 5600–5635 |
Louisiana | SEE Mountain Plains district |
Maine | SEE Atlantic district |
Manitoba | SEE Central Canada district |
Marion, Indiana | 16 |
Marriage: Article of Religion | 222 |
Marriage: Minister and | 3108–3112; 5251 |
Marriage: Ministerial orders and | 3012 |
Marriage: Minister’s care in performing | 3111–3112 |
Marriage: Officiants | 725:7 |
Marriage: Remarriage | 410:6; 3111 |
Marriage: Ritual of | 5650–5680 |
Marriage: | SEE ALSO divorce |
Maryland | SEE Chesapeake district |
Massachusetts | SEE Eastern New York-New England district |
Matlack, Lucius C. | 7 |
Matrimony, rite of | 5650–5680 |
Means of grace | 265:9 |
Members, church | SEE Church member, membership |
Membership: Of ministers | 3097–3100 |
Membership: Of pastors, senior pastors, and associate pastors | 578:2 |
Membership classes | 568; 725:11; 782:8; 880:11 |
Membership committee, local | 835–837 |
Membership commitments | 3; 260–268; 558 |
Membership | 550–610 |
Membership, reception ritual | 5550–5595 |
Membership roll: In affiliate church | 7005 |
Membership roll: In established churches | 610 |
Membership roll: In developing church | 510:2 |
Membership roll: In mission church | 537 |
Membership, student | 564–565 |
Memorials: By district conference | 1153 |
Memorials: By local church conference | 655:9 |
Memorials: Committee, General Conference | 1565 |
Memorials: To the General Conference | 1557–1560 |
Mentally incompetent, salvation of | 226 |
Merchandising on Lord’s Day | 410:7 |
Merger: Basis | 50 |
Merger: Historical | 50 |
Merger: Of churches | 1233:34 |
Merger: Of districts | 1060–1065 |
Methodist Episcopal Church | 4–7; 11 |
Methodists | 2–6; 11–12. SEE ALSO Wesleyan Methodist |
Methods of fund raising | SEE Fund raising, methods of |
Mexico | 18; 29; 35; 80 |
Michigan | 7, 20, 31, See: East Michigan district, North Michigan district, and West Michigan district |
Military chaplains | 1240:1(a5); 3330 |
Military service | 410:3 |
Minimum organization: Local church | 518:3; 810 |
Minimum organization: Mission | 537 |
Minimum organization: Developing church | 807 |
Minister | SEE Ministry, the |
Minister of Christian education | 880:5; 3210:2 |
Minister of music | 870; 3210:2 |
Ministerial Appointments: | 3250–3390 |
Ministerial Appointments: Administrator | 1240:1(a4); 3320; 3335 |
Ministerial Appointments: Assistant pastor | 741; 1240:1(a2); 3255 |
Ministerial Appointments: Associate general evangelist | 1240:1(a2); 3280 |
Ministerial Appointments: Associate pastor | 738; 1240:1(a2); 3255 |
Ministerial Appointments: Categories of service | 3250 |
Ministerial Appointments: Chaplains, military | 1240:1(a5); 3330; 3335 |
Ministerial Appointments: Educator | 1240:1(a4); 3310; 3335 |
Ministerial Appointments: Evangelist | 1240:1(a3); 3280–3295 |
Ministerial Appointments: General evangelists | 1240:1(a3); 3285:1 |
Ministerial Appointments: Interchurch service | 1240:1(a6); 3335 |
Ministerial Appointments: Interim pastor | 1240:1(a2); 3261 |
Ministerial Appointments: Minister in process of transfer | 1240:1(f, g); 1240:2(e); 1240:3(d); 3104 |
Ministerial Appointments: Missionary | 1240:1(a4); 3300; 3335 |
Ministerial Appointments: Ordained minister in process of transfer, denomination | 1240:1(g); 3104 |
Ministerial Appointments: Ordained minister in process of transfer, district | 1240:1(f) |
Ministerial Appointments: Ordained minister on educational leave | 1240:1(d); 3350:1 |
Ministerial Appointments: Ordained minister on reserve | 1240:1(c); 3360 |
Ministerial Appointments: Ordained minister without appointment | 1240:1(e); 3380 |
Ministerial Appointments: Pastor | 725; 735; 1240:1(a2); 3255–3260 |
Ministerial Appointments: Reserve general evangelist | 1240:1(a3); 3285:2 |
Ministerial Appointments: Retired ordained ministers | 1240:1(b); 3370 |
Ministerial Appointments: Special service | 1240:1(a7); 3345 |
Ministerial Appointments: Student | 1240:4; 3350 |
Ministerial Appointments: Supply pastor | 1240:5(e); 3260 |
Ministerial Appointments: Without appointment | 1240:1(e); 3380 |
Ministerial Credentials: Commissioned minister | 3059:1(g) |
Ministerial Credentials: Ordained minister | 3089:2 |
Ministerial Credentials: Licensed minister | 3055:2 |
Ministerial Development, District Board of | 1375–1390 |
Ministerial Education: | 3150–3240 |
Ministerial Education: Administration of | 310; 3160 |
Ministerial Education: College | 3170:2 |
Ministerial Education: Continuing education | 3240 |
Ministerial Education: Correspondence course | 3170:3 |
Ministerial Education: Course of study | 3200–3210 |
Ministerial Education: Priority of | 3150 |
Ministerial Education: Programs of study | 3170 |
Ministerial Education: Seminary | 3170:1 |
Ministerial Education: Training outside The Wesleyan Church | 3170:4 |
Ministerial Education: Types of | 3170–3240 |
Ministerial membership | 310; 313:6; 3097–3100 |
Ministerial Orders and Regulations: | 3000 |
Ministerial Orders and Regulations: Commissioned minister | 3059 |
Ministerial Orders and Regulations: Ordained minister | 3067 |
Ministerial Orders and Regulations: Licensed minister | 3030–3055; 3093 |
Ministerial qualifications | 310; 3003–3012 |
Ministerial relationships | 313:5; 3044:3; 3075:4; 3114–3117 |
Ministerial rights | 313; 3044; 3075 |
Ministerial Student: | 3015:1; 3350:2 |
Ministerial Student: District license form | 6260 |
Ministerial Student: District listing | 1240:4 |
Ministerial Student: Duties | 3015:4 |
Ministerial Student: Recommendation for | 6420 |
Ministerial Student: Regulations | 3015:5 |
Ministerial Student: Renewing License | 3015:2 |
Ministerial Student: Rights | 3015:3 |
Ministerial Study Course Agency | 2385–2388 |
Ministerial study course certificate | 3033:3; 3059:1(c); 3070:3; 3420; 6410 |
Ministerial training | SEE Ministerial education |
Ministry, The: | 310–313; 3000–3490 |
Ministry, The: Appointments | 3250–3390 |
Ministry, The: Call | 3000–3006 |
Ministry, The: Categories of service | 3250 |
Ministry, The: Church membership | 3097–3100 |
Ministry, The: Commissioned minister | 317; 1240:2; 3059 |
Ministry, The: District appointment of ministers | 323:1; 1180:12, 26; 1233:10; 1240 |
Ministry, The: District supervision of ministers | 1180:24–30; 1310:25–29; 1390; 1402 |
Ministry, The: Education | 3150–3240 |
Ministry, The: Ordained minister | 317; 3067–3089; 3093 |
Ministry, The: Elementary principles governing | 270–286 |
Ministry, The: General regulations for | 3093 |
Ministry, The: Lay minister | 3400–3440; 6200–6220 |
Ministry, The: Licensed minister | 317; 3030–3055; 3093; 6260 |
Ministry, The: Listing of ministers | 1240 |
Ministry, The: Marriage and the minister | 3012; 3108–3112 |
Ministry, The: Meaning of | 3000 |
Ministry, The: Membership of ministers | 3097–3100 |
Ministry, The: Ministerial student | 1240:4; 3015:1; 3350:2; 6260; 6420 |
Ministry, The: Ordained minister | 3067–3089; 3093 |
Ministry, The: Orders | 3000 |
Ministry, The: Qualifications | 3000–3006 |
Ministry, The: Reception from another denomination | 3104 |
Ministry, The: Regulations | 3000 |
Ministry, The: Relationship to other ministers and churches | 3114–3117 |
Ministry, The: Reinstatement of ministers | 3120–3124 |
Ministry, The: Restoration of ministers | 5230, 5251 |
Ministry, The: Special advice | 3093 |
Ministry, The: Special lay ministers | 3400–3490 |
Ministry, The: Specialized minister, | 3003–3006 |
Minnesota. | SEE Iowa-Minnesota district |
Minutes, district conference | 1178 |
Mision Methodista Zion, Honduras | 80 |
Mission: In a developing district | 542 |
Mission: Local | 537; 655:15; 782:6; 1180:24 |
Mission: Of The Wesleyan Church | 100–105 |
Mission District: General information | 360:3(e); 1035 |
Missionary: Lay, commissioned | 1240:5(d); 3490 |
Missionary: Ministerial appointment as | 3300 |
Missionary: Regulations governing a | 2272 |
Missionary Bands of the World | 17:2 |
Missionary Bands of the World, Inc., The | 4230 |
Missionary conventions, local | 958:2, 4; 1429:5 |
Missionary objectives | 2258–2259; 2500 |
Missionary Society of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of America, Inc., The | 4230 |
Missions: Local committee on | 955–958 |
Missions: Local director of | 930 |
Mississippi | SEE South Coastal district |
Missouri | SEE Tri-State district |
Modesty in apparel | 410:13 |
Monogamy | 222: 265:6 |
Montana | SEE Northwest district |
Moral purity | 410:5 |
Mountain Plains district | 2430:15; 2445; 2470 |
Moving Wesleyans | 598; 725:13 |
Mozambique | 33; 35; 80 |
Music: Committee, local | 870–873 |
Music: Director | 870; 3210:5; 3460–3470; 6360–6380 |
Music: Minister of | 870; 3210:2 |
Music: Musicians, local | 870 |
Music: Song evangelist | 3450 |
Myanmar | 80 |
Name adaptations | 80; 205; 340:2 |
Name of denomination | 205 |
Native Ministries | 2310:9 |
Narcotics | 410:4 |
National Holiness Association | 12 |
Nebraska | SEE Mountain Plains district |
Neglect, persistent | 305:4; 585:4; 600–605. SEE ALSO Discontinue church members |
Nepal | 18 |
Nevada | SEE Pacific Southwest district and Southwest Hispanic district |
Nevis | 35 |
New birth | 230 |
New Brunswick, province of | SEE Atlantic district |
New Church Plant adjustment USF | 2005:3 |
Newfoundland | SEE Atlantic district |
New Guinea | 18 |
New Hampshire | SEE Eastern New York-New England district |
New Jersey | SEE Penn-Jersey district |
New Mexico | SEE Mountain Plains District |
New Testament, Article of Religion | 218 |
New York | 8, 33, SEE: Central New York district Eastern New York and New England district Penn-Jersey district and Western New York district |
New Zealand | 80 |
Nicaragua | 80 |
Nominating committee: Circuit | 535 |
Nominating committee: Consideration for diversity | 1175:3 |
Nominating committee: District conference | 1172–1175 |
Nominating committee: General Conference | 1563; 1580 |
Nominating committee: Local church | 655:3; 820–823 |
North American General Conference | 2550 |
North Carolina East district | 2403:16; 2440; 2465 |
North Carolina West district | 2403:17; 2440; 2465 |
North Central Area: Educational Area | 2455 |
North Central Area: Representative Area | 2430 |
North Dakota | SEE Northwest district |
North Michigan District | 2403:18; 2430; 2455 |
Northeastern Area: Educational Area | 2460 |
Northeastern Area: Representative Area | 2435 |
Northwest District | 2403:19; 2445; 2470 |
Nova Scotia, province of | 2403:1 |
November Self-Denial offering | 2050:1–3 |
Nunavut | SEE Central Canada district |
Oaths: Judicial | 410:10 |
Oaths: | SEE ALSO Secret societies |
Objectives: Discipleship | 2306 |
Objectives: Educational | 2339 |
Objectives: Evangelism | 2306 |
Objectives: Membership | 551 |
Objectives: Missionary | 2258–2259; 2500 |
Objectives: Wesleyan Church, of The | 100–105; 200 |
Observance of sacraments | 290–293 |
Offenses | 5004–5006; 5010 |
Offering teller | 845:3 |
Office of the General Secretary | SEE Communication and Administration Division |
Office of the General Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer | 1970–1976 |
Office staff, local church: Authorized by local conference | 655:11 |
Office staff, local church: Employed by local board | 782:17 |
Office staff, local church: Nominated by pastor | 725:29 |
Officers: District | 1250 |
Officers: General Church | 1800 |
Officers: Local church | 800; 815 |
Ohio | SEE Greater Ohio district |
Oklahoma | SEE Tri-State district |
Oklahoma Wesleyan University | 2365:4, 2470 |
Old Testament, Article of Religion | 218 |
Ontario, Province of | SEE Central Canada district |
Order of business, local church conference | 650 |
Ordained Ministers: Appointed | 317; 1240:1(a); 3250–3345 |
Ordained Ministers: Credentials of | 3089:2 |
Ordained Ministers: Definition | 310; 3067 |
Ordained Ministers: Duties of | 3085 |
Ordained Ministers: Educational leave | 1240:1(d); 3350:1 |
Ordained Ministers: From another denomination | 323:3; 3104; cf. 6320 |
Ordained Ministers: In process of transfer | 1240:1(f, g); 3104; 3390 |
Ordained Ministers: Listing | 1240:1 |
Ordained Ministers: On loan | 1240:1(a2); 3100:2 |
Ordained Ministers: Ordination certificate | 6300 |
Ordained Ministers: Ordination service | 3070:6; 5750–5792 |
Ordained Ministers: Qualifications for ordination | 323:3; 3070 |
Ordained Ministers: Regulations for | 3089 |
Ordained Ministers: Reserve | 317; 12240:1(c); 3360 |
Ordained Ministers: Retired | 317; 1240:1(b); 3370 |
Ordained Ministers: Rights of: | 313; 3075 |
Ordained Ministers: Rights of: Transfer of | 313:6; 3075:6; 3100:1 |
Ordained Ministers: Voluntary filing of credentials | 3085:3; 3124–3127 |
Ordained Ministers: Voluntary surrender of credentials | 3085:4; 3089:4 |
Ordained Ministers: Without appointment | 1240:1(e); 3380 |
Ordination: Certificate | 3070:7; 6300 |
Ordination: Council of | 1405 |
Ordination: Emergency | 3070:5 |
Ordination: In developing district | 1012 |
Ordination: Public service of | 3070:6 |
Ordination: Qualification for | 3070 |
Ordination: Regulated by General Conference | 310 |
Ordination: Ritual | 5750–5792 |
Oregon | SEE Northwest district |
Organist, local | 870 |
Organized church | SEE Established church |
Original sin | 224 |
Pacific Southwest district | 2403:20; 2445; 2470 |
Pakistan | 80 |
Papua New Guinea | 18 |
Parliamentary procedure | 360:1; 645; 1138; 1547; 1590:15 |
Parsonage: | 313:4; 528:5; 532 |
Parsonage: Dedication ritual | 5975 |
Parsonage: | SEE ALSO Property, local church |
Pastor: | 675–725 |
Pastor: Assistant | 678; 725:29; 741 |
Pastor: Associate | 678; 725:29; 738 |
Pastor: Call | 705; 720 |
Pastor: Duties and powers | 725 |
Pastor: Extended call | 720 |
Pastor: Function | 675–678 |
Pastor: Initial call | 705–715 |
Pastor: Installation ritual | 5905 |
Pastor: Lay assistants to, | 744 |
Pastor: Membership of | 578:2; 3097–3100 |
Pastor: Of a circuit | 503; 528:1; 530 |
Pastor: Of a developing church | 510:1–3 |
Pastor: Of two or more pastoral charges | 503 |
Pastor: Regular pastoral service | 3255 |
Pastor: Removal | 712; 722:2–3 |
Pastor: Renewal of call | 718–722 |
Pastor: Resignation | 710; 722:1 |
Pastor: Sabbatical | 724 |
Pastor: Senior pastor | 678; 735 |
Pastor: Supply | 3260 |
Pastor: Voting on | 690–722. SEE ALSO Pastoral vote, voting |
Pastoral agreement | 313:3; 315:2; 323:1–2; 697; 723; 1180:26 |
Pastoral appointment | 503; 3255 |
Pastoral call | SEE Pastoral agreement |
Pastoral change, time of | 700 |
Pastoral charge | 315 |
Pastoral contract | SEE Pastoral agreement |
Pastoral engagement | SEE Pastoral agreement |
Pastoral relationship | SEE Pastoral agreement |
Pastoral service | 1240:1(a2); 3255 |
Pastoral support, annual review of | 723 |
Pastoral vote, voting: Calling session of local church conference for | 633:3 |
Pastoral vote, voting: Extended call | 720 |
Pastoral vote, voting: General regulations | 692–695 |
Pastoral vote, voting: Initial call | 705–715 |
Pastoral vote, voting: Jurisdiction in | 690 |
Pastoral vote, voting: Manner of | 690–722 |
Pastoral vote, voting: Renewal of call | 718–722 |
Pastor’s advisory committee | 795 |
Peace | 410:2 |
Penalties | 5115–5120 |
Penn-Jersey district | 2403:21; 2435; 2460 |
Pennsylvania | SEE Central New York district, Penn-Jersey district, Western New York district, and Western Pennsylvania district |
Pension | SEE Wesleyan Pension Fund |
Pentecost Bands of the World, Inc. | 4230 |
Pentecostal Brethren in Christ | 30 |
Pentecostal Rescue Mission | 28 |
People’s Mission Church | 31 |
Perfection, Christian | 1; 236 |
Persistent neglect | 305:4; 585:4; 600– 605 |
Personal choice, Article of Religion | 224, cf. 220 |
Personal grievances, | 5008 |
Personnel records | 1387:3 |
Peru | 32; 35; 80 |
Philippine General Conference | 2485; 2560; 6750:2 |
Philippines | 35; 65; 80; 2485; 2560; 6750:2 |
Pianist, local | 870 |
Pilgrim Church, The | 29 |
Pilgrim Holiness Church Corp. | 4230 |
Pilgrim Holiness Church, The | 23–50 |
Pilgrim Pension Plan, Inc., The | 4410:1 |
Pilgrim Wesleyan Church, Zambia | 80 |
Planned gifts | 1995 |
Pocket certificate of standing | 6430 |
Policies | SEE Financial policies; General Board Policies |
Policy planning committees: For district conference | 1165–1168 |
Policy planning committees: For General Conference, Memorials Committee | 1565 |
Pornography | 410:12 |
Post-secondary education by local church | 655:18; 1180:27; 1655:36 |
Prayer: In public schools | 410:8 |
Prayer: Means of grace | 265:9 |
Preacher, local | SEE Lay minister |
Preaching: Means of grace | 265:9 |
Preaching: Right of ministers | 313:1; 3044:1; 3059:2; 3075:1 |
Preamble to North American Constitution | 200 |
Precedent corporations | 4230; 4410:2 |
Premillennialism | 24 |
Pre-ordination course of study | 3210:1 |
President pro tem of General Conference | 332 |
Prince Edward Island | SEE Central Canada District |
Private judgment | 274 |
Privileged communications | 725:9 |
Privileges of members | 302 |
Process of transfer: Commissioned minister | 1090:3; 1240:2(e); 3104 |
Process of transfer: Commissioned special worker | 1240:5(b); 3470 |
Process of transfer: Ordained minister | 1090:2; 1240:1(g); 3104 |
Process of transfer: Licensed minister | 1090:3; 1240:3(d); 3104 |
Profanity | 265:1 |
Prohibition | 265:4, 410:4 |
Property, district: | 323:8; 4800–4890 |
Property, District: Board of trustees | 4855 |
Property, District: Developing district | 4650; 4800 |
Property, District: Established district | 4660; 4830–4855 |
Property, District: Loan Guarantees | 4890 |
Property, District: Management and control | 4840 |
Property, District: Ownership | 4680; 4830 |
Property, District: Provisional district | 4650; 4810–4820 |
Property, District: Rights to property | 4870–4880 |
Property, General: | 4500–4630 |
Property, General: Application of regulations | 4500 |
Property, General: Definition of terms | 4570–4580 |
Property, General: Local laws | 4510 |
Property, General: Restrictions | 4550, 4560 |
Property, General: Trust clause and release | 4590–4630 |
Property, General: Trustees | 4520–4560 |
Property, General Church: | 4900–4940 |
Property, General Church: Bequests and devises | 4940 |
Property, General Church: Incorporation | 4900 |
Property, General Church: Ownership | 4920 |
Property, Local Church: | 315:6; 4650–4780 |
Property, Local Church: Abandoned | 4730 |
Property, Local Church: Circuit | 528:5; 532; 4740–4750 |
Property, Local Church: Developing church | 510:3–4; 4650–4670 |
Property, Local Church: Established church | 518:4; 4680–4730 |
Property, Local Church: Loan guarantees by district | 4120:6; 4890 |
Property, Local Church: Ownership | 4680 |
Property, Local Church: Property transactions | 4700–4720 |
Property, Local Church: Records | 4760 |
Property, Local Church: Rights to | 4770–4780 |
Property, Local Church: Trust clause and release | 4690 |
Public life, religion in | 410:8 |
Public Morals and Social Concerns | 1655:44 |
Public schools: Bible reading and prayer in | 410:8 |
Public schools: Questionable activities in | 410:9 |
Public worship | SEE Worship, public |
Publications | 2115:6, 10–15 |
Publishing House, Wesleyan | SEE Wesleyan Publishing House |
Puerto Rico | 18; 80 |
Pulpit supply | 782:18 |
Purpose for man, God’s | 220 |
Quadrennial review of extended call | 720:2 |
Qualifications: For membership | 297 |
Qualifications: Of ministers | SEE Ministerial qualifications |
Quarterly session | 630:2 |
Quebec | SEE Central Canada district |
Quorum: Board of Review | 5425:3 |
Quorum: District board of administration | 1227 |
Quorum: District conference | 1129 |
Quorum: Executive Board | 1775 |
Quorum: General Board | 1640 |
Quorum: General Conference | 336; 1543 |
Quorum: Local board of administration | 778 |
Quorum: Local church conference | 640 |
Racial equality | 265:12, 360:3(d) |
Realignment of districts | 1060–1065 |
Reception of members | 565–570; 633:2; 5550–5595 |
Reclassification: Of established district | 1042–1045 |
Reclassification: Of local church | 518:5; 859:5 |
Reclassification: Of member | 605 |
Reclassification: Of provisional district | 1034 |
Recommendation by local church to district conference: Of local workers | 315:4 |
Recommendation by local church to district conference: Of ministerial students | 655:8; 782:21; 3015:1; 6420 |
Recommendation by local church to district conference: Of special workers | 315:4; 3460; 6420 |
Recommendation, letters of: From other denominations | 570 |
Recommendation, letters of: To other denominations | 590; 6030 |
Reconvened session, district conference | 1115 |
Record of membership | 610 |
Records: District | 1332:6; 4760 |
Records: Local church | 830:5; 4760 |
Records: Property | 4760 |
Recourse | 302:4; 313:7; 315:8; 323:10 |
Rees, Seth C. | 24 |
Reform, social: Historical background | 8; 13; 23 |
Reform, social: | SEE ALSO Social responsibilities |
Reformed Baptist Church of Canada | 17:3 |
Regeneration: Article of Religion | 230 |
Regeneration: Condition of membership | 297:1; 553:1 |
Regeneration: Historical background | 12–13; 24 |
Reinstatement: Of ministers or special workers | 3120–3124 |
Released time classes | 880:2; 2305 |
Religion, Articles of: | 210–250 |
Religion, Articles of: Summary of | 299 |
Religion in public life | 410:8 |
Remarriage | 410:6; 3111; 3108 |
Removal: Of local Christian education workers | 880:9 |
Removal: Of local church officers | 655:6; 782:25; 815:4 |
Removal: Of local officials | 782:26; 825:4 |
Removal: Of pastor | 712; 722:2–3 |
Removal: Power of | 5288 |
Renewal of call | 718–722 |
Reorganization: Of districts | 5375 |
Reorganization: Of local churches | 5320–5325; 5385 |
Repentance: Article of Religion on | 228 |
Repentance: For sin of divorce | 410:6 |
Representative areas | 1590:12; 2430–2445 |
Reserve ordained minister | 317; 1240:1(c); 3360 |
Reserve general evangelist | 3270–3275; 3285:2; 3295 |
Resignation: Of local church officers | 815:2 |
Resignation: Of other local officials | 825:5 |
Resignation: Of pastor | 710; 722:1 |
Resolutions: District conference | 1150–1156; 1165–1168; 1233:9 |
Resolutions: Local church conference | 655:9 |
Restart project | 510:6 |
Restoration: Of backslider | 234 |
Restoration: Of church members | 268 |
Restoration: Of ministers | 1935:41; 3120–3124; 5230–5251 |
Resurrection: Of Christ, Article of Religion | 214 |
Resurrection: Of the dead, Article of Religion | 246 |
Retired ordained minister | 317; 1240:1(b); 3370 |
Review: District Board of | 1370; 5218–5221 |
Review: General Board of | 370–380; 5400–5450 |
Revitalization project | 510:6 |
Revivals, local | 837:2 |
Rhode Island | SEE Eastern New York- New England district |
Rhodesia | 18 |
Right hand of fellowship in reception of members | 553:4 |
Rights: Discrimination forbidden | 360:3d |
Rights: Equal | 410:1 |
Rights: Members | 302; 555 |
Rights: Inherent individual | 265:12 |
Rights: Ministers | 313; 3044; 3075 |
Rights: Commissioned | 3059:2 |
Rights: Ministerial student | 3015:3 |
Rights: Natural | 220 |
Rights: Rights of the accused | 5040 |
Rights of property | 4770–4780; 4870–4880 |
Rites and ceremonies | 420 |
Ritual: Current authority for | 185 |
Ritual: Definition | 175 |
Ritual: Degree of flexibility in use | 175 |
Ritual: | SEE ALSO Rites and ceremonies |
Ritual of baptism: | 5510–5530 |
Ritual of baptism: Adults | 290; 5515 |
Ritual of baptism: Affirmation of parental vows | 5530 |
Ritual of baptism: Believers | 5515 |
Ritual of baptism: Children | 290; 5515 |
Ritual of baptism: Infants | 5500 |
Ritual of burial of dead | 5700–5725 |
Ritual of commissioning lay workers | 5855 |
Ritual of commissioning ministers | 5800–5845 |
Ritual of dedication services: | 5950–5975 |
Ritual of dedication services: Church building | 5950 |
Ritual of dedication services: Parsonage | 5975 |
Ritual of Infant dedication | 5500 |
Ritual of installation services: | 5900–5945 |
Ritual of installation services: College president | 5945 |
Ritual of installation services: District superintendent | 5930 |
Ritual of installation services: General officials | 5935 |
Ritual of installation services: Local church officers | 5915 |
Ritual of installation services: Pastor | 5905 |
Ritual of Lord’s Supper: | 5600–5635 |
Ritual of Lord’s Supper: Longer form | 5635 |
Ritual of Lord’s Supper: Shorter form | 5615 |
Ritual of marriage: Longer form | 5650 |
Ritual of marriage: Shorter form | 5680 |
Ritual of ordination of ordained ministers | 5750–5792 |
Ritual of reception of members: | 5550–5595 |
Ritual of reception of members: Members | 5565 |
Ritual of reception of members: Student members | 5577 |
Ritual of reception of members: Transfers | 5570 |
Rules of a helper (John Wesley) | 3093 |
Rules of order: Established by General Conference | 360:1; 1590:15 |
Rules of order: For district conference | 1138 |
Rules of order: For General Conference | 1547 |
Rules of order: For local church conference | 645 |
Rules on church law | 2060–2068; Appendix B |
Sabbath | 35 |
Sabbath observance: Membership Commitment on | 265:1 |
Sabbath observance: Merchandising on Lord’s Day opposed | 410:7 |
Sabbatical | 724 |
Sacraments: Access to | 302:2 |
Sacraments: Article of Religion | 242 |
Sacraments: Observance of | 290–293 |
Sacraments: | SEE ALSO Baptism; Lord’s Supper |
St. Croix | 35 |
St. Kitts | 35 |
St. Thomas | 35 |
St. Vincent | 35 |
Salvation | 230; 297:1; 553:1 |
Sanctification: Entire | 236 |
Sanctification: Initial | 236 |
Sanctification: Progressive | 236 |
Saskatchewan | SEE Central Canada district |
School: Elementary | 655:18–19; 1233:35; 2305 |
School: Post-secondary | 655:18; 1180:27 |
School: Secondary | 655:18 |
School: | SEE ALSO Educational Institutions, general; Public schools |
Scott, Orange | 6–7 |
Scriptures | 218; 270; 276; 280 |
Inerrancy | 218; 299; 5566; 5772 |
Second Coming of Christ, Article of Religion | 244 |
Secondary schools: | 2305 |
Secondary schools: Post-secondary | 655:18; 1180:24 |
Secret societies: Historical background | 11 |
Secret societies: Joining forfeits membership | 305:2; 585:2; 595 |
Secretary: District | 1330–1332 |
Secretary: General | SEE Executive Director of the Communication and Administration Division |
Secretary: Local | 775; 830 |
Secretary-treasurer: District, Of district | 1180:33 |
Self-discipline | 265:3 |
Seminary: | 2382; 3170:1 |
Seminary: Wesleyan Seminary Foundation | 2382 |
Senior pastor | 675; 678; 735. SEE ALSO Pastor |
Service credentials | 6200–6460 |
Service report, annual | 1402 |
Servicemen’s ministries | 2318:3; 2395 |
Sex: Biblical view | 410:5 |
Sex: Discrimination forbidden | 360:3(d) |
Sex: God’s plan for | 222 |
Sex: Rights not dependent upon | 265:12 |
Sex: Sexual promiscuity deplored | 265:12 |
Sex: Sexual sin | 265:6 |
Sex: | SEE ALSO Divorce, Homosexuality |
Shenandoah district | 2403:22; 2440; 2465 |
Sierra Leone, West Africa | 18; 80 |
Simplicity in apparel | 410:13 |
Sin: After regeneration, Article of Religion | 234 |
Sin: Article of Religion | 225 |
Sin: Atonement for | 226 |
Sin: Of divorce | 265:6; 410:6 |
Sin: Of homosexuality | 410:5 |
Sin: Responsibility for | 224 |
Slavery, historical background | 6–11 |
Social concern, Christian | 410 |
Social concerns, public morals and | 1655:44 |
Social responsibilities: Respecting rights of all | 265:12 |
Social responsibilities: Securing natural rights for all | 220 |
Social responsibilities: Special directions concerning | 410 |
Social worker | 3210:5; 3450–3480; 6360–6380 |
Solicited offerings | 2050:3 |
Son of God, the, Article of Religion | 214 |
Song evangelist | 3210:5; 3450–3480; 6360–6380 |
Song leader | 870 |
South Africa | 18; 25; 33; 35; 80 |
South Africa Bantu | 80 |
South Carolina district | 2403:23; 2440; 2465 |
South Coastal District | 2403:24; 2440; 2465 |
South Dakota | SEE Northwest district |
South Pacific. South Pacific Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist Church | 80 |
Southern Area: Educational Area | 2465 |
Southern Area: Representative Area | 2440 |
Southwest Hispanic District (Distrito Hispano Suroeste) | 2403:25; 2445; 2470 |
Southern Wesleyan University | 2365:3; 2465 |
South Korea | 80 |
Speaking in tongues | 265:10 |
Special advice to ministers | 3093 |
Special days, observance of | 880:17 |
Special directions | 400–475 |
Specialized minister | 3003–3012 |
Specialized ministries: Course of study for | 3210:2 |
Specialized ministries | SEE ALSO minister of Christian education; minister of music; minister of visitation |
Special lay ministries: | 3400–3490 |
Special lay ministries: Lay minister | 3400–3440 |
Special lay ministries: Lay missionary | 3490 |
Special lay ministries: Special worker | 3450–3480 |
Special nominations, committee on | 1580 |
Special offerings: | 2050 |
Special offerings: Easter | 2050:2 |
Special offerings: Global Partners | 2050:1 |
Special offerings: November Self-Denial | 2050:2 |
Special offerings: Thanksgiving | 2050:2 |
Special service, ministerial appointment | 1240:1(a7); 3345 |
Special worker: | 3210:5; 3450–3480; 6360–6380 |
Special worker: Courses of study | 3210:5 |
Special worker: Credentials | 6360–6400 |
Special worker: Function | 3450 |
Special worker: General regulations | 3480 |
Special worker: In process of transfer | 1240:5(b) |
Special worker: Listing | 1240:5(a–c) |
Specification of charges | 5024 |
Spirit, Holy | 210; 216; 230; 236; 238 |
Spiritism, membership commitment | 265.2 |
Spiritual Formation, General Department of: | SEE Church Multiplication and Discipleship Division |
Spiritual Formation, General Department of: District director of | 1440–1463 |
Spiritual Formation, General Department of: Local | 875–928 |
Spiritual Formation, General Department of: Local director of | 880:5 |
Spiritual Formation, General Department of: Minister of | 880:5 |
Spouse in ministry | 3450–3480 |
Staff meeting, local spiritual formation | 880:12 |
Standards for Educational Institutions | 2362:4 |
Stationed ordained ministers. | SEE Appointed ordained ministers |
Statistical committee: District | 1350–1352 |
Statistical report forms | 2115:5 |
Statutory law: Current authority for | 185 |
Statutory law: Definition | 155 |
Statutory law: Time when effected | 165 |
Stewardship: Definition of | 460 |
Stewardship: District director of | 1337:5 |
Stewardship: Local committee on finance and | 865–868 |
Stewardship: Membership commitment on | 265:3 |
Stewardship: Methods of fund raising | 470 |
Stewardship: Special directions concerning | 460–475 |
Stewardship: Storehouse tithing | 465 |
Stewardship: Wills, bequeaths, annuities | 475 |
Stewardship ministries | 2050:5; 4940 |
Storehouse tithing | 465 |
Student, ministerial | 3015:1; 3350:2 |
Study Course Agency, Ministerial | 2385–2388 |
Study courses | SEE Courses of study |
Subsidiary corporations | 4300–4320 |
Substance abuse, 410:4 | SEE ALSO Abstinence |
Summary of Articles of Religion | 299 |
Summer camps | 1455:4 |
Sunday school, district: Director | 1483 |
Sunday school, local: Administration | 880:2; 887 |
Sunday school, local: Amenability | 910 |
Sunday school, local: Assembly periods | 889:6; 900 |
Sunday school, local: Branch | 655;15; 782:6; 880:15 |
Sunday school, local: Committee | 903 |
Sunday school, local: Department supervisors | 900 |
Sunday school, local: Organization | 913 |
Sunday school, local: Secretary | 895 |
Sunday school, local: Staff | 889–900; 906 |
Sunday school, local: Superintendent | 889 |
Sunday school, local: Teachers | 906 |
Sunday school, local: Treasurer | 898 |
Sunderland, LaRoy | 7 |
Superannuated Ministers’ Aid Society | 4410:2 |
Superintendent: District superintendent | 1300–1310 |
Superintendent: General Superintendent | 1900–1945 |
Superintendent: Sunday school superintendent | 889 |
Supply pastor: | 3260 |
Supply pastor: Certificate of authorization form | 6240 |
Supply pastor: General regulations | 3260 |
Supply pastor: In another district | 3100:2 |
Supply pastor: Listing | 1240:5(e) |
Support of ministers | 286; 702; 782:16 |
Suriname | 35; 80 |
Suspension of rules: In district conference | 1141 |
Suspension of rules: In General Conference | 1553 |
Swaziland | 35; 80 |
Syracuse, New York | 16 |
Taiwan | 18 |
Temperance | 265:4 |
Tennessee | SEE Kentucky-Tennessee District |
Termination of membership: | 268; 585–605 |
Termination of membership: Discontinuance | 305:4; 315:1; 585:4; 600–605 |
Termination of membership: Dismissal | 276; 305:3; 315:1; 585:3; 5115:5; 5120:1, 4, 5 |
Termination of membership: Joining another body | 305:2; 585:2; 595 |
Termination of membership: Reinstatement | 5130 |
Termination of membership: Withdrawal | 305:1; 575; 585:1; 590–595; 5048; 6040 |
Texas-Louisiana district | SEE Mountain Plains district |
Thanksgiving offering | 2050:2–3 |
Theological seminary | 2382; 3170:1 |
Time of pastoral changes | 700 |
Time, use of | 265:3; 410:12 |
Tithing | 465. SEE ALSO Stewardship |
Tithing secretary, local | 845:2 |
Tobacco: Abstain from | 265:4 |
Tobacco: Special direction on | 410:4 |
Tobago | 35 |
Tongues | 265:10 |
Trafficking, meaning of | 265:4 |
Training hour, local | 880:10 |
Training, ministerial | SEE Ministerial education |
Transfer: Letters of | 6000–6020; 6440–6450 |
Transfer: Of commissioned minister between districts | 3059:2(f) |
Transfer: Of commissioned minister from another denomination | 3104; 3390:2 |
Transfer: Of ordained minister between districts | 3100:1 |
Transfer: Of ordained minister from another denomination | 3104; 3390:1 |
Transfer: Of licensed ministers between districts | 3055:3; 3100:1 |
Transfer: Of licensed minister from another denomination | 3104; 3390:2 |
Transfer: Of ministerial students between districts | 3015:3(c); 3015:5(d) |
Transfer: Of ministerial students from another denomination | 3015:5(c) |
Transfer: Of pastor, senior pastor, or associate pastor’s church membership | 578:2 |
Transfer: Of special worker between districts | 3480 |
Transfer: Of special worker from another denomination | 3460–3470 |
Treasurer: District | 1335–1337 |
Treasurer: General | 1970–1976 |
Treasurer: Local | 842–845 |
Treasurer: Sunday school | 898 |
Trinidad | 35 |
Trinity, The, Article of Religion | 210 |
Tri-State district | 2403:26; 2445; 2470 |
True Wesleyan, The | 7 |
Trust clause | 315:6; 323:8; 518:4; 4590–4630; 4680; 4690 |
Trustees: Circuit | 532 |
Trustees: District | 323:8; 1180:22; 1360–1365; 4855 |
Trustees: Educational institutions | 340:2; 2362 |
Trustees: General Church | 340; 1655:15–21 |
Trustees: General regulations | 4520–4540 |
Trustees: Local church | 315:6; 850–859 |
Under accusation, withdrawal while | 592; 5048 |
Under charges: Consequences of being | 575; 590 |
Under charges: Discipline, consequences of being under: For districts | 323:9; 327:1; 360:3(e); 5066; 5365; 5375 |
Under charges: Discipline, consequences of being under: For local churches | 315:7; 5066; 5310; 5320 |
Under charges: Discipline, consequences of being under: For members | 302:5; 575; 590; 5052; 5115 |
Under charges: Discipline, consequences of being under: For ministers | 313; 5052; 5115; 5212–5215; 5288 |
Under charges: Discipline, consequences of being under: Withdrawal while | 592; 5048 |
United Stewardship Fund (USF): | 2000–2045 |
United Stewardship Fund (USF): Apportionment | 2015:2; 2035:2; 2040:2 |
United Stewardship Fund (USF): Basis | 2005 |
United Stewardship Fund (USF): Beneficiaries | 2035:1; 2040:1 |
United Stewardship Fund (USF): Building project adjustment | 2005:2 |
United Stewardship Fund (USF): Definition | 2000 |
United Stewardship Fund (USF): District regulations | 2015–2030 |
United Stewardship Fund (USF): General Church regulations | 2035–2045 |
United Stewardship Fund (USF): Local church regulations | 2025–2030 |
United Stewardship Fund (USF): New church plant adjustment | 2005:3 |
United Stewardship Fund (USF): USF-Educational Institutions Fund | 2000–2005; 2040 |
United Stewardship Fund (USF): USF-General Fund | 2000–2005; 2035 |
Uniting General Conference | 50 |
University: By local churches | 655:18; 1180:27 |
University: President, ritual for installation | 5945 |
University: Program of study for ministry | 3170:2 |
University: Trustees | 2362 |
University: | SEE ALSO Educational institutions, general |
Unity, Christian | 450 |
Unknown tongue | 265:10 |
Ushering committee, local | 873 |
Utah | SEE Northwest District |
Utica, New York | 8 |
Vacancies: Area representatives on General Board | 1605:2 |
Vacancies: Board of Review | 5408 |
Vacancies: District officials, officers | 1272; 1292 |
Vacancies: District superintendent | 1303:7 |
Vacancies: District trustees | 1360 |
Vacancies: Executive Board | 1755 |
Vacancies: General Board | 1605:2 |
Vacancies: General officials | 1850 |
Vacancies: Local church offices | 782:27; 815:2; 825:5 |
Vacation Bible school | 880:2, 18 |
Venezuela | 80 |
Vermont | SEE Eastern New York-New England District |
Vice-chair: Circuit advisory council | 30 |
Vice-chair: General Board | 1630; 1775 |
Vice-chair: Local board of administration | 633:3; 635; 773 |
Virginia | SEE Shenandoah District. and Chesapeake District. |
Visitation: Committee, local | 960:2 |
Voting: By members | 302:3 |
Voting: To receive new members | 553:3; 633:2 |
Voting: For pastor | 692 |
Voting: At district conference | 1083; 1086 |
Voting: At General Conference | 1503:1 |
Voting: For district superintendent | 1303:1 |
Voting: For General Superintendent | 1590:16 |
War | 410:2 |
Washington | SEE Northwest district |
Washington, DC | SEE Chesapeake district |
Wedding ritual | 5650–5680 |
Weekday church school | 880:2; 2305 |
Wesley, Charles | 2 |
Wesley, John: Historical background | 1:1–3, 6 |
Wesley, John: “Rules of a Helper,” | 3093 |
Wesleyan Church Corporation | 4200–4270 |
Wesleyan Church of Liberia | 80 |
Wesleyan Church of Sierra Leone | 80 |
Wesleyan Church of the Philippines | 60; 80; 2560 |
Wesleyan Church, The: Classification of church law | 125–185 |
Wesleyan Church, The: Constitution | 200–385 |
Wesleyan Church, The: Current authority | 185 |
Wesleyan Church, The: Essentials of | 125; 1590:1–2; 2610:8; |
Wesleyan Church, The: Formation | 50 |
Wesleyan Church, The: History | 1–50 |
Wesleyan Church, The: Mission | 100–105 |
Wesleyan Church, The: Name | 80; 205 |
Wesleyan Church, The: Relationship to other churches | 240; 450 |
Wesleyan Educational Council | 2355 |
Wesleyan Educational Society, Inc.The | 4230 |
Wesleyan Holiness Church, British Isles | 80 |
Wesleyan Holiness Church, Caribbean | 80 |
Wesleyan Investment Foundation, Inc. | 4310:5 |
Wesleyan Kids for Missions (WKFM): Local | 880:2; 950 |
Wesleyan Methodist: Church of America, The | 7; 16–18; 50 |
Wesleyan Methodist: Connection of America, The | 8–16; 23 |
Wesleyan Methodist Church, Australia | 80 |
Wesleyan Methodist Church, India | 80 |
Wesleyan Methodist Church of America, Inc., The | 4230 |
Wesleyan Methodist Publishing Association of America, Inc., The | 4230 |
Wesleyan Native Ministries | 1510:1c; 1880; 2005:1e; 2310:9 |
Wesleyan Pension Fund, Inc., The: | 4400–4425 |
Wesleyan Pension Fund, Inc., The: Administration | 4405; 4410:1 |
Wesleyan Pension Fund, Inc., The: Board of Pensions | 4405; 4410 |
Wesleyan Pension Fund, Inc., The: Duties and powers | 4410 |
Wesleyan Pension Fund, Inc., The: Government | 4405 |
Wesleyan Pension Fund, Inc., The: Pilgrim Pension Plan, Inc., The | 4410:1 |
Wesleyan Pension Fund, Inc., The: Purpose | 4400 |
Wesleyan Pension Fund, Inc., The: Superannuated Ministers’ Aid Society | 4410:2 |
Wesleyan Pension Fund, Inc., The: Wesleyan Retirement Plan | 4410:3 |
Wesleyan Publishing House | 880:4; 928; 1880; 2115:12 |
Wesleyan Retirement Plan | 4410:3 |
Wesleyan Seminary Foundation | 2382 |
West Michigan district | 2403:27; 2430; 2455 |
West Virginia | SEE Greater Ohio district and Shenandoah district. |
Western Area: Educational Area | 2470 |
Western Area: Representative Area | 2445 |
Western New York district | 2403:28; 2435; 2460 |
Western Pennsylvania district | 2403:29; 2435; 2460 |
Wills, special direction concerning | 475 |
Wisconsin district | 2403:30; 2430; 2455 |
Witchcraft, abstain from | 265:2 |
Withdrawal: Of local church unlawful | 4780 |
Withdrawal: Of member | SEE withdrawal of member |
Withdrawal: Of minister | 1310:29; 3100:3–5; 5048; 6460 |
Withdrawal: Of special worker | 1310:29; 3480; 5048; 6460 |
Withdrawal: Request for | 5048 |
Withdrawal: | SEE ALSO UNDER Transfer |
Withdrawal of member: | 305:1; 5048 |
Withdrawal of member: By letter of recommendation | 590; 6030 |
Withdrawal of member: By letter of transfer | 575; 6000–6020 |
Withdrawal of member: Letter of | 592; 6040 |
Withdrawal of member: Through having joined another body | 595 |
Withdrawal of member: Under accusation | 592; 5048 |
Withdrawal of member: Under charges | 592; 5048 |
Withdrawal of member: | SEE ALSO UNDER Transfer |
Witness and membership committee, local | 835–837 |
Woman’s Missionary Society of The Wesleyan Methodist Church of America, Inc., The | 4230 |
Women’s ministry: District | 1439 |
Women’s ministry: General | 2310:4, 7 |
Women’s ministry: Local | 945 |
Word of God | SEE Holy Scriptures |
Workers’ conferences, Christian education, local | 880:12 |
World Organization: | 2500–2680 |
World Organization: Established National/Regional Conference | 2610 |
World Organization: General Conferences | 2620–2640 |
World Organization: General Conference interrelations | 2630–2640 |
World Organization: Caribbean General Conference | 2565 |
World Organization: International Conference | 2650–2680 |
World Organization: North American General Conference | 2550 |
World Organization: Philippines General Conference | 2560 |
Worldliness | cf. 265:4 |
Worldly pleasures | 265:4 |
Worship, public: Ordained minister’s rights in | 313:1 |
Worship, public: Means of grace | 265:8–9 |
Worship, public: Rites and ceremonies vary | 420 |
Wyoming | SEE Northwest district |
Yayasan Gereja Wesleyan Indonesia | 80 |
Youth camps | 1455:4 |
Youth committee, local Christian education | 878 |
Youth director, local | 3210:5; 3450–3480 |
Yukon Territory | SEE Central Canada district |
Zambia | 35; 80 |
Zimbabwe | 80 |
Zones, district | 1233:13 |